Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 984 Emperor Yuan takes action, Immortal King suppresses demons

Chapter 984 Emperor Yuan takes action, Immortal King suppresses demons


At the same time, in the forbidden areas of life, many supreme beings also saw the person's real body clearly, and couldn't help but exclaimed. The thunder of the Nine Heavens God shook the Big Dipper five domains.

Among the supreme beings in the restricted area, there are many people who have met and looked at the Yuan Emperor in the past, so they can recognize him at a glance.

What's more, the kind of supreme majesty that transcends the heavens and worlds and looks down upon the ancients and wilds is beyond his imagination.

Originally, all the venerables felt a little uneasy when they saw the strange changes in the emperor's divine thoughts, but now that the Yuan emperor came to the world, there is no suspense about everything.

Thinking of this, the hearts of all the venerables are full of anticipation, curious about how the Emperor Yuan will deal with the divine thoughts.

In the Immortal Mansion World, following the words of the Lord of the God Ruins, everyone present couldn't help being shocked, and immediately raised their heads in unison, looking at the majestic and heroic figure in front of them with reverence.

Even though the monks of the Beidou sects had already guessed about it when the mysterious person came when the Yuan Emperor's dao gourd changed, but when the Lord of Shenxu revealed it himself, everyone was still unavoidably surprised.

At this moment, including the two current enlightened beings, all the powerhouses and arrogances present were all staring at the legendary supreme being.

Since there are clear records in the age of mythology, if we talk about the amazing characters born in the human world, we must not avoid the Immortal Emperor and Yuan Emperor.

You must know that the two were the first to break the shackles of the Dao of the human world, the world of mortals became immortals, and their bodies became immortal.

Not only that, but the two ascended to the realm of the Supreme Immortal King successively in the ancient times and became immortal legends of a generation.

What's more, the relationship between the Immortal Emperor, the Yuan Emperor, and the Dao Fa Tianzun in the age of mythology is by no means a secret to the major supernatural forces that have inherited ancient traditions.

If the world knows that the three are actually the same existence, there will be an uproar all over the world, and all living beings will be in an uproar.

And when the minds of the saints were full of thoughts——


The extremely handsome and charismatic emperor, at this moment, couldn't hide the excitement on his face, and immediately took the initiative to step forward and perform a big gift.

In the past, he left the human world with the Immortal Emperor, and finally got a great fortune in the holy land of the burial area, forging a solid foundation beyond the imagination of the world.

Not long ago, the emperor's son was conceived and born, and he was carefully taught and tempered by the emperor of Yuan Dynasty.

Therefore, the emperor's son naturally respected the emperor from the bottom of his heart, not just because he was the emperor's teacher.

"Disciple pays homage to Patriarch!" "Welcome Patriarch to return to the human world."

Afterwards, of course, everyone in Dushen Dao and Yuanhu Lake who had a close relationship with Emperor Yuan bowed respectfully.

Seeing this situation, the present Great Emperor and the powerhouses of other religions seemed to have just recovered, and immediately stepped forward to salute:

"Meet Yuan Emperor!"

As for Emperor Yuan, he accepted the gift calmly, with a rather gratified expression on his face, and nodded.

Although there are no huge fluctuations and spreads around the person's body, but just manifested in the heaven and earth, they will naturally intertwine the marks of the law, and all the ways in the world are all surrendered under his feet, respecting the only supreme The presence.

In fact, since Emperor Yuan came to this world, no one has cast any eyes on the god Nian who is floating in the sea of ​​mortal thoughts.

Their previous worries and worries seemed to disappear in an instant, and they regained their composure.

Even though the Emperor Yuan in front of him was not the real body, but just an incarnation of divine thoughts, no one doubted at all that he would be able to easily suppress the god's evil thoughts.

The gap between the legendary Supreme Immortal King and ordinary real immortals cannot be calculated, let alone a god who has not yet become an immortal and wants to read evil ghosts.

Emperor Yuan's eyes dropped, and he looked around. Even in the restricted area of ​​life in the Eastern Desolation, the Supremes felt that kind of majestic pressure. It was really like ants meeting the gods, and they couldn't give birth to the slightest thought of resistance.

Immediately, all the honorable ones did not neglect at all, and saluted in a precious and respectful manner.

Emperor Yuan's gaze passed by, as if he didn't take it seriously, he immediately raised his head, looked through the endless void, traversed nine heavens and ten places in an instant, and knew the situation of the human world clearly.

