Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 975 Opening the Coffin of the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 975 Opening the Coffin of the Immortal Emperor
I saw that the majestic and majestic peak in front of me was cast like a fairy crystal, blooming with endless five-color divine light, and a crack emerged on the resplendent and splendid divine peak.

At first, it was just an insignificant gap, but as time went by, it was like a river converging, forming a huge crack that ran from the top of Shenfeng to the bottom, almost dividing the entire Shenfeng into one. two.

Fortunately, the sacred peak engraved with the Dao mark left by the immortal emperor was not really destroyed, but it made everyone feel a little relieved.

However, at this moment, including all the ancient sages, they all looked dumbfounded, and immediately looked at Ye Fan who was not far away.

Previously, even Ji Ziyue, who had communicated with the origin of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, did not cause such a vision.

Could it be that the seeds of the legendary Bodhi tree are really so miraculous?
Just when there were many speculations in the minds of the powerhouses of various religions, the face of the emperor who was as handsome as jade was already extremely ugly.

This time, although he took the initiative to let everyone observe and understand the Dao marks on the stone wall, it did not mean that he wanted them to be destroyed.

Even though the notch on the stone wall is not of much use to him, it is still a precious thing left by his father.

Thinking of this, the Emperor immediately raised his eyes, and this was the first time he looked at Ye Fan so seriously.

He is the legendary immortal golden body, the strongest physique in the human world, indeed extraordinary, not weaker than the parents and children of many emperors and great emperors.

Of course, with only the strength of physique and blood, he must still be inferior to him.


At the same time, with the spread of the huge crack on the stone wall, many notches were divided into two, and even the Dao marks that were not touched were obviously dimmed a lot.

Feeling this, Ji Ziyue and others, who had just fallen into the state of deep enlightenment, couldn't help but slowly opened their eyes, feeling a little dazed and helpless.

After being informed of what happened before by the elders, they naturally cast a very curious look at Ye Fan who was not far away.

At this moment, Ye Fan has already entered a certain mysterious and mysterious realm of enlightenment, and he knows nothing about everything happening outside.

Of course, even if everyone wanted to wake him up, the experts in Fluctlight would never agree.

After receiving the blessing of the supreme Dao Nian from the evil spirit, Ye Fan's spiritual mind was proficient, and with the help of the power of Bodhi, he finally cleared the heavy fog and saw the real body of the Immortal Emperor.

It was a majestic and handsome young man. He looked only in his 20s, but his eyes were extremely deep, and it seemed that there was a long river of time rushing, the heavens and the universe were ups and downs, and the supreme majesty was spreading.

Obviously it's just the interweaving of Dao patterns here, recreating the momentary scene of the past, but the Immortal Emperor seems to really have life.

He sensed Ye Fan's gaze, and immediately looked up.


Ye Fan only felt that the sky was spinning, and he seemed to be about to burst apart in the next moment.

And when he regained consciousness, he was already in a golden sea of ​​taboos.

Lightning and thunder, and turbulent waves, are somewhat similar to the sea of ​​suffering of the Eucharist.

However, the mysteries of the Immortal Emperor Lunhai are far beyond Ye Fan's imagination.

I saw a bright and splendid divine bridge across the sky, and the great sun of the primordial spirit shone on it.

But at the bottom of the sea of ​​life, there is a dark air permeating.

Ye Fan's consciousness was engulfed by the waves and rushed into the Dao Palace.

What caught his eyes was not the familiar power of the five elements, but the rotation of six ancient worlds!

Siji, Hualong, Sendai...

After seeing the nine-colored fairy platform explode, Ye Fan's consciousness fell into silence again.

I don't know how long it has passed, like thousands of years of reincarnation, and just like a moment of youth, Ye Fan finally opened his eyes again.

There are no earth-shattering fluctuations and manifestations, and no dazzling visions manifested. Everything is so flat and back to basics.

As the emperor said before, there are no specific scriptures recorded on the stone wall, only the Taoism deduced by the immortal emperor.

How much you can gain from it all depends on your personal fortune.

This time, with the help of Bodhizi and the evil ghost, Ye Fan managed to see through the fog. Not only did he get to see the real body of the Immortal Emperor, but he also personally observed his five secret realms.

Such an experience, compared with obtaining the specific scriptures of the Immortal Creation Scripture, is more meaningful to Tianjiao Yingjie who aspires to the Supreme Dao.

Ye Fan was immersed in what he had seen and felt before, and aftertaste in his heart, he felt that his physical body and soul had become more transparent.

When he really came back to his senses, he raised his head——

"I go!"

I saw that all the people present were staring at him in unison, and they really became the focus of the audience.

At the same time, he also noticed the huge crack that almost split the stone wall in two, and he knew it instantly.

