Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 972 The Emperor's Secret, The Ominous True Body

Chapter 972 The Emperor's Secret, The Ominous True Body

As the emperor's voice fell, the place was completely silent, and there was no sound.

Including Ye Fan, many powerhouses present did not expect that in the mouth of the big snake, the supreme god who created all things in this world and brought them back to life turned out to be the legendary immortal. Emperor.

However, when everyone calmed down a bit and thought about it carefully, they realized that there were clues to all of this.

Because, according to what the big snake said before, it is speculated that the Immortal Emperor came here, probably in the late ancient times.

And counting 10 years forward, it seems to be exactly the period when the legendary Immortal Emperor became enlightened.

Compared with the powerhouses of other Beidou religions, the expressions on the faces of Du Shendao and Yuanhu Lake people are quite calm, as if they have already guessed about this.

For a moment, the hearts of the monks present were turbulent and it was difficult to calm down.

At the same time, Ye Fan looked surprised in his mind, and asked curiously:

"Is the Immortal Emperor actually the teacher of the Immortal Emperor?"

Regarding this, the evil ghost was silent for a moment, then nodded, and said calmly:

"The Immortal Emperor's background is very large, and it is definitely not limited to the ancient times. Even if he is the teacher of the Immortal Emperor, what can he do?"

Hearing this, Ye Fan was naturally heartbroken, and even a little yearning.

"I don't know, the emperor, what is the basis for your judgment?"

In the end, it was the old sage from the Jiang family of the ancient aristocratic family who took the initiative to speak and broke the silence here.

He cupped his hands and asked the doubts in the hearts of many people present.

In this regard, the Emperor of Heaven was not prepared to give in, he just pondered for a while, and then looked at the mountain wall in front of him, which was full of five-color fairy lights, full of magic, and said in a deep voice:

"The notch on the stone wall is indeed left by my father."

"And the reason why he left dao marks here is because he has observed this world and realized the Dao, and wants to deduce the "Fairy Creation Scripture" from it."

"Good Fortune Immortal Scripture!?"

Hearing the words of the emperor, the eyes of the people present looking at the stone wall were hard to hide their surprise, and they were extremely hot.

"The legendary scripture created by the Immortal Emperor!"

Realizing this, no matter it is the ancient sages and kings of various religions, or the arrogance of the younger generation, they can't help being shocked.

The Immortal Emperor is the first person in the world of mortals to be an immortal since the age of mythology in the human world, and also the first person to ascend to the realm of the highest immortal king.

Needless to say, his detachment and legend have already surpassed the world of mortals and overlooked the heavens and worlds.

And the "Fairy Creation Scripture" is the condensation of the Dao fruit of the Immortal Emperor's first life, and its miraculousness is completely conceivable.

According to legend, the Immortal Emperor engraved it at the end of the only ancient road, and only the most powerful Tianjiao and Supreme Beings of all ages can comprehend it.

Although everyone keeps in mind the teachings of the Immortal Emperor and only keeps them for their own enlightenment, there are many exercises in the world that are born out of this Immortal Sutra, all of which are extraordinary.

Thinking of this, the hearts of the monks present were naturally difficult to calm down.

"However, the Emperor of Heaven is a disciple of the Immortal Emperor. If you want to practice the "Fairy Creation Scripture", why do you need to deduce it from here?"

The Holy Master of the Ji Family opened his mouth and raised such a question, but before everyone came back to their senses, he continued:
"Besides, the emperor of the world is a fairy, and his contribution to good fortune has quelled the greatest dark turmoil in history, which is adored by the world. How can he leave such a strange and evil thing here?"

It has to be said that the Holy Master of the Ji family is indeed keen and raised two key questions.

Among them, it naturally included the doubts in the hearts of the vast majority of people present.

Before, when they heard that this place was where the Immortal Emperor transformed into Nirvana and opened up a path to immortality, they took it for granted that it was a supreme immortal land.

As a result, when they arrived here, they never expected that it would be such a strange magical land.

Of course, in fact, in the face of everyone's doubts, even if the emperor chooses not to answer, it doesn't matter.

After all, the emperor of heaven and the world of mortals are celestial beings, aloof, even if the saints of various religions are given a few more courage, they will definitely not dare to take the initiative to offend.

However, the emperor only thought for a while, and immediately sighed leisurely:

"There is a secret involved in this, and it is inconvenient for me to reveal too much."

"The only thing I can tell you is that in the ancient times, the reason why my father and emperor fell was inseparably related to the existence of a certain evil spirit."