In the end, Emperor Yuan's eyes fell on Ye Fan, with a half-smile on his face, and he looked straight at him.

It seemed that the real big universe was suppressed, and Ye Fan was shocked.

He has no doubt that Emperor Yuan must have seen all his secrets.

As for the evil ghost in his mind, he was already trembling, as if he was worried that Yuanhuang would "smoothly" solve it if he had a slight thought.

Fortunately, Emperor Yuan didn't make a move after all, and quickly looked away, which made Ye Fan and the evil ghost in his mind heave a sigh of relief.

Emperor Yuan's eyes were blazing, and he looked straight at the god Nian who was struggling in the ocean of thought power, and the latter had no resistance at all.

Seeing this, the Lord of the Shenxu on the side stepped forward and said respectfully:

"This dog is weird. It was originally afraid of the power of faith, but something changed later."

As the supreme existence of the Immortal King Realm, Emperor Yuan observed carefully at this moment, and naturally understood everything.

After a while, the person's heartfelt emotion came:

"Is it that the gods are so close to strange substances when they read this kind of thing? Now, it seems that they are really evolving into strange creatures."

Hearing Yuanhuang's words, all the monks present couldn't help showing thoughtful expressions, and the Emperor Tian, ​​Ning Fei and others who knew the horror of strange creatures were even more dignified.

As for Ye Fan next to him, after hearing these words, his heart shivered.

The evil ghost in his mind couldn't help trembling, as if he was afraid that Emperor Yuan would catch him too.

But Emperor Yuan didn't say much about the weird things, he just stretched out his palm a little casually, and grabbed the weird god Nian who was transforming.


The Supreme Immortal King's strike, even a seemingly ordinary palm, is like a pillar supporting the sky toppled over, causing thousands of people in the world to wail.

At the same time, between the jade-like palms of the Yuan Emperor, there is more chaotic immortal light transpiring, and the laws of heaven and earth in the human world have also turned into tangible chains, which are radiant and full of eerie aura, lingering around it. superior.


Facing the power of the Yuan Emperor, although the god Nian was full of panic, in the end, perhaps under the influence of strange substances, it was able to rise up and resist, and went straight to the sky, exuding a majestic aura intertwined with the sacred and the decadent.

Sensing that kind of aura, the Lord of Shenxu, who had fought with him just now, couldn't help but change his face in shock at this moment, and the Immortal Heavenly Sword in his hand couldn't help trembling.

Because, that kind of power has faintly surpassed the scope of the world of mortals, reached another realm, and even surpassed the immortal weapon.

Now, if the Lord of Shenxu confronts him again, it may be difficult to win.

It's a pity that he was facing the Emperor Yuan, and his combat power at the mere level of a true immortal was far from enough!

The two met without any suspense, the figure of the god Nian was shot down, and fell into the world of mortals again.

Accompanied by the shrill and desperate roar, many five-color fairy feathers tainted with depraved aura drifted away in the midair.

With one blow, Emperor Yuan didn't stop at all, between his palms and fingers was a burst of extremely bright and radiant fairy light, enveloping the entire world of mortals and the ocean of thought power.


At the same time, Emperor Yuan's thoughts moved slightly, and all the strange substances that had been scattered in the world of the Immortal Mansion, including the place where the Emperor Nirvana was located, all gathered and fell into his palm.

In the end, accompanied by the bang of the Daoxian sound, a dark and deep orb filled with sacred and strange aura emerged. It was covered with densely packed supreme god patterns, which firmly sealed the existence of gods and many strange substances. .

With a panoramic view of this situation, the powerhouses of the Beidou religions and the supreme beings in the restricted area are all clear in their hearts.

Obviously, Emperor Yuan didn't intend to obliterate the god's mind, and it seemed that it still had value to be used.

It's a pity that no one in the world of mortals can know Yuanhuang's plans.

Seeing the god Nian evil ghost "arrested", everyone in the fairy mansion world was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.

At the same time, they looked at Emperor Yuan with more and more reverence.

The Divine Nian, which had caused them a lot of trouble just now, had no power to resist in the hands of Emperor Yuan.

Once again, they truly realized the power of the Supreme Immortal King, which is really awe-inspiring.

 This chapter is to make up for the last update, and there will be another update around 20:30 and 23:50 in the evening.

  Thanks again for all your support!
(End of this chapter)

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