
Spanning endless years, a roar came from countless tens of thousands of years ago, and it still reverberates in this vast sea of ​​chaos.

At the same time, accompanied by the indestructible will soaring to the sky, the supreme majesty spreads forth.

You must know that among the monks who have arrived here, there are many who have the rank of the Great Saint, and they are all the strongest in the world.However, in the face of that godlike roar, it was still not enough to watch.

The invisible coercion spread, and the higher the cultivator's cultivation base, the stronger the feeling of that immortal spirit.

I saw that Dou Victory Buddha was glowing all over his body, the gold was shining brightly, the celestial brilliance was flowing, the fighting blood in his body was boiling, and there was a thunderous roar.

On the other side of the Huolin Cave, Yan Qi and the great sage of the Ji family were not much better, and the brows were blazing, as if they were about to burst apart in the next moment.

As for the powerhouses of various religions, as well as many heroes of heaven, although they didn't feel so deeply about the mysterious roar, their faces were still pale, and they couldn't stop shaking violently.

In fact, this is already the result of weakening by several extreme weapons, which offset a lot of the killing intent in that roar.

Otherwise, if everyone fights with their real bodies, they might really explode.

Realizing that there might be such a possibility, all the saints and great saints present couldn't help but change their colors.

Even though it is likely that more than a million years have passed, this roar still makes the mountains and rivers sway, making people frightened.

It is conceivable how fierce the confrontation was at that time, which makes people's imagination run wild.

There is no doubt that it must be the existence of an extremely supreme series, and it is even very likely to be a supreme emperor!
And just when everyone's minds were shaking and their thoughts were fluctuating——


A majestic bang came out, and along with the majesty of the Immortal Dao spread, it resounded through the sea of ​​chaos.

Sensing that aura, everyone present suddenly raised their heads, and immediately looked in the direction of the fluctuation.

I saw that the ancient sage of the Jiuli Dynasty frowned slightly, and his whole body was full of green clouds, flowing with divine celestial brilliance, and even the phantoms of all things and spirits manifested.

Facing the gazes of the many powerhouses present, the ancient sage only sighed, and immediately took out something.

It was a simple and vicissitudes of green copper, which was extremely incomplete, and many avenues and gods were engraved on it.

But at this moment, for some reason, the ancient sage of the Jiuli Dynasty did not urge it, but the green copper block revived on its own, and the mighty majesty that traversed the past, present and future, and suppressed the eternal and immortal.

"Emperor's Immortal Cauldron."

In Ye Fan's mind, the evil ghost's expression was solemn, and his tone was particularly calm.

Hearing this, Ye Fan was naturally shocked.

He has always been full of confidence in the eyes of evil spirits, and there is no doubt that the fairy artifact is in front of him.

Thinking of this, Ye Fan's eyes were shining when he looked at the incomplete green copper block.

One must know that Emperor Zun's Immortal Cauldron is the most legendary and mysterious immortal artifact in the human world.

It is called "Chengxian Ding", which can also be seen.

At the same time, there were naturally some sages present who recognized the origin of the green copper block, and said with emotion:
"I never thought that fellow Taoists of the Jiuli Dynasty would actually possess such a fetish."

Hearing that, the old sage's expression didn't change much, and he immediately showed the green copper block to everyone with a calm face:
"It's just an insignificant fragment, nothing more."

Seeing this, the saints of various religions, as well as many strong men and arrogances, all probed for their spiritual senses and observed carefully.

After a while, the great sage of the Ji family let out a long sigh:

"This thing was activated by no one, but it revived on its own. It resonated with the immortal will remaining here. If you think about it, the roar must have come from Emperor Zun."

All the saints present agreed with his speculation, which was reasonable.

On the other hand, quite a few strong men, as well as Tianjiao, couldn't help being shocked when they heard this.

Although everyone had guessed about the ruins here, when the saints finally confirmed it through the fragments of the Chengxian Cauldron, they were still unavoidably surprised.

