Chapter 977 Live the Second Life

Zhongzhou Immortal Land, the deepest part of the Immortal Emperor's Nirvana Land.

On the five-color high platform, there is a majestic and majestic ancient coffin with vicissitudes of time, flowing with fairy light and auspicious mist, and the chaos is vast.

It's a pity that, just as the saints speculated before, the god's mind of the Immortal Emperor has long since disappeared.

And apart from that skinny and haggard figure, there is nothing else.

At this moment, the eyes of everyone present were all burning, looking straight at the dying figure guarded by the strong men of the Jiang family, their hearts were fluctuating.

Back in the day, Jiang Taixu, the famous king of gods, was so high-spirited and elegant.

He was born in an ancient aristocratic family, he cultivated the scriptures of existence and non-existence of gods, and at the same time he was in the body of a god-king, so he was destined to be a dragon among men.

In the past, Jiang Taixu not only defeated all the geniuses of his generation, but also made many elders feel ashamed.

Today, among the Dao Slashing Kings who arrived here from the Beidou sects, there are many who have heard of Jiang Taixu's illustrious reputation in the past.

However, times change.

The Jiang Taixu in front of him is almost no different from a dead person.

You must know that there are dozens of saintly powerhouses from the major forces of the Big Dipper present.

Even though they couldn't observe it up close, they could get a rough idea just by sensing it from afar.

"His flesh and blood are exhausted, and the fire of the primordial spirit is about to be extinguished. It's a pity..."

The saint of Zhongzhou Jiuli Dynasty said with emotion.

His voice fell, and then another ancient sage spoke, sincerely sighing:

"If it's just the body and soul, that's all. There is still a chance to recover."

"It's a pity that his god-king origin and life origin are lost. This life is destined to come to an end."

Having said that, the ancient sage couldn't help shaking his head.

Jiang Taixu's current state is really exhausted, if he wants to help him out of danger, ordinary medicines and stones are useless, only the legendary medicine of immortality, or the nine-turn elixir can do it.

Immortal medicines are precious and rare in the world, and they can only be seen in the restricted area of ​​life.

However, now, all the ancient supreme beings have been born, have fulfilled their own Dao fruits, and are dormant in the forbidden zone, waiting for the opening of the road to immortality.

If someone dares to make an idea of ​​their magic medicine, it is tantamount to courting death.

As for the legendary nine-turn elixir, it only appeared in the last years of mythology, and in the middle of ancient times, after the greatest dark turmoil in history.

Today, all these elixir are in the hands of the Supremes.

There is almost no possibility for the Jiang family to get it.

At the same time, as the words of the ancient sage fell, there were strange expressions in the eyes of many holy masters and demon kings present.

Jiang Taixu was the Gai Dai Tianjiao 4000 years ago, a person who truly possessed imperial assets.

If it weren't for the perfection of Taoism and the eternal suppression of Taoism, even if this person can't prove Taoism and become an emperor, he will definitely not have too much problem becoming a quasi-emperor if he wants to.

The end of such an existence is undoubtedly a terrible news for the Jiang family, but for the sects, they can't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Among the crowd, Ye Fan had a rather emotional expression on his face.

He didn't have so many twists and turns in the minds of the strong men of various religions, he just felt sorry for such an amazing and talented figure who ended up sadly.

"My son, it's really amazing——"

Just when Ye Fan was feeling emotional, the evil ghost's sincere admiration came from his mind, which aroused Ye Fan's curiosity, and asked back:

"Old man, what do you mean? Can King Jiang have a chance?"

Aware of this possibility, Ye Fan had many thoughts in his mind, and immediately he had a flash of inspiration, and hurriedly said:
"Is it possible that the Jiang family can really find the medicine of immortality?"

Since the evil ghost had used a few drops of the vermilion bird's magic medicine to help him transform, Ye Fan was really impressed with this kind of god, so he naturally thought of them immediately.

"Hmph!" Hearing his words, the evil ghost let out a cold snort of disdain, and immediately said proudly:

"Whether it's the elixir of immortality or the elixir of nine turns, it can only be regarded as inferior in the end."

"Besides, if you want to go to the restricted area to ask for medicine, not to mention a mere Jiang family, even if it is the real emperor of the world, the supreme ones may not buy it."

"Furthermore, if you really aspire to the Supreme Dao, one day, you still need to realize the Tao and live forever by yourself, transform into Nirvana in the world of mortals, and live life after life."

After the evil ghost's voice fell, Ye Fan nodded with a thoughtful expression on his face, and sighed:
"This is the true meaning of being a fairy in the world of mortals."

In the universe of the human world, the Dao does not allow the birth of true immortals, and the Supreme Dao is already the pinnacle, which is difficult to surpass.

But in the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands, there have never been any lack of talented and amazing people with great perseverance. They struggled from life to life, and finally went up against the sky and turned the world of mortals into immortals.

