Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 979 Victory Buddha makes a move, awakening the previous life

Chapter 979 Victory Buddha makes a move, awakening the previous life

In Beidou Zhongzhou, the mysterious world of Immortal Mansion, some kind of huge fluctuation is spreading between the heaven and the earth.

At the same time, a domineering and boundless aura spread, accompanied by the overwhelming power of the emperor, sweeping the entire small world.

That kind of power not only made all the native creatures in the Immortal Mansion world tremble and surrender, even the Beidou powerhouses who had already penetrated into the emperor's nirvana couldn't help but change their colors.

"Extreme Emperor Power!"

"how is this possible!?"

There are many monks who come from Beidou's various extreme dao inheritances present, and they are able to penetrate into the fairy burial ground in front of them relying on the protection of a few extreme dao weapons.

Everyone is no stranger to the existence of Jidao Emperor Wei. At this moment, they only have a slight sense and can recognize it.

"Could it be that Nianzhen, the god of the emperor, is so extraordinary that he is not only in the quasi-emperor realm, but also exudes extreme majesty?"

A certain ancient sage murmured like this, and the panic and worry in his tone were even more difficult to conceal.

Realizing that there might be such a possibility, even as a strong man in the realm of saints, the hearts of all the saints of the Big Dipper are extraordinarily dignified.

You must know that even if they have extreme weapons to protect their bodies, it is difficult to fully recover them.

And if they face a god who can emit imperial power, there will never be any suspense, and they will be suppressed one by one.

On the other side, on the face of the outstandingly handsome Emperor, there was a look of astonishment at first, but he quickly recovered his composure, and immediately analyzed calmly:

"Impossible. If the god Nianruo really has the combat power of the supreme series, how could he be trapped in the coffin for so many years, and after he escaped from the trap, he still dare not leave?"


The ancestor king of the original lake was equally calm and calm, and agreed with the speculation of the emperor.

Next to it, the ancient sage from the Crossing Divine Dao silently sensed it, and even deduced it with the Supreme Heavenly Skill and the secret of the previous word, and then he spoke, with a slightly strange expression:

"Fellow daoists, there's no need to panic. It's not that the god's mind can send out the emperor's power, but someone is fighting with the emperor's soldiers."

Hearing this, the monks present couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, as long as there is no supreme combat power.

Immediately, doubts emerged in their hearts:
Who will it be?

To be able to fight against the gods of the quasi-emperor level, even with the power of extreme weapons, it is definitely not an unknown person who thinks about it.

Just when everyone was full of curiosity, Mount Sumeru and his party, headed by the ancient Buddha, were all like a clear mirror and still water.

Beside Ye Fan, on the face of the Holy Prince, was a thoughtful expression.

Looking at the expressions on their faces, Ye Fan already had some guesses in his heart.

At the same time, the fluctuation of the external war became more and more violent, causing the world to shake violently, the void wailed, and even the emperor's nirvana was affected, and the strange sea of ​​black mist boiled.

Sensing that aura, all the saints present looked at each other, thought for a while, and finally decided to deal with the matter of the gods first.

Only in this way can they have no worries, and they can calmly explore the fairy burial place, find the fairy fate, and the legendary road to immortality.

After making up their minds, everyone still cleared the way with the three imperial soldiers including the Golden Bridge on the other side.

Compared with when they came, the group of people can now be said to be familiar with the road, and soon left the range covered by the strange black mist, and then rushed to the source of the fluctuation of the war.


I saw that there was a dark ocean ups and downs between heaven and earth, and a strange and sinister atmosphere was raging.

Accompanied by a deep roar, a figure like a demon god manifested in the sea of ​​strangeness.

That kind of breath is exactly the divine thought of the Immortal Emperor.

Suddenly, the most yin and evil figure suddenly turned around and looked straight at the crowd.

In his eyes, there is gloomy, dead silence, and gloom, which makes everyone present feel cold all over, and feels as if they have fallen into the Nine Nether Abyss.

The gaze of the god Nian flicked across everyone, only staying for a moment between Ye Fan's eyebrows, and finally fell on the body of the emperor.

Although there is still a rather long distance, everyone can still sense the vast fluctuations of the spiritual thoughts that diffused from it.

Shen Shen Nian's face, which was quite similar to that of the emperor, revealed a greedy expression.

Obviously, the evil spirit in front of him coveted the emperor's son who inherited the blood of the immortal emperor.

Seeing this, the ancestor king of the original lake and the ancient sage who crossed the divine way took the initiative to step forward and protect him behind him.


At the moment when the two sides confronted each other, from the strange ocean, there was a roar of anger that resounded through the nine heavens and ten earths.

Accompanied by the radiant celestial light, billions of rays of divine radiance surged, a fairy iron rod shattered the boundless ocean, and the majesty of the emperor traversed the three thousand worlds.

An indomitable, mighty golden giant ape manifested, as if it was about to break through the universe of the human world, very much like the reappearance of the old fighting saint emperor.

Of course, the fighting saint emperor failed to transform into a war immortal, and fell in the last years of the ancient times, and there were many revived ancient royal families present, so he naturally recognized him:

"Holy King!"

The strong man in Huolin Cave exclaimed, staring straight at the giant ape in the arena.

He is the younger brother of the Holy Emperor Dou Zhan, and his talent is amazing, no less than that of the previous Holy Emperor. In the last years of the ancient times, he was already an invincible legend of his generation.

"Fight to beat the Buddha!"

At the same time, he has another identity.

