Chapter 974 Sumeru Karma, Ye Fan Gets the Way

In the dark void, countless light feathers floated down, accompanied by the sound of the great avenue and heavenly sound, and the distant sound of chanting sutras.

At the same time, many visions manifested between heaven and earth, and the source of the Dao surged, all of which poured onto the figure below.

The burial site, which has been shrouded in a strange black mist for tens of thousands of years, is almost reflected like a fairyland on earth.

The eyes of Li Daoqing, the holy master of shaking light, flashed across the ethereal figure in the middle, who was transcendent like a fairy, and immediately looked at the holy master of the Ji family, and said with sincere emotion:

"The Ji family is silent. Among the descendants of Emperor Void, there is such a fairy seedling. It seems that in this life, the Ji family is destined to prosper."

Li Daoqing's words really expressed the aspirations of many teachers and emperors present.

Upon hearing this, the Holy Master of the Ji family could not help but smile, and immediately shook his head helplessly and said:

"Ziyue's mind is free and free, and she has always been eclectic. If you want her to calm down and practice, it is really more difficult than climbing to the sky."

The powerhouses of various religions couldn't help but secretly slander him for this alternative way of showing off.

Li Daoqing raised his head, and his eyes fell behind the holy master of the Ji family.

Although, when it comes to understanding the notches here, the performance of the emperor of the Ji family and Ji Haoyue is not as good as that of Ji Ziyue, but they are undoubtedly amazing.

Thinking of this, Li Daoqing couldn't help but sigh.

The Ji family, after all, are the descendants of the two supreme emperors, and their heritage is so profound that it is by no means comparable to other inheritances.

Fortunately, Yaoguang's blessings are profound, and he also obtained the ancient holy body in this life, which is by no means weaker than that of the emperor's father and son.

At the same time, Ye Fan, who was being talked about by Li Daoqing, was naturally feeling the Dao marks on the cliff.

It has to be said that his understanding is extraordinary, and he has sensed a lot of the true meaning of the Dao, which is like enlightenment and thought-provoking.

Originally, Ye Fan was quite satisfied with this.

Who would have thought that not only did Wang Teng and others perform miraculously, but also a "monster" like Ji Ziyue appeared later, who actually communicated with the original avenue of this world and overwhelmed everyone.

Seeing this situation, Ye Fan naturally couldn't hold back any longer, and resorted to his "killer mace".


I saw that a bodhi seed, which looked ordinary and was only born with a picture of the Buddha's Tao, manifested, was firmly held in the palm of Ye Fan.

Sensing the aura of Bodhisattva, the ancient Buddha on Mount Sumeru suddenly opened his eyes, and the majestic Buddha's light spread out along with the majesty of the saint.

The man stared straight at Ye Fan's palm, clasped his hands together and said:
"Amitabha, little benefactor Ye really has a connection with Buddha."

Hearing this, before Ye Fan had any reaction, the ancient sage who shook the light had already shown a vigilant expression, as if he was afraid that Mount Sumeru would "transform" Ye Fan.

Seeing this, the ancient Buddha smiled:
"Fellow Daoist misunderstood, it's just because of the bodhi son."

Ye Fan thought for a while, then cupped his hands and said:

"Don't dare to hide it from the ancient Buddha, but this junior got it from the Great Leiyin Temple."

Hearing this, Xu Mi and the others couldn't help but change their colors.

The Daleiyin Temple that Ye Fan mentioned is naturally not on Mount Sumeru, but the distant ancient star Yinghuo.

Earlier, Jin Chanzi visited Sumeru, and they had already learned about it from his population.

And when they learned that the other party was a disciple of Sakyamuni, they expelled him.

However, the most hateful thing is that when Jin Chanzi left, he even "bewitched" the most outstanding disciple of Mount Sumeru's generation away, causing many Buddhist temples and ancient temples to be furious.

"I don't know, can Master Ye allow me to take a look?"

The ancient Buddha showed a kind expression on his face, and asked like this.

For Ye Fan, he was naturally unwilling.

So, he glanced at the ancient sage who was shaking the light, saw the other party nodded, and handed the bodhi seed to the ancient Buddha on Mount Sumeru in a free and easy manner.

