Chapter 986 Immortal War, Mythical Ruins


Even though Emperor Yuan has left, there is still the supreme aura of the Dao remaining here, causing the void to rise and fall, the laws of the human world to mourn, and all living beings to tremble.

After a long time, when the brilliant fairy light and the chaotic mist dissipated, the monks in the world withdrew their gazes looking up at the infinite heights, as if lost.

This time, the Beidou religions explored the world of Immortal Mansion, with the original intention of finding the remains of the emperor and the illusory road to immortality.

Unexpectedly, it not only involved the emperor's divine thoughts, but also disturbed the Supreme Being in the forbidden area of ​​life, and eventually even attracted the Yuan emperor to descend from the realm.

As soon as Emperor Yuan came out, all other opportunities seemed to become dull.

Being able to meet the Emperor Yuan and see the existence of the Supreme Immortal King series, even if there is no gain in the follow-up, everyone really felt that the trip was worthwhile.

Especially for the emperors, princesses, and heroes of this world, being manifested by the Yuan Emperor has aroused their fighting spirit.

Being supreme is not the end of practice.

The avenue is endless, and there are countless peaks to follow, waiting for them to climb.

Just when the hearts of many Tianjiao and wizards were all excited and their fighting spirit was high, the Lord of the God Ruins cast his gaze.

Although there was no surge of divine power around him, and he just glanced casually at it, but in the dark, it seemed that there was a majestic and majestic universe pressing down, awakening everyone.

Fortunately, the Lord of Shenxu did not have any malicious intentions, and just looked around lightly.

And his gaze stayed on Ye Fan for the longest time, finally nodded, and said with emotion:
"The road to immortality is about to open, and with the greatest golden age in history, there are indeed many outstanding talents who have astonishing past and present."

However, although the Lord of Shenxu had a look of emotion on his face, he didn't really regard the "little kids" in front of him as competitors.

After all, even if the potential is limitless and the talent is astonishingly beautiful as the emperor, it is tantamount to fantasy to reach the level enough to compete with the supreme being who has lived the third or even the fourth life within thousands of years.

What's more, the emperor doesn't have to compete with them for the road to immortality. There are real people above him!
Temporarily suppressing the complicated thoughts in his mind, the Lord of the God Ruins smiled slightly:
"You just continue to explore, and the deity will go."

As soon as the words fell, the Lord of the God Ruins threw the heavenly knife in his hand very gracefully, and it fell towards Ning Fei, and immediately erected a bridge of immortal light, pointing directly at Donghuang, the ancient God Ruins.

"Congratulations to the Supreme."

Although the Lord of the Shenxu was quite kind to everyone, he was, after all, a powerhouse of the Supreme Heavenly Emperor rank and the Lord of a forbidden area of ​​life, so everyone naturally did not dare to neglect him in the slightest.

"The matter here is over, old man, I will not compete with you young people for opportunities."

Emperor Jiuyou, who was born in Zhongzhou, also said the same.

Before leaving, Gai Jiuyou nodded to the young man taught by Kunlun, glanced at Ye Fan again, and then left.

"Since the prince is fine, I will go back to Ancient Emperor Mountain."

"This time there will be troublesome generals."

The Emperor of Heaven also respected Ning Feidao, and took the initiative to bid farewell.

Immediately afterwards, Ning Fei, who looked like a silver-robed general, also left the place.

After seeing off all the supreme beings, the powerhouses and arrogances of the Beidou sects present couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

If several supreme beings stay here, I am afraid that the chances in the world of Immortal Mansion are destined to have nothing to do with them.

Fortunately, several supreme beings have extraordinary bearing and do not want to compete with the monks of later generations.Of course, it is very possible that there are also factors that the opportunity here is not in the eyes of the supreme being.

After calming down a little, everyone's eyes fell on the emperor and Ye Fan in unison.

Needless to say, the former, as the son of the Immortal Emperor, backed by the Ancient Emperor Mountain, and raised by the Yuan Emperor, really has a profound background and is truly awe-inspiring.

As for Ye Fan, although he was an ancient holy body, he defeated the strong with the weak not long ago and defeated the son of Yaoguang. Everyone is gone.

However, this time, he first came to prominence after comprehending the "Fairy Creation Scripture", and then he was unanimously recognized by several supreme beings such as the Yuan Emperor and the Lord of the Shenxu, and he looked at him differently.

