Chapter 983 Yuan Emperor Returns to the Human Realm
The sky knife is white, shining brightly, like fairy light, and like thunder.

It just hangs in the sky of the fairy mansion world, and it naturally divides the five elements of yin and yang, making the chaos of all ways surging, and the prehistoric atmosphere before the creation of heaven and earth permeates.

Tiandao, implying the way of heaven.

Legend has it that a sword of the true will of God was once descended in the world, and the Immortal Emperor was able to forge this magical weapon just after observing that supreme mystery.

The Immortal Heavenly Knife once accompanied the emperor in battles, killing countless existences of the extreme and supreme series, and bathed in the supreme blood of the emperors and emperors.

Now, the reappearance of the Heavenly Knife is even more majestic with a majesty that seems to surpass the world of mortals, making all living beings in the world terrified, trembling and surrendering.

"The Immortal Sword."

At the same time, in Beidou Donghuang, the supreme beings in the forbidden areas of life all looked at the world of Immortal Mansion, and naturally had a panoramic view of the Immortal Sword that appeared at this moment, and said in a deep voice.

Perhaps, ordinary monks are not so keen on this, but as the supreme beings, they can naturally see it clearly.

"Sure enough, the Immortal Sword has already become a fairy weapon."

In the ancient restricted zone, the sigh of the Supreme came from the sky, and it spread throughout the Beidou world.

That day the saber was hanging high, it seemed white and crystal clear, but if you look closely and observe carefully, you can find that it can be divided into nine colors, obviously made of nine kinds of fairy gold in the world, and more perfectly integrated into one.

There have long been rumors in the human world that if nine kinds of immortal gold are smelted, they can be cast into godless weapons, and may even evolve into immortal weapons.

Now, the world finally sees that the rumors are true.

In fact, whether it is the supreme being in the restricted area or the powerhouses in the world, they are not very surprised that the immortal sword has become a fairy weapon.

After all, the emperor was already a fairy in the world of mortals in the middle of the ancient times more than [-] years ago.

It is natural and reasonable for him to refine his Supreme Dao Soldiers into Immortal Artifacts.

Relatively speaking, Emperor Yuan, who had already ascended to the realm of the Supreme Immortal King, did not refine his imperial soldiers into immortal weapons for so long, which really puzzled the world.

In this regard, the honorable ones guessed that the Immortal Emperor and the Yuan Emperor had lofty aspirations, not limited to the realm of the Immortal King. I am afraid that in the future they want to forge a godless weapon.

At the time when all kinds of thoughts were ups and downs in the hearts of the world, in the world of Immortal Mansion, the god of the Immortal Heavenly Sword was clear and bright, recovered spontaneously, bloomed with nine-color fairy light, and even more majesticly displayed the majesty of the supreme immortal way, and sank straight into it not far away. Go to the Great Array of God Market.


Immortal Heavenly Knife didn't talk nonsense, and immediately cut out a blazing white sword light, pointing directly at the evil thoughts of the opposite god.

I saw the vast saber aura like a sea, like the Milky Way falling from the Nine Heavens, trying to divide everything in the world, the murderous intent is awe-inspiring and unstoppable.

At this moment, the god Nianzheng was fighting with the Lord of the Shenxu, inseparable. He was not aware of it for a while, but he failed to escape the sneak attack of the Heavenly Sword.


On the shoulder of the god Nian, a gray mist was annihilated by the piercing blade light, and at the same time, blood of five colors intertwined and filled with a strange and dilapidated atmosphere sprinkled, piercing through the void.


The god Nian Evil Ghost suddenly raised his head, his face was ferocious, and his eyes were full of resentment, staring viciously at the Immortal Sword not far away.

In this regard, the Immortal Sword didn't take it seriously at all, and still looked down on everything in the world, aloof:

"Such evil things exist in the world, and they really insult the emperor's reputation!"

After his indifferent voice fell, the god Nian Evil Ghost could no longer hold back, and immediately abandoned the Lord of the Shenxu, and stretched out his demonic claws towards the Heavenly Saber.

Weird, depraved, and filthy power swept along with the monstrous black mist.

The Undead Heavenly Knife is obviously well aware of the power of strange substances, and dare not be contaminated easily.

Fortunately, he was well prepared, and immediately displayed some kind of secret technique, piercing the world, confusing time and space, and avoiding the attack of the gods.

"The Immortal Sword is really extraordinary, worthy of being the supreme fairy weapon made by the emperor."

Not far away, Gai Jiuyou, who is the great emperor of the world, said with emotion, and everyone in Beidou also nodded solemnly.

It has to be said that this Heavenly Knife is really unusual, it doesn't look like a weapon at all, but more like a living Supreme, and can even perform many secret and Taoist techniques.

"This knife can be so powerful not only because it is a fairy weapon, but also because the Immortal Emperor is still there, and it has its own blessings in the dark."

In Ye Fan's mind, the voice of the evil spirit came, which answered his doubts.

At the same time, Gai Jiuyou and Ning Fei on the side naturally also felt a sense, and the faint spiritual thoughts fell down, which made Ye Fan startled and tried his best not to fall down.