With many thoughts in his mind, Ye Fan had an idea, and immediately turned towards the direction of the emperor, solemnly arched his hands, and said loudly:

"Thank you, Prince of Heaven, for your success!"

At this moment, the Emperor's eyes were extremely bright. Hearing this, he took a deep breath and forced a smile:
"You Daoist Ye is amazingly talented, we can 'communicate' more in the future."

Ye Fan completely pretended that he didn't understand the other party's meaning, and still looked calm and composed.

Everyone present knew well that Ye Fan must have benefited enormously from this enlightenment.

However, after all, this is the other party's own income, and outsiders naturally have no right to interfere.

The powerful people of many great religions even congratulated the people of Yaoguang.

So far, Ye Fan's enlightenment has ended, but the rest have not given up, and continued to comprehend for a while.

Although, due to the episode brought by Ye Fan, the Dao mark left by the Immortal Emperor has dimmed a lot, but the strong and arrogance of various religions still have something to gain.

Even if it's not a rewarding experience, it's a rewarding experience.

In the end, when the last person finished his enlightenment, the Emperor of Heaven immediately used the secret method to uproot the entire mountain and take it away properly.

Now that something has happened here, everyone is naturally full of expectations for the deepest part of this weird secret place.

The place of the emperor's nirvana, as well as the legendary road to immortality in the ancient times, all touched the minds of the monks present.

Under the protection of the three pieces of Emperor Armament, everyone can be said to be unimpeded, and went straight to the deepest part of this place.

Along the way, they found many strange traces, which were definitely not that far away, and they might be left behind by the god.

Fortunately, the powerhouses of the Beidou religions are protected by extreme weapons, and they are not so afraid of the so-called evil thoughts of the gods.

Finally, a group of people arrived at the core of this place without any danger.


What catches everyone's eyes is the countless majestic and majestic mountains.

Furthermore, the earth veins are intertwined, and thousands of dragon energy evaporated, condensing into a big purple dragon, all of which are lifelike, hovering at infinite heights.

Everyone never expected that the core of the strange demonic soil would be such a place where dragons and immortals fly.

Whether it is really extremely peaceful or not, it is extremely sublimated.

However, Ye Fan practiced the source of heavenly scriptures, coupled with his keen sense of spirit, he naturally noticed something was wrong.

Although this terrain looks like a fairy lying on its back, it looks like a supreme fairy land, but when you look closely, it is a desperate place to trap and lock immortals, and it is worthy of being a real fairy burial terrain.

"What a place of extinction..."

The ancient sage who crossed the divine way observed carefully and shook his head again and again.

Among the saints present, there are many people who are proficient in formations and geomantic omens, so they can naturally see the strangeness of this place.

"Look at it!"

Even in the most dangerous place of extinction in the world, there is still a glimmer of life.

Immediately, everyone looked in the deduced direction.

I saw the myriad dragons circling, the celestial light and auspicious mist steaming, and amidst the radiant glow, there was a majestic high platform.

And on the high platform, there is a mouthful of vicissitudes of time, like an ancient coffin that penetrates the past, present and future, and is filled with the aura of supreme majesty.

"The Coffin of the Immortal Emperor!"

Even though everyone had expected it, they couldn't help trembling and exclaiming after seeing the ancient coffin.

"It does have the breath of my father."

The emperor's eyes were burning, and the five colors of light were shining all over his body, and the blood of the gods in his body boiled like thunder.

Without further ado, under the protection of the Jidao Emperor Soldiers, everyone finally climbed to the high platform.


And even the Jidao Emperor Soldiers, after arriving here, were under tremendous pressure and were struggling.

However, among the crowd, the emperor seemed not to be affected at all, and went straight to the ancient coffin that had experienced many vicissitudes.

Facing the coffin of the undead emperor, the monks present had no coveted thoughts in their hearts.

Not to mention that the emperor is here, and more importantly - the emperor is not dead!

If an outsider dared to touch the coffin he left here, it might be a thunderbolt, and he would die without knowing how.

The emperor paced around the ancient coffin without saying a word, with a particularly dignified expression.

And the more he observed, the more his brows furrowed, and finally he said in a deep voice:

"Open the coffin!"

 Three changes completed.

  Tomorrow Monday, two shifts will resume, one at 20:30 and one at 23:50.

  As for the two chapters that were owed before, they should be able to make up in the next few days. The author will definitely tell everyone in advance when the time comes, so don't worry.

  Finally, thank you all for your subscriptions, rewards and votes!The author will do his best to write the follow-up plot well!
  (ps: Today, the chapters and comments are not displayed. All books should be like this. Don’t worry, it will be fine in a few days.)
(End of this chapter)

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