Chapter 978
The weirdness and horror of the thoughts of the Immortal Emperor and God made the powerhouses of the Beidou religions fear from the bottom of their hearts, and many thoughts fluctuated in their minds.


But when everyone was silent and fell into deep thought, Jiang Taixu, who looked haggard and nearly exhausted, had a mysterious aura permeating the body.

Accompanied by the long cry of the fairy phoenix, a scorching hot object, like the sun, rose slowly from Jiang Taixu's body.


At the same time, in the palm of the ancient sage of the Jiang family, the Eternal Universe Furnace was crystal clear and gorgeous, and resonated with the mysterious thing, as if it had fully recovered, exuding supreme majesty.

That kind of power shocked all the ancient sages present.

When the brilliant light faded away, everyone took a closer look.

It was a sacred furnace that was not only quite similar in shape to the Eternal Universe Furnace, but also exuded a similar aura of the Dao, and the phantom of the sun god bird lingered on it.

At this moment, the sacred furnace is connected with the eternal furnace, as if they are indistinguishable from each other.

Seeing this situation, many monks present were all surprised, and at the same time, the eyes of all the saints were shining brightly.

Immediately, the ancient sage of Dushen Dao glanced across the Hengyu Furnace in the palm of the Jiang family sage, and said in a rather emotional tone:
"Eternal Universe Furnace, although it is the ultimate weapon of Emperor Hengyu, but it was only after the Emperor became emperor that he found the phoenix blood red gold and cast it."

"And according to the legend, it is another Taoist soldier who accompanied him to fight all the way to the summit."

Speaking of this, the ancient sage who crossed the divine way paused, glanced at the divine furnace that manifested from Jiang Taixu's body, and then continued:
"If you think about it, it's the one in front of you."

Hearing the words of the ancient sages of Dushen Dao, the faces of many young arrogances present, as well as powerhouses of various religions, showed suddenly enlightened expressions.

Immediately, an old sage from the Jiuli Dynasty of Zhongzhou also spoke and added:
"Although this weapon is limited by its material, it cannot be compared with real extreme weapons, but it is undoubtedly extraordinary, far above many divine weapons."

"What's even more rare is that it fought with Emperor Hengyu all the way, engraved an indelible mark, and fully captured the charm of his great avenue."

"If you think about it, the reason why Jiang Shenwang was able to protect his last chance of life without being poisoned by the gods' thoughts is also due to the protection of this divine weapon."

It's a pity that Jiang Taixu's god-king origin and life origin were taken away by the gods after all, and he was doomed to be hopeless.

About this point, all the ancient sages present are naturally aware of it, but they just didn't say it out loud to take into account the emotions of everyone in the Jiang family.

Among the crowd, Ye Fan was not so pessimistic about the ending of Jiang Shenwang because he had already known the reality of Jiang Shenwang from the evil ghost.

He even vaguely expected that Jiang Taixu would be reborn from Nirvana at that time, and live out a second life, adding another glory to this golden world.

After all, the more such existences there are, the stronger their strength will be, and the stronger will be the ones who will eventually wade through the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood and reach the invincible peak.

While most people were paying attention to Jiang Taixu's condition, the ancestor kings of Yuanyuan Lake and Huolin Cave, the ancient sages of the Ji family, and the Emperor of Heaven carefully observed the opened door. The ancient coffin of the gods.

Although thousands of years have passed since the god Nian escaped from the predicament, compared to the long years of being sealed in this coffin, it is really insignificant.

All the ancient sages also relied on the power of the emperor's army, so that they could barely resist the aura of the supreme emperor and approach the ancient coffin.

At the same time, with the help of the Emperor's son, everyone discovered many details that they hadn't noticed before.

And the more they looked at it, the more secretly everyone was startled, and their expressions naturally became more serious and solemn.

Although the deity was sealed in the coffin for endless years, it was inevitable that a lot of cultivation and foundation would be worn away, but judging from the traces in the coffin, it is still powerful, definitely a strong person of the quasi-emperor level.

You must know that in the forbidden area, all the gods are born, and the supreme avenue is juxtaposed, covering the nine heavens and ten places. Now, even a saint can hardly achieve it, let alone a quasi-emperor.

