Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 991 The One Who The Supreme Being Would Not Dare To Mess With

Chapter 991 The One Who The Supreme Being Would Not Dare To Mess With

In the deepest part of the world of Immortal Mansion, there is the rumble of the void, the rumble of the avenue, and the celestial light of the North Pole scatters and "escapes", accompanied by the surging chaos.

Behind them, the originally irregular fairy cave gradually collapsed and was finally buried in the void.

At the same time, the innumerable radiances of immortal light not only shocked the local creatures in the world of Immortal Mansion, but also moved towards the Big Dipper, causing all the strongmen of the five domains and religions to feel their senses, and they were immediately amazed Raise your eyes and look in the direction of Zhongzhou.

After a while, the changes in the fairy road finally stopped, only a faint white mist filled the air, still covering the place.


I saw a ray of immortal light soaring into the sky, rising from the depths of the earth.

Among them, a crystal bright, simple and vicissitudes of the Golden Bridge manifested.The figure of Du Shinto, Yuanyuan Lake and his party, as well as the emperor's son, stood impressively on it.

Although everyone was a little embarrassed, they were fine after all.


Immediately afterwards, one after another majestic and supreme aura rushed out one after another.

Fortunately, the sects brought many extreme weapons to this place, and there was no danger after all.

"I'll go, where's that fat man? Get out, old man!"

Just when everyone was rejoicing for the rest of their lives after the catastrophe, it was the roar of the great sage of the Ji family, which was so majestic and mighty that many monks present couldn't help trembling.

It turned out that in order to protect everyone's safety, several great sages with the highest cultivation just now took the initiative to choose to stay at the end and cut off the rear for everyone.

As for the cultivation base of the great sage of the Ji family, he was weaker than Yan Qi who defeated the Buddha and Huolin Cave.

If it's just like this, that's all. Who knows that the guy who claimed to be the messenger of the Immortal King, whether intentionally or unintentionally, was driving Emperor Zun's Chengxian Cauldron "accidentally" bumped into him while fleeing for his life.

Even if he was protected by the Void Mirror, he almost fell into a shit.

The reason why the great sage of the Ji family was in such a mess was due to that person.

Now that the dust has settled and everyone is no longer in danger of their lives, the great sage of the Ji family will naturally ask him for an explanation.

It's a pity that despite the vastness of his spiritual thoughts, even sweeping the entire Immortal Mansion world, he could not find any trace of Duan De.

Immediately, the great sage of the Ji family silently performed the deduction.But perhaps due to the existence of the Immortal Cauldron, it is really difficult to determine where he is.

In the end, the ancient sage who crossed the divine way spoke, stroked his beard, looked calm, and said with deep eyes:
"That person should have left this world, and it is impossible to determine whether he is still in Zhongzhou."

When the voice of the ancient sage Du Shendao fell, the powerhouses of all religions present couldn't help being shocked. They never thought that even Du Shendao, who is best at divination and deduction of the primordial spirit, could not calculate his whereabouts.

After thinking for a while, the great sage of the Ji family, the ancient sage of Chaodu Shinto, cupped his hands, and said again:

"I don't know, can I ask fellow daoists to use the power of the golden bridge on the other side to do a deduction?"

Obviously, the great sage of the Ji family was really angry and couldn't swallow this breath.

Hearing this, the eyes of the ancient sage of crossing the gods were shining, and he glanced at him lightly, and said in a very solemn tone:
"That person has a very powerful background, not to mention me, even the Supreme Being of the forbidden zone would not want to provoke him. I would like to advise fellow Taoists, you should not get entangled in this matter."


At the same time, the ancient Buddha on Mount Sumeru also took the initiative to speak:

"Enemies should be solved rather than tied. Since there is nothing wrong with Taoist friends, it is better not to continue to pursue it."

Afterwards, Yuanhu Lake and a few other forces with a particularly long heritage also had saints come forward to persuade the Great Sage of the Ji family.

Seeing this situation, many powerhouses and heroes present, including several emperors and sons, couldn't help but widen their eyes.

They never expected that the sages would take the initiative to persuade the great sage of the Ji family to calm down, and they all acted as if they were doing his best.

"Could it be that Uncle Duan is really a big shot?"

There was no strange expression on Ye Fan's face, but he couldn't help muttering in his heart.

As for the evil ghost who had seen through everything in his mind, he was naturally silent.

Seeing that many ancient sages have such an attitude, the great sage of the Ji family is not a dull person, so he naturally realized something, his eyes flickered, he took a deep breath, cupped his hands and said:

"Here, thank you fellow daoists for reminding me."

The matter of Duan De came to an end for the time being, and the focus of everyone's attention naturally fell on the road to immortality again.

Immediately, several great saints, as well as saints from various religions, rushed back to the collapsed fairy cave without stopping.

In the end, after the observation and induction of all the saints, it was unanimously determined that the condition of this ancient fairy road was worse than before.

Although it will not really collapse completely, but I am afraid that only the real extreme supreme can make it see the light of day again.


Just when everyone was still regretting and feeling sorry for this, there was a monstrous bang, which came here from the other end of the Immortal Mansion world, and more than one earth-shattering aura swept over.

Sensing that breath, the hearts of many powerhouses and arrogances were astonished, while several ancient sages showed smiles on their faces:
"It's just arrived now, and it's a lot slower than I expected before."

Shaking his head, the saints immediately led everyone away from the Immortal Land and returned to the entrance of the Immortal Mansion World.

As expected, the people who came were none other than the powerhouses of Beidou's other transcendent forces.

In fact, if they hadn't been afraid of the previous Emperor God Nian, and the arrival of the Yuan Emperor and the venerables, I'm afraid they would have swarmed here long ago.

Things after that were pretty simple. The sects that came first naturally took the initiative, but they also knew that it was impossible for them to monopolize the world of Immortal Mansion by themselves.

As a result, the major forces subsequently negotiated and negotiated, and finally got a result that both parties were quite satisfied with.

Among them, Yaoguang's rights are naturally guaranteed, allowing some disciples to enter the Immortal Mansion World, and even practice in the most core Immortal Land.

You must know that in this small world in front of you, there are not only the traces left by the Immortal Emperor and the Immortal Emperor in the ancient times, but also the relics of the mythical battle.

Even for powerful monks above the level of saints, there are unparalleled temptations, let alone the younger generation of Tianjiao Yingjie.

Ye Fan, as the leader of Yaoguang's younger generation, naturally took advantage of the opportunity to stay in the world of Immortal Mansion to practice.

Originally, he planned to visit Mount Sumeru with the Holy Prince.

But now, the Holy Prince has recognized Dou Shengfo, and he is currently busy persuading his uncle to meet Princess Shencan, so the trip to West Desert has naturally been put on hold.

And after a few months, the focus of the world has all gathered on the world of Immortal Mansion, and naturally relatively less attention is paid to the younger generation of monks.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ye Fan left the world of Xianfu through the domain gate built by Yaoguang.

Of course, he didn't mean to give up practicing here, but to leave temporarily.

Because, right now, there is one more important thing that he urgently wants to confirm.

 Sorry, the third update will take a while, and it will be updated around 20:30.

(End of this chapter)

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