This is true for Immortal Emperor, Yuan Emperor, Emperor Zun, Immortal Emperor, etc.

Thinking of this, Ye Fan couldn't help feeling overwhelmed.His Dao heart is firm and resolute, and naturally he has long set the goal of becoming a fairy in the world of mortals.

Therefore, he still understands the way of immortals in the world of mortals.

At this moment, Ye Fan was not a dull person when he saw the evil ghost actively mentioning the nirvana transformation of the world of mortals. Naturally, he reacted instantly and said in surprise:

"You mean, God King Jiang is likely to live a second life on his own!?"

You know, even if you have traveled through the ancient history of practice in the human world, it is really rare that you can live out the next life by yourself without taking the medicine of immortality and the elixir of nine turns.

And the vast majority of them are the supreme figures of the nine heavens and ten places, such as the Immortal Emperor, Yuan Emperor, Immortal Emperor, etc., who are immortals in the world of mortals, and even have become immortal kings.

Because of this, it's no wonder Ye Fan was so surprised when he realized that the evil spirit thought that Jiang Taixu could live a second life.

"Why is it impossible?"

As soon as the evil ghost's voice fell, Ye Fan felt a majestic, majestic and vast divine sense blending with him, making his eyes crystal clear, far more miraculous than before.

Ye Fan raised his head subconsciously, and looked straight at the extremely weak King Jiang.

I saw that his physical body and primordial spirit were indeed as dim as the ancient sage judged, and they were about to perish.

But in the eyes of Ye Fan today, the sea of ​​life and the deepest part of Xiantai are a little bit of crystal clear fairy light, filled with a faint breath of longevity, which is quite similar to the elixir of death.

Seeing this, Ye Fan realized something in his heart, perhaps, this is the reliance on Jiang Taixu's ability to live out his second life.

"It depends on whether this kid can have such a fortune."

Apparently, the evil ghost was quite moved by the fact that Jiang Taixu might live out a second life.

On the other side, after temporarily stabilizing Jiang Taixu's state, the members of the Jiang family immediately took out a few drops of bright and blazing medicine, filled with refreshing and fragrant medicine drops like the sun falling.

Although it is not a complete elixir, it cannot turn death into life, but after refining, it can make Jiang Taixu's situation better.


After a while, after Jiang Taixu completely absorbed the undead liquid, he finally opened his eyes slowly.

His eyes are not as cloudy as the real old man's, but they are extremely dull.

"God King Patriarch!" "Tai Xu."

After seeing the descendants of the Jiang family and the figure of the Old Sage, a smile finally appeared on Jiang Taixu's face.

"Dare to ask, friend, why are you in this coffin?"

Although Jiang Taixu's state is not very good, but it is related to the immortality of the emperor, and everyone present is equally puzzled and anxious.

In the end, it was the ancestor king of Yuanhu Lake who came forward and asked like this.

Although Jiang Taixu was weak, but after all, as a saint, he had taken the magic medicine, so he didn't even have the strength to speak.

The person thought for a while, and then briefly talked about his own experience.

It turned out that Jiang Taixu in the past was limited by the suppression of the Supreme Dao, and it was difficult for him to become a saint.

Afterwards, he traveled to Beidou and watched the world of mortals, and finally took that step.

It's a pity that the practice after the holy realm can only be said to be extremely difficult and dangerous, which is really hopeless.

Jiang Taixu was not reconciled, he did not want to proclaim himself an offspring, and wanted to break the shackles in this world.

It has to be said that Jiang Taixu is indeed a man of great luck.

It really made him find such an opportunity in Zhongzhou, and it was the world of Immortal Mansion in front of him!
As judged by the saints before, this ancient and mystical world is isolated from the outside world due to the seal of the Immortal Emperor, and is not suppressed by the great avenues.

It is convenient for Jiang Taixu to continue practicing in this world.

Later, he naturally also discovered the suspected Nirvana land of the ancient supreme being.

Relying on the secret weapon of Emperor Hengyu, Jiang Taixu boldly went deep, and the follow-up was really unimpeded, and he arrived here.

However, according to what Jiang Taixu said, all of this was a secret plan of the god Nian, in order to lure him here.

In the end, Jiang Taixu comprehended the Tao of the gods, not only was it deprived of his origin by it, he was also stolen, Li Daitao stiffened, and sealed into the ancient coffin of the gods.

It was not until today that he was able to see the light of day again.

The person's voice fell, and the place was completely silent, completely silent.

Although everyone knows that Jiang Taixu must have concealed something about his own experience, but the matter involving the immortal emperor's god's mind should be exactly as he said.

He never expected that even though the god Nian was sealed in the ancient coffin of the gods by the emperor, he could still plot against a saint. It was really weird and powerful.

 The two changes are over.

  Tomorrow there will still be a change around 20:30 and 23:50.

  Finally, thank you again for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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