Chapter 976 The Man in the Coffin, God King Taixu

As the emperor's voice fell, the monks present on the five-colored high platform couldn't help being shocked, and even more amazed expressions appeared on their faces.


You know, this is the place where the Immortal Emperor died in the past.

What is buried in the coffin in front of him is likely to be his remains.

There is no need to doubt that the relics of the supreme gods in ancient times must be immortal treasures that can be refined into extreme weapons, comparable to immortal gold.

Not to mention, it is likely that there is also the true meaning of the Dao that belongs to the Immortal Emperor, which is definitely a priceless treasure.

It's a pity that the emperor is not only still alive, but has already become a celestial being in the world of mortals, standing high above, overlooking the prehistoric world. Naturally, no one in the world dares to pay attention to his coffin and slough, only sincere awe.

However, what the powerhouses of various religions never expected was that the emperor would say such a sentence, and even offered to open the emperor's coffin.

Could it be that this is the legendary "father's kindness and son's filial piety"?
Thinking of this, strange expressions appeared in the eyes of everyone present, and even more thoughts filled their hearts.

On the other side, the heavenly prince who was as rich as jade watched for a long time, and then raised his head immediately.

Perhaps, he also noticed the strangeness of the crowd, and couldn't help but have black lines on his forehead, and said speechlessly:

"This coffin was indeed made by my father, but now, it is hard to say what is buried in the coffin."

Hearing the words of the emperor, the eyes of the monks present were shining brightly, with a thoughtful expression.

And the ancestor king of Yuanyuan Lake, even under the protection of Yuanhuang Taoist soldiers, took the initiative to come forward to the ancient and vicissitudes of the coffin, and carefully observed it.

After a long time, the ancestor king of Yuanhu Lake was a little confused and said:

"From the perspective of the old man, there seems to be nothing wrong with this ancient coffin?"

The coffin of the god in front of him was made of unknown material, it was pitch black and deep.

On it, there are densely packed Dao Shenwen, as if there are countless majestic and majestic universes suppressing it.

At the same time, the vicissitudes of time are revealed in it, accompanied by the supreme majesty and majesty.

If it weren't for the protection of Yuanhuang's Taoist soldiers, even the patriarch of the saint realm would not be able to really get close to this coffin.

It is really majestic and peerless, making all living beings of all races surrender.

On the other hand, the emperor's son, hearing the words of the old ancestor king, couldn't help but smile slightly:
"This is its brilliance, stealing the sky and changing the sun, cheating the sky and crossing the sea, almost without a trace."

The saints present are definitely not waiting for nothing. At this moment, after being reminded by the emperor, they naturally reacted:
"My lord, what do you mean, it's that evil ghost?"

On the other side, the ancient sage who crossed the divine way also took the initiative to speak and added:
"Although this place is the supreme fairy land, it is also a place where immortals are trapped and locked."

"Thinking about it this way, the ancient coffin of the gods in front of me is likely to be used by the emperor to seal his gods."

"Just now, I just found many traces left by this beast in this piece of demonic soil. I am afraid that he should have escaped from his predicament long ago."

"That's right!" The emperor's eyes were shining brightly, and his pupils were blazing, staring straight at the ancient coffin in front of him, and said in a deep voice:
"Although I don't know what method the guy used, it has obviously been out of trouble for a while."

"Although the layout of this place still looks intact, how can such a subtle change be hidden from my prince?"

The emperor's heroic appearance and arrogant tone, no one doubted this.

Just when everyone's minds were full of thoughts, the voice of the evil spirit came from Ye Fan's mind:
"Indeed, although the guy in the coffin is not bad, it is absolutely impossible to be the god of the immortal emperor, and now he is exhausted and dying."

Ye Fan couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the evil ghost's words.

Just now, after listening to the discussion of the emperor and others, since the god Nian in the coffin has escaped, it should be empty at this moment.

But according to what the evil ghost said, there seemed to be other creatures in it.

"you sure?"

On Ye Fan's face, there was a particularly wonderful expression, and he asked in his mind.

"Nonsense!" The evil ghost still had the posture of the second child and my boss:
"This coffin can stop you, but it can't stop my spiritual thoughts, you can tell it at a glance."

