Chapter 971 Is Actually an Immortal Emperor
big guy!
As the evil ghost's voice fell, even Ye Fan couldn't help but tremble all over, and his eyelids twitched.

You know, this evil spirit is the legendary god Nian, and it is the most "top" evil spirit in the world.

And what he can call a "big guy" can be imagined...

Fortunately, at this moment, the attention of many strong people in Beidou is on the strange magic soil in front of them, and no one is aware of Ye Fan's abnormality.

He immediately sank his mind into his mind, and asked solemnly in a low voice:
"Do you know what kind of existence it is?"

If they can know the origin of the other party, they will not be in a hurry to deal with it later.

Hearing Ye Fanzhi's question, many complex expressions appeared on the evil ghost's pale face. He seemed quite hesitant, and finally shook his head, and said helplessly:

"The supernatural formation here, coupled with the strange material, isolates all fluctuations."

"Even if it's me, it's just a vague induction somewhere."

"Not only can't determine the true identity of that thing, I'm not even sure if it's still here today."

Hearing this, Ye Fan frowned gradually.

However, after all, it involves one of the strongest people in the human world in the past and present, so it is really not surprising that such a situation occurs.

Perhaps it was aware of Ye Fan's solemn thoughts and ups and downs, but the evil ghost took the initiative to enlighten him:
"However, you don't have to worry so much, kid."

The evil ghost's tone was relaxed, and he said casually:
"You are in charge of these many extreme weapons, and more than one great sage has come secretly. It should be more than enough to protect yourself."

"Besides, this seat has a hunch that there is also a great fortune in this demonic soil!"

Ye Fan thought for a while, and his brows gradually relaxed.

As he said, opportunities in the world are often accompanied by dangers.

If you hesitate to move forward just because you are afraid of danger, how can you talk about the road to immortality?
After thinking about this point clearly, Ye Fan's eyes became clear again, no longer confused.

Seeing this, the evil spirit reminded again:
"By the way, you kid, don't forget to pass on your saving scriptures before, so be prepared."

The Sutra of Saving People is the supreme scripture created by Lingbao Tianzun.

Although it is not a practice of Taoism, it has many wonderful uses.

Thinking about it, the guy in the demonic soil in front of him must be evil and evil, and he should be more or less restrained by the scriptures of saving people.

Just when Ye Fan had many thoughts in his mind, on the other side, the ancient sages of various religions had also finished their discussions.

This time, although the number of emperor soldiers brought by the major inheritances of Beidou is large, if the emperor soldiers are to be revived, the consumption is really huge.

But now, it's just using the emperor's soldiers to protect and open the way, so it doesn't need that much.

In the end, after deliberation among the saints, it was decided to let everyone jointly mobilize the golden bridge on the other side to cross the divine way, the empty mirror of the Ji family, and the Jiuli map of the Jiuli Dynasty.

Using the golden bridge on the other side to clear the way, the void mirror illuminates all evil spirits and illusions, and the Jiuli map accommodates everything and has a good defense.

Forgive how dangerous the demonic land in front of you is, and you should be able to deal with it calmly.

"In this case, there must be Prince Laotian."

After making up their minds, all the ancient sages present bowed their hands politely to the emperor.

You must know that besides the demonic soil itself, there is also a large formation left by the gods in the past.

If you want to enter and explore, only he, the son of the Immortal Emperor, can open the way.

And just when the emperor's mouth smiled slightly, and was about to speak——

"Sages, can you let me go?"

Seeing that everyone seemed to really want to go deep into the Jedi, the big snake on the side hurried forward and said tentatively.

Hearing this, the ancient sage who crossed the divine way thought for a while, and immediately a celestial light fell from the immortal platform between his eyebrows, intertwined with the breath of the golden bridge on the other side, and finally submerged into the immortal platform of the big snake.


The big snake was so frightened that the other party was going to kill the donkey and kill the donkey.

Seeing this, the ancient sage Du Shendao looked calm and said indifferently:
"As long as you don't reveal what we are waiting for, it will be fine."

After sending away the big snake in the holy land, everyone looked at the emperor again.

But the latter did not refuse, just nodded.

I saw that the Emperor immediately stepped forward and sat cross-legged on the edge of the large formation.