He woke up thousands of years ago and reappeared in the world. Later, he entered Mount Sumeru, studied the teachings of Amitabha Buddha, and became a fighting Buddha. He has always been known as the strongest in the world.

Therefore, the powerhouses of the Beidou religions are not unfamiliar with it.


Beside Ye Fan, the Holy Prince's tone was agitated, even a little choked up.

The main purpose of his trip this time was to go to the West Desert to meet his uncle.Unexpectedly, by chance and coincidence, the two would meet again in the world of Xianfu in Zhongzhou.

It's no wonder that the god's thought would appear at this time. Presumably, it was not because he showed up on his own initiative, but because he was discovered by Dou Zhanfo, so he had to fight.

Just when everyone's minds were full of thoughts, Dou Victory Buddha didn't stop at all, he was in charge of the imperial soldiers left behind by his elder brother, and smashed directly at the god Nian not far away.

Even though Shen Shen Nian's background is extraordinary, but after all, he is only at the quasi-emperor level, so he naturally dare not fight the emperor's soldiers, so he can only rely on his own cultivation level to avoid it.

The fairy iron rod fell, only hitting a strange black mist, but did not touch the true identity of the god Nian.

Moreover, the eyes of the god Nian still fell on the emperor who was not far away, with a greedy expression.

Suddenly, the battle situation in the arena turned into another wave.


I saw that in the dark void, there was a ray of Buddha's light shining everywhere, and a figure lingering in the sacred and peaceful atmosphere suddenly emerged.

It was a golden holy ape, just like the one who defeated the Buddha in battle, with a solemn treasure appearance and a compassionate expression.

In his hand, he was holding a precious pestle made of purple-gold divine iron, surrounded by auspicious colors, and filled with thousands of purple qi.

"Subduing Demon Pestle!"

This is the emperor soldier of Amitabha Buddha, and now it is controlled by the incarnation of Dou Victory Buddha, and they come directly to suppress it.

In the dark, there seems to be a phantom of a majestic and compassionate Buddha, as if to suppress evil spirits.

If it's just the subduing magic pestle, it's all right, and what follows is the majestic thought power accumulated by the Buddhist sect of Mount Sumeru.

Even if it is just a tiny bit, the mind power of sentient beings is inherently restraining each other, making the mind of the gods sincerely afraid.


The vast ocean formed by the power of faith poured down, submerging the thoughts of the gods in it, and wailing in extreme pain.


Immediately afterwards, the god Nian finally broke free from the shackles of the vast ocean of thought power. Although the breath around his body was slightly sluggish, his eyes were full of resentment, and there was nothing serious about it.

Seeing this situation, many monks present couldn't help but sink their hearts.

The Dou Zhan Buddha stands on the top of the Great Sage, and even wields such two extreme weapons that fit perfectly with it, and he can't even take it down.

The godly thought of the Immortal Emperor is really extraordinary.

Just when everyone's hearts were shaking, another majestic and vast voice came——

"Fellow Daoist, I'm here to help you!"

Accompanied by the mighty water-blue fairy light, a unicorn staff shines in the past and the present, dazzling, and even more extremely imperial, sweeping the world.

From the position of the people in the Huolin Cave, a majestic and surging figure rushed out, and stood side by side with the defeated Buddha.

Another Great Saint!
Everyone never expected that apart from a saint-level ancestor, there would be a great sage here in Huolin Cave.

The background of the ancient royal family is undoubtedly evident.

Even, this may not be their full strength, and the existence of quasi-emperor series is not impossible.

Thinking of this, the powerhouses of all Beidou religions couldn't help but feel heavy.

The only thing to be thankful for is that there are many great emperors of the human race who are still in the world and can confront the reappeared ancient emperor.

And the foundations of several great aristocratic families, dynasties, and holy lands are equally profound, so it seems that there will not be any major crisis.


Before everyone came back to their senses, another great sage manifested his real body, and the Void Emperor Mirror hung high above his head, shining the eternal light.

"Quick fight."

The great sage of the Ji family said so calmly.

Hearing this, Dou Victory Buddha and the Great Sage of Huolin Cave nodded.

As early as the time when the great sage of Huolin Cave manifested, the god's mind was already aware of something bad, but it was a pity that the auras of several great sages and emperor soldiers had already locked him in, and it was really difficult to escape.


The three gods participated in the good fortune, and the great saints with powerful mana shot together, mobilizing the extreme weapons that were most suitable for them, revived them, and unleashed the extreme power.

Even the real quasi-emperor cultivator here has to avoid the edge for the time being.

The god Nian on the opposite side also knew that the situation was critical, and immediately stopped keeping it.


Accompanied by his low-pitched roar, the strange black mist that lay across the emperor's nirvana not far away was also summoned to resist the power of several emperor soldiers.

Seeing this situation, the three great sages didn't retreat at all, instead they struck more fiercely, threatening to take him down.


After all, the divine thoughts are far inferior to the real Immortal Emperor, and they are restrained by the power of Faith of Mount Sumeru, and they are about to be suppressed——

I saw that the god Nian raised his head suddenly, his eyes were full of resentment and unwillingness, obviously he had been driven into a desperate situation, so he finally smiled grimly:
"All of you will be buried with me!"

As soon as the words fell, countless five-color fairy lights gushed out from the brows of the gods, enveloping his entire existence.

The spread of the supreme majesty is really like the return of the ancient emperor to the world.

It not only swept across the entire small world, but also spread to the outside world, shaking the Big Dipper five domains.

 The two changes are over.

  Tomorrow there will still be a change around 20:30 and 23:50.

  Finally, thank you very much for your subscriptions, rewards and votes!

(End of this chapter)

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