Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 973 Inheritance of the Immortal Emperor, Good Fortune Immortal Scripture

Chapter 973 Inheritance of the Immortal Emperor, Good Fortune Immortal Scripture
In the world of Zhongzhou Immortal Mansion, the depths of the transformation of gods shrouded in strange black mist.


The golden bridge on the other side spans the sky, isolating all evil spirits; the void mirror hangs high, illuminating the myriad worlds; the Jiuli map unfolds, sheltering the powerhouses of the Beidou religions.

But in front of everyone, there is a crystal clear, glowing glow, and a divine peak that blooms with immeasurable five-color fairy light.

On it, there are many chaotic, mysterious and complicated nicks, flowing with the breath of the supreme avenue.

However, at this moment, everyone's attention was not focused on the cliff and stone wall, but they fell into deep thoughts under the words of the ancient sage Du Shendao.

According to legend, the God Nian is an evil thought born after the death of a god. It is the opposite of the sacredness in life.

Of course, the monks present were either strong men from the major forces of the Big Dipper, or young heroes of the heavenly arrogance, so they naturally had a deeper understanding of the mind of the gods.

According to the records in many ancient history books, the idea of ​​gods is not actually derived from illusory gods, but a great demon born after the existence of the extreme supreme series fell.

"If it is really read by the gods of the Immortal Emperor, I'm afraid we really have to be careful."

In the end, the ancient sage of the Ji family said with emotion, and his tone was even more dignified without concealing it.

The saints of other religions also solemnly nodded.

You must know that the reason why the gods can be born is not only the cultivation of the deceased, but also the belief of all living beings.

The Immortal Emperor, in addition to being the supreme god of the ancient times, respected by all races in the human world, is also a meritorious fortune, and now he is already a fairy in the world of mortals.

Although, the gods here should not be born after the emperor became a fairy, but it must not be underestimated.

When everyone's hearts were full of turbulent waves and it was difficult to calm down, Ye Fan asked in his mind:

"Old man, what do you think? Is it really the god Nian of the Immortal Emperor?"

Regarding this, the evil ghost glanced at Ye Fan's primordial spirit with disdain, but finally opened his mouth and said in a deep voice:
"Before, I was just guessing. Now, after hearing the words of Du Shendao, I think it's almost the same."

Ye Fan never expected that for such a rare existence as Shen Nian, he was lucky enough to see two of them, one of which was from the famous Immortal Emperor.

Thinking of this, Ye Fan was naturally overwhelmed, and immediately asked curiously:

"Then old man, who is more powerful than you and the gods of the Immortal Emperor?"


What responded to Ye Fan was the evil ghost's long silence, and the latter spoke immediately, changing the subject:
"Hmph! So what if it's the Immortal Emperor's divine sense? The weakness is too obvious!"

Having said that, the evil spirit still did not forget to remind:
"If that guy really dares to show up, you can pass on part of the scriptures for saving people. With so many saints present, he can't be suppressed to death!"

Hearing the words of the evil ghost, Ye Fan nodded, but couldn't help complaining in his heart:

Ma De, this is the so-called cannibalism, colleagues are enemies, right?

However, no matter what, after all, after all, they have figured out the real body of the evil that is likely to be lurking in the dark, including the saints of the Big Dipper, and they have some confidence in their hearts.

In the end, under the discussion of the saints, they decided to continue exploring this secret place.

After all, the Beidou sects have gathered so many emperor soldiers and saints this time, even if the gods are as powerful as quasi-emperors, they may not be able to do anything to them.

After making up their minds, everyone immediately raised their heads in unison, and looked straight at the rocky cliff in front of them, all with burning eyes.

Regardless of what else is in the deepest part of the secret place, the stone wall inscribed with dao marks in front of you is already worthwhile.

If it is spread to the outside world, it is definitely enough to become the foundation of the teaching of a great holy place, creating at least tens of thousands of years of glory.

Not to mention, the true meaning of the Dao contained in it is an invaluable treasure for powerhouses of all realms.

It's a pity that it came from the hands of the Immortal Emperor, and the Emperor's son was also on the spot. For a while, no one dared to step forward to fight for it.

But beyond everyone's expectations, the unparalleled handsome and charismatic Emperor of Heaven took the initiative to say:

"Since you all came here today, how can you let everyone go home empty-handed?"

"Instead of cherishing yourself with a broom, it's better to ask everyone to feel free to enjoy it."

After the Emperor's voice fell, the ancient sages of Primordial Lake and God Crossing all looked at him inquiringly, and the Emperor nodded firmly.

"The emperor's words are serious!?"

Many monks present showed surprised expressions, as if they did not expect that the other party would be willing to share the Enlightenment Mark of the Immortal Emperor.

Hearing this, there was an indifferent smile on the jade-like face of the emperor, and he said in a calm tone:
"Patriarch Xianhuang has a broad mind and has always been informal. Besides, there are no specific scriptures here. As for how much you can enlighten, it depends on your own good fortune."

With the approval of the emperor, the monks present naturally no longer worried, and bowed their hands solemnly to the emperor.

Immediately, under the protection of a few imperial soldiers, everyone approached the cliff and stone wall, sat down cross-legged, and sensed the true meaning of the Dao engraved on it.

You know, this is the precious trace left when the Immortal Emperor deduced the "Fairy Good Fortune" created by the Immortal Emperor in the past.

That is to say, to a certain extent, everyone realized here that it is really a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be in contact with two supreme beings at the same time!


Immediately, in the void here, there was a vast ocean of spiritual thoughts rising and falling, and accompanied by the sky-filled brilliance rushing up from the stone wall, many visions manifested.

Needless to say, all the saints present.

And the young generation of heroes should not be underestimated either.

Undoubtedly, the extraordinaryness of the princess of Huolin Cave and the son of the Ji family, the youth of the Kunlun Sect, Qi Lin and Ji Haoyue of the Demon Emperor's Palace, are also full of morality.

Among them, the soul boy who crossed the divine way, and Wang Teng, because of the secrets of the previous words in their practice, seemed to have a wonderful reaction with the dao marks engraved on the cliff, and strands of crystal clear fairy light fell down, enveloping them.

If it is said that the amazing performance of these Tianjiao wizards is still within everyone's expectations, then the other person is really surprising.

I saw a young girl in purple sitting cross-legged. She was originally agile and elegant, but now she is a majestic treasure, with countless celestial brilliance flowing.


At the same time, the sky and the earth shook violently, and in the dark, the origins of many avenues surged, and thousands of Taos roared.

From the infinite heights, countless celestial lights descended, turning into a boundless sea of ​​gods, submerging the girl who looked like a nine-day fairy in the dust, shining brilliantly.

That was a girl named Ji Ziyue, a descendant of Emperor Void from the Ji family of the remote ancient family!
Originally thought that the generation of the Ji family had produced a god-king body that astonished the world, and it was already destined to reappear in glory.

Unexpectedly, Ji Haoyue's younger sister's physique seems to be equally extraordinary, even slightly higher than that of her elder brother.

You must know that before the endless years, it was the Immortal Emperor's action that revived the Dao of this world and created all creatures.

Therefore, the avenues in this world are naturally engraved with the imprint of the Immortal Emperor.

Now, the origin of the Dao in this world is connected with Ji Ziyue, and it even resonates with the notch on the mountain wall in front of him, and there is an extraordinarily mysterious and mysterious atmosphere.

 There will be two more updates after 19:30 p.m.

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