Because the ancient times were really long, and there was a great catastrophe in the middle, it is really difficult for the monks of later generations to verify.

However, there are many sporadic and incomplete records in various religions, which seem to prove that the Immortal Emperor had a not-so-glorious side in the ancient times.

However, since he was born in the ancient times and made great achievements in pacifying the darkness and turmoil, naturally no one will take the initiative to mention it.

I never thought that now I learned from the emperor's son that there is such a secret behind it, that the emperor was bewitched by evil spirits, and everyone was naturally shocked and amazed.

For a moment, everyone seemed to be digesting this shocking news, but no one spoke.

And Ye Fan also communicated with the evil spirit in his mind, quite curiously said:
"Have you ever known about this before?"

"Never learned."

The evil ghost's tone was also solemn like never before.

Come to think of it, this is also a great secret in the ancient history of cultivation in the human world, and only a few people know the truth.

At the same time, the ancestor king of Yuanhu Lake, who was sealed from the ancient times, also let out a sigh.

The man's gaze passed over the body of the Holy Prince not far away, and he immediately said:

"In the last years of the ancient times, when the battle between the Holy Emperor and the Emperor was fought, the Immortal Emperor came forward to rectify the name of the Emperor. He has already got rid of the evil spirit. You don't have to worry about it now."

"That's right, that's true."

The words of the ancestor king of Yuanyuan Lake fell, and the ancestor king of Huolin Cave also spoke, expressing his agreement.

With the endorsement of such two ancient royal families, coupled with the respect for the emperor who put down the dark and turbulent, everyone naturally no longer doubted it.

"However, could the strange traces we saw just now be left by that evil spirit?"

Suddenly, a certain ancient sage spoke and mentioned this matter.

Just now, when they were exploring in this weird magical land, they found more than one creepy trace.

Previously, everyone thought it was left by the emperor, but now that they think about it, it is very likely that it was the evil handwriting!
Hearing his words, all the monks present could not help but feel their hearts sink.

You know, it's an evil spirit that can bewitch even the undead emperor, if they meet...

Even if there are so many emperor soldiers, I'm afraid they will die without a whole body.

Fortunately, the emperor on the opposite side shook his head resolutely:
"That evil spirit has long been subdued by the Patriarch of the Immortal Emperor, and now it is suppressed in the Immortal Realm. It will never appear here. You can rest assured."

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief at first, but soon became more puzzled:
Since it can't be the emperor, and it's not evil, then who left the traces here?
Could it be that he is the Immortal Emperor?
"I see."

In the end, it was the ancient sage who crossed the divine way that broke the silence here.

His eyes were deep, like a sea of ​​stars rising and falling in them.

"Also ask fellow daoists to clear up the confusion!"

Faced with the people's asking for advice, the ancient sage who crossed the divine way only pondered for a while, and then said:

"As I expected, it should be the emperor's divine thought."

As soon as the words "God's thoughts" came out, Ye Fan couldn't help being shocked, and the evil ghost in his mind also reacted similarly.

Fortunately, most of the strong men and heroes of various religions responded in this way, but no one paid special attention to Ye Fan.

"Fellow Daoist, are you kidding me?"

The sage of the Ji family said with a strange expression:

"Although the emperor is the supreme god in ancient times, it is indeed possible to give birth to a god, but not only is the old man still alive, but he has become a fairy in the world of mortals. How can there be a god?"

His voice fell, and many people present nodded in agreement.

"Hmph! I teach the way of refining the primordial spirit, can you still not know this?"

The ancient sage of crossing the Shinto looked proud, and then continued to explain:

"Do you still remember the ruthless emperor from the past?"

"It not only broke the demon body of the first life, but also transformed Yi into an emperor soldier."

"According to the deduction of my ancestors who crossed the Shinto, if the Nirvana transformation of the existence of the extreme supreme series, even if the real body is still there, as long as there are similar relics left behind, it is possible to give birth to the gods."

"And here, it is the place where the emperor passed away in the past, and it is even more surrounded by the supreme formation. If it weren't for his divine thoughts, who would be able to leave such traces?"

 Three changes completed.

  Tomorrow there will still be one change around 14:30, and two changes after 19:30.

  Finally, thank you again for your subscriptions, rewards and votes!

  (ps: The author just discovered that everyone’s chapters and comments are not displayed. It should be like this recently. Don’t worry, everyone. It will be fine in a few days. The author can still see it in the background, thank you very much Everyone's support!)
(End of this chapter)

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