As he circulated his heavenly skills, accompanied by the roar of thousands of paths in the void, countless five-color fairy lights were brilliant, almost illuminating the heaven and earth here.

The horror of the undead emperor creating scriptures can also be seen from this.

Only a moment later, the emperor's eyes opened, and the eyes were shining brightly.


The large formation in front of it also manifested a passage, filled with a terrifying atmosphere.

Since the emperor's connection with the formation opened the door of convenience, the overall layout of the formation was not damaged.

Seeing this, the saints immediately mobilized the Golden Bridge of the Other Bank and the other two imperial soldiers to protect all the monks present and enter the place where the gods transformed in the past.

And after everyone entered it, the gap in the formation slowly closed.


It was dark and deep, as if endless darkness surged forward.

The blazing golden bridge glowed, emitting a supreme aura, making it difficult for that strange aura to approach.

All the saints are driving the golden bridge on the other side, moving forward carefully here, observing everything around them more carefully.

As they expected, the transformation of the gods was very quiet, without the slightest life fluctuation.

Even though many mountain peaks have been passed along the way, that kind of beauty has long been lost.

Everyone had no doubt that this place was supposed to be a supreme fairy land, but it was later robbed.

During this process, the saints discovered many particularly weird and creepy traces, but the age is not too far away.

"Could it be that the Emperor Nirvana took away all the good fortune of this place, and then came back secretly?"

An ancient sage guessed so.

Hearing this, the emperor frowned slightly, but he didn't say much.

In fact, the monks present had similar thoughts in their hearts.

It's just that the majestic Emperor, who is now a fairy in the world of mortals, has transformed in the past, how could he leave behind such a strange and unknown thing?

Everyone's hearts could not help but be shrouded in haze.

At the same time, Ye Fan asked the evil spirit in his mind, but the other party replied that he did not sense any evil spirit.

Thinking about it, that guy was either hiding in the dark, or had already left.

Under the protection of several extreme weapons, everyone can be said to be unimpeded, and they stepped straight into the depths of this place.

Finally, something different appeared ahead.

It was a majestic and majestic mountain peak that was barren of grass. The whole body was as black as ink, and it was simple and vicissitudes.

Although it looks unremarkable, in this magical land that is like a restricted area of ​​life, there is a mysterious and mysterious aura circulating on the mountain peak.

"That is!?"

As the crowd gradually approached, they could naturally sense the majestic aura more clearly.

If it wasn't for being under the protection of the emperor's soldiers, I'm afraid everyone would have already trembled and kowtowed to the ground.

And on the black as ink, but also extremely clean cliff, there are many seemingly chaotic, mysterious and complicated nicks.

Among the crowd, the emperor's expression was solemn, and then under the protection of the golden bridge on the other side, he really approached the mountain.


I only heard the long cry of a fairy phoenix, and the originally pitch-black mountain trembled violently, and immediately became crystal-clear and gorgeous, and even burst into five-color fairy lights that were extremely bright and blazing.

Seeing this, the hearts of the monks present also understood.

The notch on the mountain wall is probably left by the Immortal Emperor.

Now that the emperor's son has arrived here, the two are connected by blood, and the dao marks left by the immortal emperor naturally give birth to induction, truly manifesting the miraculous.

The Emperor of Heaven stood in front of the cliff, with his eyes slightly closed, feeling silently for a long time, as if he was comprehending the charm of the Dao hidden in it.


Immediately, the Emperor suddenly opened his eyes, with an unconcealable astonishment, and couldn't help exclaiming:

"I see, it's the Immortal Emperor!"

After the emperor's voice fell, everyone present couldn't help being shocked, as if they never expected that this place would be related to the emperor.

Immediately, the ancient sage who crossed the divine way took the initiative to step forward and asked doubtfully:

"Dare to ask the emperor, do you mean that the layout of this place is left by the emperor?"

Hearing this, the emperor also regained his composure, shook his head decisively, his eyes were still bright, and said in a deep voice:
"The traces on the cliff are indeed left by my father."

"However, the supreme god who creates all things in this world is the ancestor of the Immortal Emperor!"

 Sorry, the third update will take a while, and it will be updated before 20:[-].

(End of this chapter)

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