Chapter 993

In a corner of Zhongzhou, somewhere in the barren mountains and ridges, an inaccessible place.

No matter in the boundless sky or in the mountains and mountains, there are densely packed Yuantian divine patterns all over, interweaving into a miraculous and extraordinary formation, covering up all the fluctuations of the Dao within, so that the outside creatures are not aware of it at all.

But in the Yuantian big formation, there are two people and one horse, and three figures stand facing each other.

At this moment, the extraordinary dragon and horse really laughed so hard that they couldn't close their mouths.

From its nostrils, streams of white steam spewed out, and the mist was transpiring, accompanied by bursts of majestic dragon chant.

Duan De was well aware of Longma's particularly unbeatable personality, and he had long been used to it. Naturally, there was no wave in his heart, and he just gave Longma a hard look.

As for Ye Fan, his forehead was still full of black lines, and he couldn't help but look sideways.

He couldn't figure it out until now, how could Xiangrui, who was recorded in many mythological classics, be such a guy?
Fortunately, Ye Fan was not very human after all, so he calmed down quickly, took a deep breath, raised his eyes again, looked at Duan De, and said in a deep voice:
"If you, Uncle Duan, have nothing to do with Emperor Zun, then where did you get this green bronze tripod?"

There was a sincere curiosity on Ye Fan's face.

You know, according to what the evil ghost said, in the past, Emperor Zun's Immortal Cauldron was suspected to be broken by the Immortal Emperor, scattered all over the human world and the universe, and never reunited.

Even a transcendent force like the Jiuli Dynasty only possesses a broken fragment, which is far inferior to the completeness held by Duan De.

Ye Fan would not naively think that such celestial treasures can be obtained casually.

Hearing Ye Fanzhi's question, a rather strange expression appeared on Duan De's face opposite him, and he immediately sighed:
"That's a long story."


With the slight movement of Duan De's mind, the incomplete green bronze tripod manifested again.

Everything on it is lifelike. Although it has not recovered, it is still simple and vicissitudes, and it has the charm of the supreme immortality, which shocked Ye Fan.

"It's worthy of being cast by Emperor Zun. It's called the Immortal Cauldron. It's really amazing."

At the same time, in Ye Fan's mind, the evil spirit also came out with divine thoughts, observed it so closely, and then said with emotion.

"I'll go, you can still talk!?"

Seeing this, the dragon horse on the side jumped away exaggeratedly, and couldn't help but exclaim.

On the other hand, Duan De couldn't help but widen his eyes.

The performance of the evil spirits in front of him is completely different from the gods in his inherent cognition, as well as all kinds of rare evil spirits in the world, which is really strange.

As for the evil ghost, although it has lost most of its roots, its spiritual sense is still supreme, so it naturally senses what Duan De is thinking.

"Hmph! Those small fish and shrimps are also worthy of being compared with this seat?"

However, Duan De's backing on the opposite side is obviously bigger.

In fact, when facing Duan De, the evil ghost was rather aggressive and introverted, but he didn't show it at all.

"Uncle Duan, please tell me how you got this fairy cauldron."

Ye Fan was really itchy and couldn't help urging, interrupting the conversation between him and the evil spirit.

Duan De thought for a while, and then said:

"Originally, after saying goodbye to you kid, I was going to find the legendary mythical ancient road and leave Earth early."

"Who would have thought that all the way I visited, excavated archeology, and searched for clues, went around and went back to the original place."

Speaking of this, Duan De couldn't help but pause, his eyes were shining brightly, and immediately he gritted his teeth and said:
"Mad, come here!"

"If I don't take a look at Kunlun before leaving, how can I be reconciled to Daoist?"

Hearing this, Ye Fan also nodded.

Yes, this is in line with my understanding of Duan De.

"Is that the fairy mountain Kunlun in the legend? So that's how it is..."

In Ye Fan's mind, the evil ghost had a tone of sudden realization.

Seeing Ye Fan's puzzled face, the evil ghost explained patiently today:

"The Kunlun Immortal Mountain was famous as early as the age of mythology. The Kunlun Immortal Clan lived there, and the Immortal Bell lived there. However, Kunlun was breached by Emperor Zun at the end of the Mythology, and the Immortal Bell escaped."

"As for Emperor Zun's ability to forge an immortal weapon with his extreme body, the Kunlun Immortal Mountain must have contributed a lot."

Hearing this, Ye Fan was naturally surprised.

Kunlun, in Chinese civilization, has always been regarded as the ancestor of Wanshan, with a high status.

It never occurred to him that the real Kunlun Immortal Mountain is so extraordinary that it is closely related to the two supreme immortal artifacts in the human world.

Just when Ye Fan was thinking a lot, Duan De beside him said with a slightly wretched smile:
"Hey, it's just like the god brother Nian said."

"Pindao, I wandered around outside the Kunlun Fairy Mountain, and finally tried to enter it. I never thought that I would actually let Pindao go straight to the core of Kunlun, the fairy pond that was bred into the fairy cauldron in the past."

Speaking of this, Duan De couldn't help but look smug.

"Made, it's really strange. Normally, even a bird can't fly into the Kunlun formation. Meeting this guy is like meeting a plague god, and it's out of order."

Ryoma on the side couldn't help complaining, and he is still puzzled.

In fact, Longma had taken a fancy to Duan De's ability to enter the Kunlun Immortal Mountain at the beginning, so he would go with him and explore the good fortune together.

"Go, go, do you know what is called the clock of luck?"

Duan De was full of pride, glanced at the dragon horse with disdain, and pushed it aside impatiently.

Immediately afterwards, Duan De continued to narrate:

"I don't know who it is who actually collected the broken Immortal Cauldron in such a complete way, and put it in the place where it was born in the past, it seems to be ready to be reborn."

What happened later is naturally obvious, Duan De took away the fairy cauldron without any hesitation.

After listening to Duan De's narration, Ye Fan couldn't help frowning slightly, his face was full of worry, and he said solemnly:
"Uncle Duan, since that person can collect so many fragments of the fairy cauldron, he is likely to be a peerless figure. If you just take his fairy cauldron away like this, will there be great karma?"

After being reminded by Ye Fan, Ryoma, who was about to come forward, pulled away in an instant:
"I'll go, don't splash blood on me then!"

In response, Duan De rolled his eyes:

"Wuliang, Heavenly Venerable, Daoist, if I am hunted down, you won't be able to escape! Ma De, Xiao Banchi's fairy liquid has all entered your 'dog stomach'!"

"Wang! Don't foul people's innocence!"

These two live treasures got together in a pile, which really made people laugh and cry, and Ye Fan could only shake his head helplessly.

At the same time, the evil ghost in his mind had already guessed who put the Immortal Cauldron into the Kunlun Immortal Pond, and immediately couldn't help but secretly complained:

Ye boy, you worry too much. With the relationship between the old man and Emperor Zun, who would dare to trouble him?
"You dead horse, if there is no Taoist me, you still want to leave the earth?"

Not far away, Duan De and Long Ma were still fighting fiercely, fighting with each other.

In fact, both of them are masters in this way, and it is really difficult to tell the winner at the moment.

 In order to make up for the updates owed before, there will still be three updates today.

  The last two updates are updated around 20:30 and 23:50 respectively.

  Finally, thank you again for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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