Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 985 The Great Secret of the Last Stage of the Divine Chapter

Chapter 985
Beidou Zhongzhou, in the mysterious world of Immortal Mansion.

A majestic and heroic figure in the ancient Taoist robe of Heavenly Venerable stood proudly in the void.

His eyes were blazing, as if penetrating the past, the present and the future, above the world of mortals, he was the only Emperor Yuan in the world who had ascended to the realm of the Supreme Immortal King.

At this moment, in Emperor Yuan's palm, there is a crystal-clear celestial bead flowing with a sacred and strange aura, which is sealed with the god's evil thoughts of the immortal emperor.

Seeing Emperor Yuan bowing his head, with a look of deep thought, whether it is the master of the forbidden zone, or Gai Jiuyou and Ning Fei, who are enlightened people in this world, all hold their breath at this moment, and only look at the midair with awe. Emperor Yuan.

As for the powerhouses and arrogances of the Beidou religions, naturally no one dares to disturb them.

For a while, this place fell into silence, and there was no sound.

In the end, it was the emperor who broke the silence here.

He has an outstanding demeanor and an extraordinary bearing, and now he even took the initiative to step forward and said:

"My ancestor, I am equal to this world. Not only did I encounter the divine thoughts of my father, but I also found the place where he was transformed into Nirvana in the past."

"Besides that, we also found traces of the "Fairy Creation Scripture"..."

Having said that, the Emperor raised his head cautiously. On his incomparably handsome face, there were obvious expressions of doubt and curiosity.

In fact, since the emperor's son had been taught by the emperor Yuan for a period of time, he was the only one here who dared to communicate with the emperor Yuan in this way, outspokenly.

As the emperor's voice fell, the other monks present, including the two enlightened men, also showed curious expressions.

Hearing this, Emperor Yuan immediately put away the fairy bead that was sealed with the emperor's deity and evil ghost, and then looked at the emperor in front of him with a smile on his face.

Emperor Yuan didn't directly answer his doubts, but brought up another matter, pretending to be joking:

"It stands to reason that your boy's physique and blood are extremely strong, and your potential is endless. Why does this emperor think that it is not so good now? Could it be that after you returned to the human world, without my emperor's discipline, you have something to do?" Are you slacking off?"

Saying this, Emperor Yuan glanced over Ye Fan, the princess of Huolindong, the emperor of the Ji family and others, and seemed to nod in appreciation.

On the other hand, hearing Yuanhuang's words, the emperor's body trembled involuntarily, with a dignified expression, obviously recalling the "excellent" years of practicing by Yuanhuang's side in the past.

Fortunately, he was not very human after all, so he quickly regained his composure and bowed his hands respectfully:
"The disciples dare not forget the teachings of their ancestors. They have always guarded against arrogance and impetuosity. They have not been eager for success. At the same time, they have tried their best to lay a solid foundation. Therefore, they have not yet made it to Xiantai."

In fact, it was just as he said, the Emperor of Heaven was indeed ambitious, deliberately suppressed his own practice speed, and strived to polish every secret realm to perfection.

And speaking of this, the emperor paused for a moment before continuing:

"As for the heroes of the human world, although they are not bad, the disciples are also confident that they can defeat the heroes and ascend to the top."

Although the emperor's tone was calm and indifferent, there was no concealment of self-confidence in his words, and he looked high-spirited.

Beside, Ye Fan, the holy prince, the emperor of the Ji family, etc. heard the words, and their eyes could not help but glow, and there was a fierce fighting spirit, as if they were quite dissatisfied.

Seeing this situation, Emperor Yuan nodded with relief.

Yes, as it should be.

Since it is a rare golden world in ancient times, the smell of gunpowder should naturally be stronger.

Putting this matter behind for the time being, Emperor Yuan immediately raised his eyes, looked around, and had a panoramic view of the magnificent and extraordinary scene in the world of Immortal Mansion, and said with a little emotion:

"It has indeed returned to the original weather."

After Yuanhuang's words fell, the Lord of Shenxu who was beside him also took the initiative to step forward, with complicated expressions in his eyes, he sighed leisurely:

"It's a pity that the former emperor has become a fairy in the world of mortals, but it is impossible for this place to reproduce the glory of the last days of mythology."

The seemingly ordinary conversation between the two supreme beings contains a huge amount of information.

This made the powerhouses of the Beidou sects and the arrogances present couldn't help but think about it.

"Could it be that this is the legendary secret place!?"

In Ye Fan's mind, the exclamation of the evil spirit came, which naturally aroused Ye Fan's curiosity, and asked quickly:
"Old man, did you think of something?"

This time, the evil ghost didn't care about anything with Ye Fan, and then said solemnly:

"Do you still remember what Emperor Zun did in the last years of mythology?"

In this regard, Ye Fan is like a few treasures, one by one:

"Established the heavenly court, cast it into a fairy weapon, taught the flying fairy, failed to attack the fairy road—"

Speaking of this, Ye Fan couldn't help but widen his eyes, and a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind. Thinking of the rumors of becoming a fairy related to this world, he immediately said in a deep voice:
"You mean, here is probably the place where Emperor Zun tried to open up the immortal road in the last years of mythology?"

"If you say that I was only speculating about this at first, but now that I heard the conversation between Emperor Yuan and the Lord of Shenxu, I can almost conclude it."

In fact, not only Ye Fan and the evil ghost, but also people of great knowledge and knowledge in the major inheritances of Beidou, naturally thought of something at this moment.

On the other side, seeing the hesitant expression on the emperor's face, as if he wanted to ask again, Emperor Yuan shook his head helplessly, and finally said:

"In the past, the "Fairy Creation Scripture" was published here."

"In addition to this, there are indeed many opportunities here, and you can explore them as much as you want."

After the words fell, Emperor Yuan didn't say any more, and the supreme avenue was spreading around him, obviously preparing to leave.

Seeing this situation, the emperor did not speak again, and everyone even bowed their hands respectfully in unison:
"Congratulations to Emperor Yuan."

Among the crowd, the Lord of Shenxu had a rather tangled expression on his face, as if hesitating to speak.

Yuanhuang's cultivation base is extremely high, and his spiritual sense is vast, so he naturally noticed his strangeness, and immediately smiled slightly:

"Fellow Daoist, just rest your mind and cultivate your character. We will meet again in the future."

Hearing this, the Lord of Shenxu couldn't help being ecstatic, with an expression of excitement that couldn't be concealed:
"Thank you Emperor Yuan!"

The person was born this time and came here precisely because he sensed a strange aura.

And the reason why he chose to make a move in the end was naturally that he wanted to befriend the Immortal Emperor and Yuanhuang.

Now, with Yuan Huang's words, the Lord of Shenxu's trip was really worthwhile.

Since the two did not cover up at all, the conversation between the two was also heard by the forbidden gods who were looking at this place from the outside.

"Damn it! I was taken the lead by the Lord of the Shenxu!"

Among them, of course, there is no lack of supreme annoyance, full of regrets in their hearts.

Unexpectedly, they hesitated for a moment and missed such a great opportunity.

It's a pity that no matter what the supreme beings in the restricted area think, Yuan Huang, who is one of the parties involved, naturally doesn't take it to heart at all.


I saw that a celestial light from the Big Dipper soared into the sky, and sank straight into the infinite heights. Finally, there was a bang that opened up the world, and the figure of Emperor Yuan was hard to find.

 The third update will still be updated around 23:50.

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(End of this chapter)

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