Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 990 Unscrupulous Taoist priests exploded into fairy roads

Chapter 990 Unscrupulous Taoist priests exploded into fairy roads

Zhongzhou Immortal Mansion World, the abandoned Immortal Chengxian Road.

The vast and boundless chaos spread horizontally and turned into the most solid barrier, blocking between the human world and the fairyland.

And in that chaos, there is a passage created artificially.

Here, there are shocking auras pervading the world, countless crystal light rains falling, and wisps of arctic fairy light transpiring, hovering on the road to immortality like a swimming dragon.

At this moment, under the cover of the chaos of the fairy light, two people and horses stood facing each other.

On the one side, are the experts and arrogances of the Beidou religions from the outside world.

Among them, there are many saints and great saints, and they are in charge of many extreme weapons, which can definitely be called the top combat power in the world.

On the other side, although there is only one person and one horse, there is a mighty power of the Supreme Immortal, which makes everyone in the Beidou religion sincerely awe.

As the voice of the man with extraordinary bearing sitting on the dragon horse fell, everyone present couldn't help but tremble all over, trembling with horror.

According to the meaning of his words, Emperor Zun, who was originally only a fairy in the world of mortals, has now ascended to the realm of the highest immortal king!

Regarding this, the monks of the major Beidou inheritances naturally looked in disbelief.

You must know that since the age of mythology with clear records, even through the ancient history of practice in the human world, only the Immortal Emperor and Yuan Emperor have achieved the Dao Fruit of the Immortal King.

Although Emperor Zun is amazing and transcendent, if he has become the Immortal King, it is still surprising after all.

The saints of various religions were indeed suspicious of Duan De's words, but after thinking about it, Emperor Zun should be in the Immortal Realm at this moment, and they have no way of knowing whether he really became an Immortal King.

Besides, the reminder from the sage of the Jiuli Dynasty just now, and the change of the fragments of the Immortal Cauldron, all seemed to indicate that the person in front of him had a deep relationship with the emperor.

Therefore, everyone fell into deep thinking for a while, and did not dare to make a judgment.

In the end, it was the great sage of the Ji family who spoke again, his eyes flickering brightly:

"Emperor Zun, born out of nowhere in the last year of mythology, the king came to the universe, and the nine heavens and ten earths were respected together, and created many miracles. We are naturally in awe, but—"

Having said that, the great sage of the Ji family paused for a moment before continuing:
"Immortal King Daoguo is difficult to achieve, so far there are only two existences of Immortal Emperor and Yuan Emperor..."

Although he didn't make it clear, the implication of the words of the great sage of the Ji family was that Duan De was talking nonsense.

And this is also the idea of ​​many experts present.

On the other side, Duan De was still sitting on the extraordinary dragon horse, poised and composed.

Facing the doubts from the Beidou people, not only Duan De's eyes revealed a look of disdain, but even the dragon horse sitting under him was also arrogant and arrogant.

Immediately, Duan De's indifferent eyes fell, and a more majestic and magnificent voice came out at the same time:

"This seat was ordered by the emperor to descend from the fairyland to the mortal world, can there be a fake?"


When Duan De's voice fell, there was a huge bang that opened up the world.

I saw that his five great secret realms were glowing, bursting with extremely bright and radiant fairy light, and accompanied by the bang of the supreme scriptures, this side of the avenue shook violently.

At the same time, from Duan De's body, a ball of fairy light transpired, and a slightly broken green copper tripod was wrapped in it.

It is engraved with the pattern of the supreme avenue, and there are also the gods of all things such as birds, beasts, insects, fish, and ancient ancestors.

"Emperor's Immortal Cauldron."

Dou Zhanfo's tone was dignified, his eyes were even more radiant, and endless runes flickered, as if he wanted to see everything.

Although the green copper tripod in front of him is still incomplete, but more than half of it is assembled, which is many times more miraculous than the piece in the hands of the ancient sage of the Jiuli Dynasty.

At this moment, following the ethereal and mysterious sound of chanting in Duan De's body, the incomplete green copper tripod glowed, actively revived, and descended thousands of ways to become chaotic and vast, and the sky was full of green clouds.

