Chapter 969: Land of Immortal Nirvana
In the majestic and continuous mountains, there is a pair of ancient and vicissitudes of the fairy gate.

What's more, the dragon energy in Zhongzhou's land veins is steaming, and the magical glow is brilliant, turning into ten thousand real dragons hovering, showing the magic and extraordinary.

But in that fairy gate, there is a vast chaos and turbulence, even if you are a saint, it is still difficult to see through it.

However, even though there was still a rather long distance, everyone present could still sense that behind the fairy gate, there was a faint bang of the sound of the Great Dao.

Taking a panoramic view of the scene in front of them, the many monks who arrived here couldn't help but move in their hearts——


However, before they had time to move, a majestic and vast voice came from the dark void.

Accompanied by the roar of the mountains and the tsunami, the sky collapsed and the ground collapsed like waves, sweeping the world almost instantly.


Like dumpling, many strong men who were originally suspended in the sky, including many casual cultivators in the Dao Slashing King realm, fell down and smashed into the ground.

And their physical bodies were completely out of their control immediately, and they all prostrated themselves on the ground, trembling endlessly.

You know, even if it's just a so-called semi-holy, as long as a holy word is stained, it will be the difference between the chasm and the sky.

The anger of a real saint is even more earth-shattering, making no one have the slightest idea of ​​resistance.

Furthermore, the number of ancient sages who descended secretly from various religions may number in the dozens, which is really desperate.

It was the first time for many monks present to truly feel the majesty of the saint, and they all raised their heads in amazement and looked up at the sky.


I saw that the void was fluctuating, and the light and shadow were colorful, and one after another, white-haired or immortal figures appeared.

Without exception, their bodies are surrounded by majestic and majestic saints, intertwined with each other, giving off an even more terrifying aura.

The ancient sages stand above the sky, overlooking all living beings.

Of course, the powerhouses of the major dynasties, ancient religions, and holy places were naturally not affected too much, and they were all sheltered by their own saints.

Fortunately, the appearance of the saints is not to start a massacre, but just to warn everyone, don't take chances and retreat in spite of difficulties.

"It's not easy for fellow Taoists to practice, please stop here, don't make mistakes."

In the end, it was Kunlun's head teacher who took the initiative to speak up, admonishing him like this.

Although the foundation of the Kunlun Sect is not the deepest among the many extreme inheritances, as the mother teacher of the Beidou Human Race, it has a long heritage and its status is still respected.

Hearing his words, many monks present were relieved.

At least, they haven't had time to do something, and they have overstepped, and the saints don't mean to blame, which is a kind of luck for them.

Thinking of this, those casual cultivators took the initiative to leave, at least retreating a million miles away.

At the same time, the Yuanhu Lake and the people who crossed the Shinto landed straight to the front of the fairy gate.

I saw that the eyes of the incomparably handsome and graceful emperor closed slightly, and he silently sensed it, and then suddenly opened it, with extremely bright and blazing eyes flickering:
"There is indeed the breath of my Father!"

Hearing this, the powerhouses of various religions and the heroes of heaven could not help being shocked.

Although everyone had already speculated before, it was still difficult to hide their excitement when they got the confirmation from the emperor's mouth.

As soon as the words fell, the Emperor of Heaven, Yuanhu Lake, and the ancient sage who crossed the divine way looked at each other, and without any hesitation, he took the lead and stepped into the fairy gate.

And following closely behind are Huolin Cave, Mount Sumeru, Ji Family and so on.

Originally, among the various religions, there were many people who wanted to wait and see, but after they saw that these great inheritances of extreme ways had entered the fairy gate, they naturally couldn't sit still any longer.

"You come with me."

The old sage Yaoguang's tone was calm, and his face was quite calm, as if he was not in the slightest of anxiety, he just said indifferently.

Because of Ye Fan's keen sense of spirit, and because he often went in and out of the abyss below the Holy Land of Shaking Light, and had contact with the emperor's soldiers of the sect, he naturally had a vague feeling at this moment.

This time, Yaoguang also brought the dragon pattern black gold emperor tripod.

With extreme weapons at your side, even if there is a subsequent dispute or danger, it shouldn't be a big problem to think about self-protection.


When passing through the chaotic mist in the fairy gate, Ye Fan felt endless darkness sweeping in, the sky was spinning, and there was an inexplicable force eroding him, trying to separate him from the person who shakes the light.

Fortunately, with the sound of a deep dragon chant, the black light surged, sheltering everyone in Yaoguang.

When Ye Fan came back to his senses, what caught his eyes was a scene of the vast primitive world.

I saw that the sky was high and vast, and there was no cloud in the sky.

Countless great mountains are majestic, wilderness is everywhere, there are towering ancient trees, exotic flowers and plants are in full bloom, and the so-called prehistoric species can be seen everywhere.

"It has the breath of ancient times, even more distant times!"

Not far ahead, where the group of Huolin Cave was, came such an exclamation.


At the same time, from the depths of this ancient world, there was a heaven-shattering and earth-shattering roar, accompanied by a fierce and boundless evil spirit surging, filled with holy power.

Sensing the aura that was very different from that of the Big Dipper Saints, the people present naturally did not hesitate at all, and set up their divine rainbows one after another, pointing directly at the deepest part of this world.

It's a pity that the scene of fighting dragons and tigers that everyone expected did not appear.

I saw that the ancient sage of Primordial Lake and Crossing the Divine Dao was in charge of the Heavenly Venerate Taoist Soldiers, and easily suppressed a saint born in this ancient world.

It was a majestic and majestic snake like a blue mountain.

Although he has practiced to the realm of a saint, he did not choose to transform into a dragon, but took another ancient path of transformation.

At this moment, the big snake's eyes showed a particularly awe-inspiring expression, trembling under the power of the extreme weapon, and did not dare to resist at all.

"About this world, I will tell you everything you know."

The ancient sage who crossed the divine way practiced the secret words before, and could easily judge what he said. Naturally, the big snake didn't dare to hide anything, so he could only speak clearly:

"It is rumored that before the endless years, this world suffered a catastrophe and was wiped out."

"I don't know how many thousands of years later, a supreme god came, created all living things, and then left without returning. And we are all descendants of those creatures in the past."

Hearing the big snake's words, the hearts of all the people present were turbulent and ups and downs, and they could not calm down for a long time.

It is hard to imagine that there were people who created all things in this world before endless years.

Is it the Immortal Emperor?

Just as everyone was thinking, a look of sincere yearning appeared in the eyes of the big snake, and then continued:

"And about 10 years after the Supreme God left, another god came to this place. That god completed the transformation in the deepest part of this world, leaving behind a Jedi."

Having said that, the big snake raised its head and carefully looked at the strong men in front of it, but suddenly noticed the emperor behind them, and couldn't help but tremble all over:

"The gods of the past!"

 The two changes are over.

  Tomorrow weekend, there will still be additional changes as usual, with one change around 14:30 and two changes after 19:30.

  Sorry, the author is quite busy these days, and the updates are not too many. I will try to write as much as possible on weekends.

  Finally, thank you all for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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