Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 989 Duan De reappears, the fox pretends to be the tiger

Immortal domain come!

When such an absurd idea appeared in their minds, everyone subconsciously rejected it, unable to believe it.

However, no matter how fantastic and unbelievable this guess is, when all other possibilities are ruled out, it is undoubtedly the truth of the matter.


Just when the monks of the Beidou religions were all stunned on the spot, there was another loud voice from the sky, accompanied by the undulations and mighty waves of the supreme avenue.

This time, everyone naturally felt more clearly the power coming from the majestic chaos on the fairy road ahead.

Because, not long ago, they witnessed the divine power of the Immortal Sword with their own eyes, so they were particularly sensitive to that breath, and they were immediately convinced.

The majesty that seems to be eternal and immortal above the world of mortals must belong to the existence of immortality!

Fortunately, there is a majestic chaos between the two, coupled with the passive recovery of many extreme weapons, blooming immeasurable divine brilliance, sheltering everyone in it.

Therefore, they were not harmed.

And that kind of Dao fluctuation came and went quickly, and the fairy road quickly returned to calm.

As for the people present, they looked at each other in blank dismay, and no one spoke for a while, falling into silence.

"I waited all the way to open up the chaos. It is absolutely impossible for the creature to enter from the world of Immortal Mansion, and it is even more impossible to rush in before us."

After a while, it was the great sage of the Ji family who took the initiative to speak and spoke with certainty.

"Could it be that it really made us encounter the lower realm of the Immortal Realm?"

Immediately, another ancient sage spoke, expressing the true thoughts of many people present.

"Perhaps, I have guessed wrong. They are not real creatures, but just the intertwining of laws on the fairy road, and the phantom of the fairy spirit manifests."

The one who said this was Great Sage Yanqi of Huolin Cave.

In the ancient times, there were several events similar to the opening of the fairy road, and many ancient royal families have recorded the scene at that time.Therefore, his talents put forward such a conjecture.

Just when there were divergent opinions and it was difficult to draw a conclusion for a while, Ye Fan also asked in a low voice in his mind:
"What do you think, old man, is it really the lower realm of the fairyland?"

Hearing this question, the evil ghost was silent for a moment, thought for a while, and then said truthfully:

"We are far away from it, and separated by the majestic chaos, it is really hard to be sure, but—"

The devil's expression was serious, and he continued:
"The one who just came here is indeed a majesty of the immortal way."

Even the evil spirits said that, so it can almost be said that it is almost inseparable.

Ye Fan couldn't help feeling overwhelmed when he thought that he might see a real fairy creature.

Seeing Ye Fan's appearance, the evil ghost couldn't help complaining in his heart:

You kid has seen it before!

However, the evil spirit did not speak after all.

"Hmph! So what if it's really a creature of the Immortal Realm? I just met Emperor Yuan not long ago. Is it possible that he can be stronger than Emperor Yuan?"

In the end, it was the disdainful cold snort of the great sage of the Ji family who interrupted the heated discussion.

Hearing this, the eyes of the monks present lit up, and their minds were no longer so tense.

They were shocked by the majesty of that person's immortal way just now, but now that they think about it carefully, there are not a few flying immortals in the human world, and it is not surprising that the creatures in the immortal realm are in the lower realm.

"Having said that, don't say that it might be a true immortal, even if it's just the existence of an extreme supreme series, it's enough to make us despair."

A certain ancient sage spoke and said what everyone was most worried about, and then continued:

"Fellow daoists, the most important thing right now is whether we will continue to open up the road to immortality?"

Hearing this, the monks present fell silent again.

It is obvious that if everyone continues to open up the fairy road, they will almost certainly bump into people from the fairyland.

Without knowing whether the other party is an enemy or a friend, such a move undoubtedly takes a huge risk.

A little carelessness, I am afraid that everyone present will be ruined.

Such heavy consequences are unbearable even for Primordial Lake, Crossing the Shinto, etc.

What's more, the emperor soldiers of all religions are here, and it is absolutely impossible to take such a risk.

The thoughts in the minds of the saints and the great saints are ups and downs, and a decision has been made in the dark.

"Fellow daoists, listen to me first."

Wudi, who was silent for a long time, the ancient sage from the Jiuli Dynasty spoke.

Seeing the eyes of all the monks present, the ancient sage of Jiuli took out something unhurriedly, it was the fragment of the Immortal Cauldron that everyone had seen before.

At this moment, although the fragment did not riot, it also recovered spontaneously, emitting a faint green glow, filled with the charm of immortality, and faintly resonated with the existence behind the chaos.

"This is!?"

Seeing this situation, everyone's hearts couldn't help but move.

"Could it be that the person from Immortal Domain is actually someone related to Emperor Zun?"

"It is indeed very possible."

The abnormality of the fragments of the Chengxian Cauldron in front of them provided another way of thinking for everyone.