Fortunately, the two of them did not make things difficult for Ye Fan, and quickly withdrew their spiritual thoughts without saying anything.

In fact, as early as when the two current great emperors came to the world of Xianfu, they had already noticed the existence of evil spirits in Ye Fan's mind.

However, even though the two were shocked by the fact that there was another divine idea in this place, after some deduction and insight into some of the cause and effect, they were not prepared to "nosy".


In the arena, although the performance of the Immortal Sword is amazing, it is only a weapon after all, and it is absolutely impossible to compete with the gods at the level of the Emperor of Heaven on its own.


The Heavenly Knife cut off a filthy divine light from the god's mind, and it couldn't help being shocked. It immediately tore the void and the universe, and threw it at the Lord of the God Ruins, and was temporarily controlled by the latter.

Starting with the Supreme Immortal Artifact, sensing the aura of the Supreme Dao contained in it, the face of the Lord of the God Ruins couldn't help showing a hearty smile.

A Supreme Heavenly Emperor who has lived out the fourth life, plus a Supreme Immortal Artifact, is definitely not as simple as one plus one.

The master of Shenxu held the heavenly sword in his hand, and with a light swipe, the light of the sword shocked the world, dimming all the stars in the nine heavens and ten earths instantly.

Even among many celestial weapons, the Immortal Sword's attack power can be said to be extremely strong, and now it is in the hands of a supreme celestial emperor, and it really hits a near-celestial blow.


The existence of the god's mind was locked, and it was inevitable to avoid it. In the end, he had to fight against the sword light, and a wave burst out as if the universe had exploded.

Fortunately, the magical array of Shenxu, coupled with the protection of the two great emperors and many emperor soldiers, did not bring disaster to the world of Immortal Mansion and Beidou.

The aura of the Heavenly Sword dissipated, while the aura of the god Nian on the opposite side was slightly sluggish.

Obviously, it is by no means an opponent of the Lord of Shenxu who is holding a heavenly knife today.

The thoughts in his mind turned, and immediately he waved his hand, and the originally surging and strange sea gathered, and finally condensed into a strange fallen fairy phoenix, facing the Lord of the God Ruins and the Immortal Heavenly Sword.

At the same time, the real body of the god Nian turned his head and left, obviously seeing that the situation was not good, and was about to run away.

Seeing this situation, the god of Immortal Sword snorted coldly:
"Hey, I want to go!"

The divine thought tore apart the void, and was about to escape, but what was waiting for it was——


The light of the sun was like water, and the sky and the earth were brilliant, and the endless power of faith, like the Milky Way hanging upside down, turned into a vast ocean, submerging the thoughts of the gods.


Burned by the power of the world of mortals, the god Nian let out an extremely shrill roar.

The Immortal Emperor, as the supreme god of the ancient times, at the same time pacified the darkness and turmoil, with great achievements, naturally gathered countless powers of faith.

Except for the Emperor and the Immortal Taoist who are no longer in the human world, only the Heavenly Sword can use it.

At this moment, it has naturally become a major weapon against the emperor's god Nian.

And just when everyone thought they had the chance to win and were full of confidence——

It can be seen that the fairy phoenix formed by the condensed strange matter has submerged into the ocean of mortal thought power instead, and has not been eroded by the power of faith at all.

Seeing this, several supreme beings present had a bad premonition, but they couldn't stop it.


In the end, the weird fairy phoenix and the god Nian still collided.

This time, the two are truly blended, regardless of each other.

And the divine mind, under the erosion of strange substances, seems to be undergoing some kind of transformation.

The aura of the sacred and the depraved are intertwined, and even the power of faith seems to be hard to harm it, and even uses it instead.

Seeing this scene in full view, the monks present couldn't help being terrified and terrified.

As for the lord of Shenxu, Gai Jiuyou, Ning Fei had a particularly dignified look on his face.

"Hey, this guy is a bit interesting."

Just when the turbulent waves were turbulent and uneasy in everyone's hearts, there was a peaceful and indifferent voice.

Although his voice is not loud, it has a sense of detachment and calmness, as if everything in the world is under control.

Including several Supreme Beings, the minds of all the monks here were instantly soothed and returned to calm.

Realizing this, everyone immediately raised their heads subconsciously, looking towards that direction in the dark.

I saw that the navy blue fairy gourd glowed, accompanied by the transpiration of the auspicious color, the glow was gorgeous, and a tall and tall figure gradually changed from blurred to clear.

At the same time, the Myriad Dao Heavenly Heart in the human world also had a reaction, sending down countless visions.

In the end, that figure seemed to have crossed endless time and space before arriving here.

The man was wearing the ancient Taoist robe of Heavenly Venerable, with long hair bun on his head, and purple gold sea-crossing boots on his feet.

At this moment, there was a calm and unrestrained smile on his face, and he only looked around casually, and then there was a supreme majesty and majesty.

Even the majestic Lord of Shenxu just now bowed his head respectfully when he saw that person, and bowed solemnly:
"Meet Yuan Emperor!"

 The two changes are over.

  In recent days, the second time is often late, I am really sorry.The author will try to adjust it later.


  Finally, thank you again for your subscriptions, rewards and votes!

(End of this chapter)

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