Even if there are in the world, without exception, they are all ancient people who were sealed before the great change of the world.

Speaking of the current age, there should be no one who has reached the quasi-emperor realm.

"Worthy of being the emperor! Even the gods are so extraordinary, far above the rest!"

In the end, the Patriarch King of Huolin Cave said with a solemn tone.

And what he said was also approved by most of the saints present, and they all nodded.

Traversing the ancient history of the human world, it is not that no one has encountered the god Nian before.

Although the birth of this kind of existence is quite strange, when it comes to the combat power in the normal state, generally speaking, it is still within the scope of the holy realm.

It's just that, after all, the idea of ​​the gods is an evil thought born after the death of the supreme being of the extreme way. If it is pushed to a desperate situation, it may explode with power beyond imagination, so it makes the world fearful.

Even the former Xeon Emperor Zhun didn't want to provoke this creature easily.

However, the idea of ​​the gods of the Immortal Emperor in front of him broke the world's cognition and confirmed the existence of the Quasi-Emperor Series, which undoubtedly made everyone present terrified.

"Hmph! It's rare to see, but in the heyday of this seat, it will never be much worse than that guy!"

In Ye Fan's mind, the evil ghost, who was also a god, naturally sensed what everyone was thinking, and immediately became so disobedient.

Regarding this, Ye Fan had a big question mark in his heart, but he didn't need to question it.

"This beast is so powerful, if it really gets out of trouble and leaves, it will undoubtedly cause quite a storm in the Big Dipper and in the human world."

"But I don't know, why have we never heard such rumors?"

After a while, the Old Sage from the royal family of Beiyuan spoke up and expressed his doubts.

"Don't worry, he doesn't dare."

A calm and calm voice came, and in his tone, there was no concealment of arrogance.

Hearing this, everyone present immediately raised their eyes to look up, and saw the incomparably handsome and wind-spirited Emperor of Heaven standing with his hands behind his back, as if he didn't pay attention to that god at all.

Before everyone had time to step forward to ask, the Emperor Tian smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and took the initiative to say:

"My father's god sense is indeed powerful, but compared to the world, if compared with the real Supreme Supreme, it is still a chasm after all."

Having said that, the emperor paused, glanced over the ancient coffin in front of him, and continued:
"Although it escaped from this coffin with the help of God King Jiang, using the method of Li replacing peach stiffness, but now, it is probably still hiding in this fairy mansion world."

"Why?" The Holy Master asked in doubt.

"Because it doesn't dare to gamble."

The emperor was still confident and high-spirited, and said with contempt:
"If my royal father finds out that it has broken free from the seal, there will never be any suspense, only the curtain will end in sadness."

"Furthermore, today's Big Dipper is full of supreme beings, and even the great emperor of the world is here. It is just a god, and it is no different from an ant in the face of the real supreme supreme."

As the emperor's voice fell, all the monks present, including Ye Fan, nodded their heads.

His speculation is indeed not unreasonable.

After thinking about it, Ye Fan asked curiously in his mind:

"If you regain your full glory and face the Supreme, are you sure?"

Regarding his question, the evil ghost couldn't help but rolled his eyes, but finally answered solemnly:

"Don't say it's me today, even in my previous life, it's hard to have a big chance of winning against the restricted zone Supreme who has been born for thousands of years and has stabilized Daoguo cultivation base."

Ye Fan has a clearer understanding of the power of the restricted area supreme.

Just when the strong men of various religions and the young arrogances all looked thoughtful——


I only heard that a huge bang sounded like the opening of the world came from the outside world.

Accompanied by the majestic majesty that seemed to cover the world of mortals, the strange black mist that shrouded the entire emperor's nirvana was shaken.

"That guy, can't hold back?"

In Ye Fan's mind, the evil ghost had a puzzled look on his face, as if he didn't understand why the other party chose to show up at this time.

At the same time, the ancient coffin of the gods in front of him also bloomed with five-color fairy light, and the emperor's mind suddenly had a flash of light, and he blurted out:
"The idea of ​​a god has appeared!"

 The second update will still be updated around 23:50.

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(End of this chapter)

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