The ancient Buddha held a Bodhi seed in his hand, and his eyes were full of gold and silver, and his pupils were shining brightly. He sighed:

"It's really a bodhi tree."

In the past, the Bodhi tree was a sacred tree of Buddhism, rooted in Mount Sumeru, but after Nirvana, the Bodhi son escaped.

Now, nearly 30 years have passed.


The ancient Buddha of Mount Sumeru frowned slightly, and said in surprise:

"There is a mark left by Sakyamuni on it."

Hearing this, Ye Fan's heart moved.

The evil ghost also hinted before that the Buddha had left a mark on the bodhi seed, but with Ye Fan's current cultivation level, he still couldn't remove it.

Thinking of this, Ye Fan immediately opened his mouth tentatively and said:

"I don't know, can the ancient Buddha help the younger generation erase it?"

In this regard, the ancient Buddha did not answer immediately, but continued to observe carefully, and finally shook his head:

"Forgive me for being helpless, but if Master Ye is willing to come to my Sumeru, maybe you can give it a try with the subduing magic pestle."

Hearing this, the strong men present couldn't help showing expressions of astonishment.

In fact, not everyone is aware of the existence of such a strong man as Sakyamuni, and it is unavoidable to be surprised to learn from the mouth of the ancient Buddha that his brand can only be erased with a magic pestle.

"Thank you, Gu Buddha, for your kindness."

Ye Fan took the Bodhisattva, but did not immediately accept it.

What he thought in his heart was that if there was a chance in the future, he might be able to go through the route of fighting and defeating the Buddha through the holy prince, which would be more reliable in his mind.

Seeing that Ye Fan didn't respond directly, the ancient Buddha on Mount Sumeru didn't feel bad either, just smiling as usual.

After all, no matter how you say it, Ye Fan is the choice of Yaoguang's next Holy Master, and it is naturally impossible for Mount Sumeru to force him.

Holding the bodhi seed in his hand, Ye Fan once again felt the Dao mark on the stone wall in front of him. His feeling was really different.

The bodhi seed was scorching hot, and a faint light of wisdom came out, helping Ye Fan enter the deep realm of enlightenment.

Those chaotic, but mysterious and complicated engravings were imprinted on Ye Fan's heart.

He was wandering in the vast ocean of avenues, and his whole person fell into a mysterious and mysterious situation.

The originally profound and profound notches disintegrated one after another, turning into the most original true meaning of the Dao, and smelting into a mass of good fortune and immortal light.

And inside the good fortune fairy light, Ye Fan seemed to have caught a glimpse of a majestic and heroic figure in a trance, sitting cross-legged in an extremely dilapidated and lifeless world.

I saw that with the slightest movement of that person, there would be countless celestial lights, and thousands of lights would fall down, making the whole world come back to life.

Dimly, Ye Fan realized that he might have seen the scene where the Immortal Emperor created all things in this world in the past.

With a move in his heart, his primordial spirit instinctively wanted to get closer to the Immortal Emperor and take a closer look.

However, that figure seemed to be above the world of mortals, as if it was in another world, so ethereal and hard to find.

Even if the bodhi seed shines and emits the most brilliant light of wisdom, it still can't help Ye Fan, and his brows become more and more wrinkled.

Sensing Ye Fan's state, the evil spirit in his mind snorted coldly:
"Hmph! The dead bald donkey is really unreliable, so I still need my help!"

As the evil ghost's voice fell, Ye Fan only felt a majestic and vast divine sense, far more majestic than the starry sky and the universe, falling down.

It made him feel as if he was standing on the top of the human world, looking beyond the past, present and future, and felt invincible in the world.


In the next moment, Ye Fan's eyebrows erupted from the immortal platform, which was far more powerful than Ji Ziyue's.

Just when all the saints, kings, and the younger generation of arrogances were all staring at Ye Fan with monster-like eyes——


A slightly crisp sound came, which shocked the hearts of everyone present.

 Sorry, the third update will have to wait for a while, and it can be updated before 21:[-].

(End of this chapter)

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