Although the evil ghost is arrogant, it does have that kind of capital, which is worthy of trust.

Just when Ye Fan's eyes were full of splendor, the emperor and the saints also finished their discussions.

In the end, they naturally decided to open the coffin of the gods in front of them.

Even if the god's mind has escaped, there may be something left in it.

Moreover, this is of great significance for everyone to understand the state of the god's mind and to fight against it in the future.


I saw that the emperor took the initiative to step forward, using the supreme meaning in the scriptures of the immortal emperor to dismantle the arrangement on the ancient coffin of the gods.

The saints, on the other hand, used their own power and the aura of the extreme emperor's soldiers to bless the emperor's body to help him.

At the same time, they are always ready to revive the extreme magic weapon and strike a shattering blow.

If it happened, the god Nian of the Immortal Emperor was not out of trouble, and they would not be in a hurry.

Since the emperor's own and son took action, the arrangement on the coffin naturally couldn't stop him at all.

Only a moment later, accompanied by a huge bang that seemed to open up the world, the originally dark and profound ancient coffin of the gods burst into an extremely bright and gorgeous fairy light.


The lid of the coffin was lifted, and the saints of Yuanhu Lake and Crossing Shinto acted immediately, protecting the emperor behind everyone.

If the god Nianzhen is still in the coffin, he will definitely not let the emperor's parents and children go.

I can only hear the sound of heavenly sounds from the avenue, the celestial light is dense, and the vast chaos surges out.

Immediately, all the saints raised their eyes and looked into the ancient coffin of the gods, trying to see the real scene inside.

I saw a fiery red celestial light soaring up into the sky, accompanied by a long cry of the phoenix, resounding through the heaven and earth.


Just when everyone was suspicious, thinking that it was the remains of the Immortal Emperor lying here, some monks of the Beidou religion also felt a sense.


The Jiang family of the remote ancient family, the Hengyu Emperor Furnace controlled by this family shook violently, as if revived instantly, and resonated with something in the coffin.

As the chaos of the fairy light dissipated, the existence in the coffin finally manifested.

It was a skinny figure with long snow-white hair hanging loose and haggard. Although there were still signs of life, it seemed that it might disappear at any time, wandering on the edge of life and death.

"A strong human race."

Obviously, the existence in front of him is absolutely impossible to be the Immortal Emperor, nor can it be the idea of ​​his god.

With only a slight sense, the ancestor king of Yuanyuan Lake had an insight into the reality of this person, and he was a strong man in the holy realm of the human race.However, its specific cultivation is elusive.

In addition, why did this person appear in the ancient coffin of the immortal emperor?Really puzzling.

"Too false!"

"God King!"

Contrary to the surprise and confusion on everyone's faces, the reactions of the members of the Jiang family were extremely intense.

The old sage in the lead, as well as the Holy Master of the Jiang family, all looked sincerely excited, and immediately stepped forward.

"What, it's him!?"

"God King Jiang Taixu!"

The monks present were strong men from the major inheritances of Beidou. After hearing the exclamation of everyone in the Jiang family, they naturally came up with associations very quickly.

God King Jiang Taixu.

This is a Gaidai Yingjie from the Jiang family 4000 years ago.

Because among the descendants of Emperor Hengyu, there were some who took the daughter of the God Race as their wives.

Therefore, this family is also the same as the Ji family, and there are god-king bodies born from time to time among the descendants.

Jiang Taixu is such an existence.

In the past, Jiang Taixu's prestige was far higher than that of Wang Teng and others today, and he was really invincible in Beidou.

It's a pity that the gods in the restricted area had already been born at that time, and the supreme avenue was juxtaposed, overwhelming the world, and making future generations despair.

Even if people in this world want to ascend to the holy realm, it is still difficult for them to ascend to heaven.

According to the rumors, Jiang Taixu was almost about to take that step, but suddenly disappeared.

Many people speculated that the Jiang family was planning to seal him to future generations, and he would not reappear at least thousands of years later.

Now it seems that it is lost here.

Thinking of this, the strong minds of the Beidou religions were full of thoughts, and their gazes at the members of the Jiang family and the withered figure among them were even more complicated.

All the mysteries can only be revealed when the person wakes up.

 Sorry for the late update of this chapter.

  The second update will still be updated around 23:50.

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