That kind of power almost makes people think that it is the reappearance of the mythical emperor, the supreme immortal power is overwhelming, not to mention the powerhouses of the world, even many extreme weapons can't help but tremble.

"Emperor's Immortal Scripture!"

Immediately, an exclamation from an ancient sage came, and the horror in his tone was hard to conceal.

If we say that before, everyone was quite skeptical about Duan De's identity, but now, they have to believe it.

You must know that Emperor Zun's complete scriptures have never been handed down in the world, but the fairy scriptures recited by the person in front of him are full of Taoism.

It can only be passed down by Emperor Zun himself!
More importantly, Duan De came from the other side of the immortal road, riding on a dragon horse born with a holy spirit, almost confirming his identity as a person from the other party's immortal domain.

In addition, he is also in charge of Emperor Zun's Immortal Cauldron, and he is proficient in its Immortal Scriptures...

Therefore, the credibility of Duan De's words has naturally been greatly improved.

Thinking about it this way, Emperor Zun may have really become a supreme immortal king who surpassed the heavens and worlds and overlooked the ages.

Just when everyone's thoughts were fluctuating, in Ye Fan's mind, the disdainful voice of the evil spirit sounded, with a look of disdain on his face:
"You uncle, are you really good at pretending?"

Regarding this, Ye Fan had a slightly hesitant expression on his face, and immediately asked in a deep voice in his mind:

"Uncle Duan's origin is mysterious. Is it possible that he is really Emperor Zun's disciple, but he temporarily lost his memory after falling from the fairyland to the world of mortals?"

At the same time, Ye Fan couldn't help recalling Duan De's many miraculous performances when he was still on Earth in the past, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this guess was reasonable.

He has mastered Emperor Zun's immortal weapon and is familiar with Emperor Zun's fairy scriptures. It seems that he really has a lot to do with Emperor Zun.

"There is absolutely no such possibility!"

For Ye Fan's unrestrained and unconstrained imagination, the evil ghost looked disdainful and categorically denied it.

But no matter whether Duan De is putting on airs and talking nonsense, or he really has a great background and is entrusted by Emperor Zun, right now, all the powerhouses of the Beidou religions are present, which is obviously not the best time for the two to recognize each other.

Both parties are well aware of this, so they pretend to be strangers, so as not to be seen by others.


Suddenly, from the deepest part of the fairy road, there was a huge bang that opened up the world.

In the eyes of Duan De and Long Ma, there was a sly look, and then they couldn't help but exclaimed:
"Not good! This fairy road is about to collapse!"

After the words fell, everyone in Beidou couldn't help being shocked.

Sensing the fluctuation coming from the depths of the fairy road, the hearts of the monks present were terrified.

The leading sages quickly deduced, and then suddenly raised their heads, and said in a solemn tone:

"The fairy road will collapse, and everything here will be buried."

It was so sudden!
Everyone just opened up the fairy road, and before they could explore the area behind, it was about to collapse.

You must know that this ancient fairy road lay here, and it has been safe and sound for millions of years.

It's really weird why there is a sudden turmoil today.

In fact, many people have doubts in their hearts, thinking that the person in front of them may have tampered with it.

However, no matter what the truth of the matter is, the most important thing right now is to run for your life.

After all, when a road to immortality collapses, even the real Supreme Beings must be treated seriously, let alone them.

This trip has not yielded much. If he is accidentally buried on the fairy road, it will be really bad luck.

"I'll go, that guy is really ruthless!"

In Ye Fan's mind, the evil ghost also couldn't help cursing angrily.

Fortunately, there are also saints in Yaoguang, and at the same time they brought the Dragon Pattern Black Gold Cauldron here.

At this moment, the gods of the Emperor Soldiers sensed the fluctuations in the depths of the fairy road, and actively revived, showing the world's fastest speed, engulfing everyone and fleeing.


In the end, there was a big explosion on the fairy road, accompanied by a thunderous bang, the majestic force was mighty, and countless arctic lights rushed out.


I saw that one after another rather embarrassed figures were thrown out and smashed into the earth of the Immortal Mansion World.

 There will be two more updates after 19:30 p.m.

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(End of this chapter)

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