If there is no accident, this is the place where Emperor Zun opened up the immortal road in the past, which can also explain why there are so many chaos and immortal lights, and it must have fallen from the immortal road to the mortal world.

"The emperor shouted for longevity, does it mean that he has entered the fairyland?"

After pondering for a while, a certain ancient sage took the initiative to speak and put forward his own guess.

"No, Emperor Zun's roar was full of murderous intent. It should be that he was about to open up the immortal road, but he encountered an accident."

Immediately, the ancient sage retorted in this way, combining the clues in many ancient history books.

Relatively speaking, it is natural that the latter inference is more reasonable.

"However, fellow daoists, don't forget that 'Longevity' is still the dao name of a certain celestial being in the age of mythology."

Suddenly, Great Sage Yanqi at the side reminded me.

Huolin Cave is a great royal family in ancient times, and Yanqi also rose in the middle period of ancient times.

At that time, monks in the world knew much more about the Mythical Heavenly Venerable than those of later generations.

Hearing his words, everyone present couldn't help but shudder and frowned slightly.

Longevity Tianzun?
Although there has been no story of this Celestial Venerable in the human world for tens of thousands of years, but according to many ancient history books, it is speculated that such a supreme figure should indeed exist in the age of mythology.

From this point of view, those who participated in that battle in the past years included at least Dao Fa Tianzun, Changsheng Tianzun, Lord of Shenxu, Jifu Zhizun, etc., as well as the Undead Emperor who was suspected of not being enlightened.

With the combined efforts of many invincible characters, it is no wonder that Emperor Zun will "fall" in the end.

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help feeling ups and downs, thinking about the magnificence of the age of mythology.

However, they were not too immersed in it, and soon returned to normal.

After all, they already knew what happened afterwards.

Emperor Zun not only has not passed away, but has already become a fairy in the world of mortals, and has an inseparable relationship with the Immortal Emperor.As for the end of the mythology, it doesn't seem to be that important anymore.

Emperor Zun's roar that spanned the ages, for the powerhouses of the Beidou religions, it can only be regarded as a small episode after all.

Afterwards, everyone continued to use a few pieces of imperial soldiers to clear the way and move forward in the chaos.

In contrast, the remaining dao rhymes of the other supreme beings here are far from being comparable to the emperor's, which is enough to show that the emperor's divine power is unrivaled, and he is worthy of being one of the highest monuments in the ancient history of cultivation in the human world.

Of course, even though Emperor Zun now has become a fairy in the world of mortals, he has already been thrown away by the Immortal Emperor and Yuan Emperor.


Finally, everyone passed through the sea of ​​chaos and came to the end of the fairy mansion world.

As expected, what caught everyone's eyes was a place where dragons and immortals could fly.

I saw that the majestic and majestic mountains are continuous, the mountains and rivers are magnificent, and the countless land veins are intertwined, and thousands of dragons have been transpired, hovering above the sky.

Accompanied by the splendid celestial light, the divine glow and auspicious colors are pouring out, really like a fairyland in the world of mortals.

In the past, Emperor Zun failed to teach Feixian, and this world was naturally robbed and fell into silence.

However, after millions of years of gestation, coupled with the fact that the Immortal Emperor Midway had been nourished by the divine light of good fortune, this place has finally reappeared miraculous.

Taking a panoramic view of the magnificent and extraordinary scene in front of them, the monks present were shocked.

This place not only has the origin of the world of mortals, but also the real fairy light. Just a slight sniff, it will make people feel refreshed, and give birth to a feeling as if they are about to lift up the sky.

"Strange, logically speaking, if it's really the fairy road in the last years of mythology, why do I still feel the aura of the ancient times here?"

Great Sage Yanqi in Huolin Cave was puzzled and muttered to himself.

Not far away, the emperor of heaven, who is as rich as jade, stands tall, his eyes are shining brightly, but he doesn't say much.

There will be two more updates after 19:30 p.m.

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