Chapter 994
In the Yuantian formation, the dispute between Duan De and Long Ma continued.

"Hmph! Grave-digger, you have the nerve to say so!"

The body is covered with dragon scales, and the extraordinary dragon horse raised its head, accompanied by the wind and thunder, and said with disdain:

"Master, I followed you to wander the starry sky, and was almost buried on the fairy road!"

Perhaps it was the word "grave digger" that touched Duan De's life, making him anxious for a moment, with black lines all over his forehead, and immediately said sternly:
"Made, Master Dao, I want to emphasize again, I am a great archaeologist, do you understand, you dead horse?"

After taking a panoramic view of the performance of both sides, Ye Fan finally took the initiative to speak and interrupted this endless war:
"Speaking of which, Uncle Duan, how did you all appear on the Immemorial Road to Immortality?"

Ye Fan's doubts about this point are definitely no less than that of Duan De who holds Emperor Zun's Immortal Immortal Cauldron.

One must know that it was precisely because Duan De and Long Ma appeared from the other side of the fairy road that the powerhouses of the Beidou religions believed in his fabricated identity.

Hearing his question, Duan De and Long Ma immediately stopped accusing each other, and the latter put a hoof on Duan De's shoulder and said casually:

"Here, let this guy tell you."

It has to be said that the two of them are worthy of being a nest of snakes and rats, friends of friends, just now they were screaming and screaming, but now they are hooking up again.

Duan De didn't pay attention to the movement of the dragon and horse beside him, he only thought for a while, and then said:

"After I came out of Kunlun Fairy Mountain, I made a lot of investigations and confirmed that some people did leave from Kunlun in the last years of the myth. Later, the descendants of that group of people also returned, but they did not leave any ancient roads behind."

Hearing this, Ye Fan couldn't help but think of the supernatural power in Zhongzhou, the Kunlun Sect known as the mother teacher of the Beidou Human Race.

Previously, because of the name of the sect and the origin of the legendary Beidou people, Ye Fan had already guessed.

Now, combined with Duan De's past researched from Kunlun on Earth, it seems that they can really match up.

Thinking of this, Ye Fan told Duan De what he had learned about the Kunlun Sect.

"It can't be wrong! The name of the sect is Kunlun, so it must be founded by those people in the past!"

When it comes to the history of the distant mythological age, Duan De's tone is particularly excited.

"The so-called Kunlun Holy Emperor is probably the incarnation of a certain Celestial Lord from the age of mythology."

"Huh! Most of their Kunlun mirrors are not acquired evolution and transformation, and they are inseparable from Tianzun!"

Duan De speaks with certainty, and seems to have a well-thought-out plan for his guess.

However, although the matter of Kunlun is admirable, it is not the focus of today. Duan De put it aside for the time being and continued:

"Although the road to Kunlun is impassable, I am still an auspicious person with my own aura. I found out that there is an old road on Mars that Sakyamuni walked in the past..."

Ye Fan was still listening with relish, but the more he listened, the more he felt that something was wrong. A rather strange expression appeared on his face, and he said tentatively:
"Uncle Duan, have you seen a sealed place covered by a large array?"

Duan De, who was interrupted by Ye Fan, flashed a look of astonishment on his face, and said suspiciously:

"How do you know, boy?"

Seeing this, Ye Fan sighed leisurely:
"Actually, we were the ones who opened that formation, and our party finally came to Beidou through Yinghuo's five-color altar."

"I'm going, it turns out it's you wicked fellows!"

Hearing Ye Fan's words, Ryoma beside him couldn't help but swear:

"Made, it was because of the isolation of the large formation that our coordinates went wrong, and we were almost lost in the starry sky."

Fortunately, Duan De and Long Ma were indeed blessed and fateful, and finally arrived safely in Yinghuo.However, they could only look at the five-color altar in Sakyamuni's formation, and they couldn't use it to leave.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Fan naturally gave a brief account of their experience in Yinghuo.

Long Ma and Duan De couldn't help but tremble when they heard the divine crocodile at the great sage level and the gods suppressed by Sakyamuni recite evil ghosts, and their faces were filled with awe.

"Little Ye Zi, where is the Jiulong coffin now?"

However, Duan De's interest in pulling the coffin in Nine Dragons is obviously more than other things.

You know, this is a mysterious thing that has been recorded in many ancient books throughout the history of the human world. With Duan De's "archaeological" nature, he can't help it.

Although Ye Fan could understand Duan De's excitement, he still solemnly reminded:
"The coffin pulled by the Nine Dragons smashed into God's forbidden area, Uncle Duan, you should give up this idea as soon as possible."

"Life restricted zone!?"

Although it has only been a few months since Duan De and Long Ma came to Beidou, they are naturally no strangers to the famous forbidden zone of life.

Those who are dormant among them are all genuine Supreme Beings, even the Great Emperor would never dare to offend easily.

Since Jiulong's coffin has fallen into the restricted area of ​​life, it can only be said that life is too long to snatch it back from the supreme hand.

Shaking his head, putting these far-fetched thoughts behind him for the time being, Duan De continued to talk about their experience in Yingzhuo:
"Made, Sakyamuni is worthy of being an ancient sage. The formation he left behind is as solid as gold, and we can't even find a crack."

Of course, Ye Fan was not surprised at all.

After all, the big formation was originally used by Sakyamuni to guard against evil spirits and the crocodile ancestors of the Great Sage series, so how could it be easily found by outsiders.

"However, we stayed in Yingzhuo for a while, and we never thought that we would be waiting for the rare Yinghuo Demon Sea Eye to appear."

According to the personalities of Duan De and Long Ma, they would naturally not miss such an opportunity.

In addition, the two of them also hold a big weapon like Emperor Zun Chengxian Cauldron, which is enough to guarantee their own safety, and most of the secret places in the world can be easily accessed.

In fact, there are not a few monks who have similar thoughts with them, but in the end, only Duan De and Long Ma arrived at the real hidden place.

"Uncle Duan, what did you see!?"

Ye Fan's tone was excited, but he didn't notice the evil spirit in his mind, with a rather strange expression on his face.

Hearing this, Duan De and Long Ma couldn't help but look at each other, with an expression of awe in their eyes:
"I am in the deepest part of the Devil's Sea Eye, and I saw a huge burial that is rare in the world."

"And on top of the burial ground, there is an ocean of thought power that can be said to be endlessly gathered by the power of faith in the world of mortals."

It is naturally surprising that the sacred power of faith and the burial earth of Yin and Ming appear in the same place.

Just as Ye Fan was thinking, the evil spirit in his mind suddenly asked:
"What is the condition of the body in the burial?"

Hearing this, Duan De said without hesitation:
"That physical body has taken away the good fortune of the burial ground, and has withstood the baptism of the power of belief in the world of mortals. It is really extraordinary—"

Speaking of this, Duan De couldn't help but pause, and immediately widened his eyes:
"how do you know!?"

He didn't mention just now that there was a body buried in the burial.

However, as soon as the words came out, Duan De's mind flashed with inspiration.

This evil spirit was suppressed by Sakyamuni, and he happened to be a god who could only be born after the Supreme Being fell...

 The third update will still be updated around 23:50.

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(End of this chapter)

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