Thinking about it, all the gods have participated in good fortune, psychic and immortal, and they must have seen Ye Fan's potential.

Therefore, not only the elders and powerhouses of various religions looked sideways, but even the emperor of heaven, the empress of Huolin, the emperor of the Ji family, etc., vaguely regarded him as a big enemy.

Under the tremendous pressure from the crowd, Ye Fan could only wear an awkward yet polite smile on his face.

Ye Fan knew well that the reason why several supreme beings looked at him differently was because of the evil spirits in his mind. In truth, he suffered an "indiscriminate disaster".

Fortunately, someone finally took the initiative to speak up and helped Ye Fan resolve the embarrassment by the way.

"Everyone, since the idea of ​​the gods has been eliminated, we can continue to explore with peace of mind."

The emperor, who is as rich as jade and handsome as a jade, spoke with a calm and calm tone.

After his reminder, everyone seemed to have come to their senses and remembered the original intention of this trip.

Naturally, the saints would not object to this.

After all, the Divine Mind has been removed by the Yuan Emperor, and there are several great sages among them, and they are in charge of many extreme weapons. Naturally, they want to "clean up" this place before other Beidou forces react.

After making up their minds, everyone rushed back to the Emperor's Nirvana without any hesitation.

I saw that the large formation that had enveloped this place had disintegrated.

Fortunately, the sea of ​​darkness formed by the strange matter was also swept away.

In time, this wasteland is likely to regain its vitality.

The footsteps of the people did not stop, and once again came to the five-color high platform where the emperor's coffin was located.

Here is still brilliant fairy light, thousands of dragons are steaming, and the chaos is vast.

However, the fairy road that everyone cares most about is obviously not here.

After the emperor put away the ancient coffin of the gods, all the ancient sages sat cross-legged and performed deduction.

In the dark, it is the flow of supreme power, and the void is undulating.

"In that direction!"

After a while, the ancient sage who crossed the divine way was the most psychic, and pointed out the direction for everyone.

That is the deepest part of the Immortal Mansion World, and there is a faint aura even more majestic than the Emperor's Nirvana.

Thinking that I am so close to the legendary fairy road, many people present couldn't help feeling excited.

They still opened the way with extreme weapons, moving slowly but firmly towards their destination.

"This is!?"

What caught everyone's eyes was a heartfelt shocking picture.

I saw the vast chaos, really vast like a vast ocean, blocking the way forward.

Among them, there are countless fairy lights that are gorgeous and crystal clear, bursting out dazzling rays of light.

Moreover, the chaos in front of them is completely different from the chaos that everyone usually sees. It is not chaotic energy, but condensed into a tangible body, thick and majestic.

If it is used for refining, it is definitely a rare material.

Moreover, this kind of chaos is not a speck, but a real vast ocean, in which there is even more precious fairy light flowing.

"Could it be that this is a chaotic fairy land? Or has someone created the world here!?"

An ancient sage whispered, but no one present could answer his doubts.

"It's futile to think about it here. After all, it's just a dead thing in front of me. I'll find out after I go in."

Although Dou Shengfo has entered Buddhism, his nature is still hard to change, and he is eager to try.

In the end, after confirming that there was no danger in this place, everyone still urged the emperor's soldiers to open up the chaos and enter it.



Before they went too far, the Golden Bridge on the Other Bank, Jiulitu, etc. made monstrous bangs, accompanied by the sound of metal and iron colliding, which made people feel horrified.

The several great saints present closed their eyes, felt silently, and immediately said in a deep voice:

"There are far more than one Supreme Dao remnants here."

At the same time, the ancient sage who crossed the divine way also spoke:
"I sensed the aura of Patriarch Tianzun."

Dao Fa Tianzun!

There are not many rumors about this Heavenly Venerable in the world.

Apart from Immortal Emperor and Yuan Emperor, it is most famous for having played an important role in the fall of the mythical emperor.

Could it be that this place is the relic of the great battle at the end of the myth?

With such thoughts in mind, everyone's expressions became more dignified, and then they continued to go deeper.


Suddenly, there was a roar full of anger, which seemed to resound through nine heavens and ten earths, shaking all spirits and sentient beings.

 Three changes completed.

  Sorry for the late update of this chapter.

  Tomorrow Saturday, there will still be an additional update as usual, with one update after 14:30 and two updates after 19:30.

  Finally, thank you all for your subscriptions, rewards and votes!The author will also work hard to write a good follow-up plot!

(End of this chapter)

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