"Besides, fellow Taoists, you can think about it. Although the chaos here is extraordinary, extreme weapons can break through it. If the opponent is really a supreme being, or even a real immortal, why can't he come for so long?"

It has to be said that the ancient sage's thinking is clear, which makes people suddenly enlightened.

"That person is likely to be the same as us, but relying on external objects, and his real cultivation is by no means strong!"

Realizing this, the worries in everyone's hearts gradually dissipated, replaced by deep curiosity.

Who is on the other side, why did he appear here, and what is his plan when he comes to the human world?

Just when all kinds of thoughts were going up and down in everyone's minds, from behind the chaos in front, there was another booming sound that opened up the world.

But this time, everyone was familiar with the road, and protected by the emperor's soldiers, not only were they safe and sound, but they also took the initiative to explore their spiritual thoughts and sense the fluctuations.

Indeed, it's not quite like a real fairy coming to the dust, but more like using a foreign object.

Moreover, there was not a short period of time between the two immortal powers, which seemed to prove that his cultivation was not high.

Thinking of this, the saints looked at each other, no longer hesitated, and continued to use the emperor's soldiers to clear the way, breaking the chaos ahead.

After a while, the person opposite seemed to have sensed everyone's actions, and immediately activated Xianwei again.

In this way, the two sides walked towards each other on this ancient immortal road, working together.


After a long time, the chaos blocking the two sides was no longer too thick, and the members of the Beidou religions could even vaguely see the real body of the person opposite through the wall of chaos.

As everyone expected, it should be a tall and mighty Pegasus horse.

And on the back of Tianma, there is another stalwart figure.

Seeing such a person and a horse descending from the fairyland to the world of mortals, everyone couldn't help feeling excited.


Accompanied by an imperceptible crisp sound, dense cracks spread, and the wall of chaos finally exploded.

Everyone in Beidou's eyes were burning, staring at the visitor without blinking.

Among them, Ye Fan is no exception, he wants to see the real body of the creatures in the fairyland.

However, when he saw the real face of that person, he couldn't help but trembled all over his body, his eyes widened with an expression of disbelief.

I saw that, amidst the red clouds all over the sky, a divine steed dragon horse manifested, its whole body was fiery red, covered with golden dragon scales like phoenix blood, stepping on the blazing flames and fairy light, its majesty and martial arts reached the extreme.

And on the back of the dragon horse, sat a man who looked like he was only in his 30s, with loose long hair, a red face, and a pair of glasses.

Although the person's dress is quite weird, but he is also extraordinary, and even more majestic and majestic.

Duan De!

Ye Fan never thought that the so-called visitor from Immortal Domain would be him.

Since Duan De had told Ye Fan that he would leave the earth before, Ye Fan had imagined that there might be a chance to see him again in this life, but he did not expect such a scene.

It turned out to be in the world of Beidou Immortal Mansion, on an abandoned ancient immortal road!
At the same time, Duan De on the dragon horse naturally noticed Ye Fan in the corner, his eyes paused, but he recovered his composure.

"This seems to be a real dragon horse."

Among the powerhouses of the Beidou religions, there are naturally many people who are well-informed and knowledgeable. Naturally, they recognized the dragon horse in front of them at a glance. They were definitely not descendants of mixed blood, but the real innate holy spirit.

You know, in the human world, this is the exclusive mount of the emperors, which is rare in the world.

But in front of him, the cultivation level of the man on the dragon horse back is not high, but the level of the king of Dao Slashing.It's just that the physical body is quite weird, and even several great sages can't see through it.

Perhaps sensing the gazes of the crowd, the man sitting on the back of the dragon horse had awe-inspiring eyes and said indifferently:
"This seat is ordered by the Immortal King to go to the human world. You can know whether the front is the human world?"

As Duan De's voice fell, the majesty of the Supreme Immortal Dao was once again powerful.

And with such a close contact, even with the protection of the emperor's soldiers, everyone still couldn't stop shivering.

"Fate of the Immortal King!?"

Hearing this, all the monks present couldn't help being terrified, and their souls trembled.

However, the leading sages were quite calm and never panicked.

I saw that the great sage of the Ji family bowed his hands politely, and immediately stepped forward and asked:
"May I ask the emissary, which immortal king's decree is it?"

You know, they had only met Emperor Yuan not long ago, so they naturally didn't believe that Emperor Xian or Emperor Yuan had sent such a person down to the realm.


Hearing the words of the great sage of the Ji family, Duan De snorted coldly:
"Di Zun hasn't been in the world for many years, have you forgotten him as an old man?"

What, Emperor Zun has become the Immortal King! ?
Three changes completed.

There will still be three shifts tomorrow, one shift around 14:30, and two shifts after 19:30.

Finally, thank you again for your subscriptions, rewards and votes!The author will also work hard to write a good follow-up plot!

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