Chapter 995 Eucharist Great, replace it

Somewhere in Zhongzhou, in the mystical and mysterious Yuantian formation.

As Duan De's voice fell, the atmosphere at the scene was quite strange.

For a while, no one spoke here, and it fell into silence, and there was no sound.

Only the vast ocean-like spirituality fluctuated in the dark, which showed that everyone's hearts were not peaceful.

Not only Duan De and Long Ma have many thoughts in their hearts, but also Ye Fan.

He did not forget that he had heard it from the evil ghost before:
In the past, the evil spirit had just escaped from a secret place and was in a bad state. It was bumped into by Sakyamuni and lost to the opponent in the end. Then it was suppressed under the Great Leiyin Temple.

Ye Fan originally guessed that the secret place where the evil spirit escaped may not necessarily be in Yinghuo, but may also be in other ancient planets.

The subsequent evil spirits were subdued by Sakyamuni, and finally together with the crocodile ancestors, they were sealed on Mars.

But now, Duan De shared what he and Longma had seen in Yinghuo Mohai's eyes, which naturally made Ye Fan think about it.

The power of belief in the world of mortals is undoubtedly a natural nemesis for existences such as gods.

Not long ago, Ye Fan saw with his own eyes that even if he was as powerful as the Immortal Emperor, his divine sense was still unavoidable.

It was not only suppressed by Dou Yufo with the power of Buddhist thoughts, but also calculated by the immortal sword with the power of faith gathered by the emperor.

If the evil ghost really escaped from the sea of ​​mortal thought power in the eye of the devil sea, it will inevitably be weak, and it will not be Sakyamuni's opponent.

In addition, there happened to be a corpse of a supreme existence in the mysterious burial ground, so it was almost indistinguishable.

Just when Ye Fan and Duan De were full of thoughts, Long Ma on the side didn't seem to think so much, and put his front hooves on Ye Fan's shoulders, and said casually:
"Hey, brother, you must have escaped from the eyes of the demon sea too, right?"

I have to say that Ryoma is really bold.Immediately, Duan De also cast a curious look.


The evil ghost dwells in Ye Fan's mind, so he naturally knows exactly what is in his mind.

However, after hearing Duan De and Long Ma mention their experiences in the Demon Sea Eye, the evil ghost had no intention of hiding anything, so he asked directly.

Taking a panoramic view of the expressions on the faces of the three, the evil ghost said indifferently:

"That's right, I was born in the burial of Yinghuomo Haiyan."

Hearing this, the hearts of the three couldn't help but be shocked.

Ye Fan may be better, but Duan De and Long Ma have seen the burial ground and the sea of ​​belief power with their own eyes, and even looked at the supreme body in the distance, knowing that he is definitely not an ordinary person.

At the same time, the evil ghost's divine thoughts surged, he looked straight at Duan De, and said in a serious tone:
"Let me ask you, was the physical body damaged in my previous life?"

"Absolutely not!"

Facing his question, Duan De and Long Ma replied in unison.

However, there was still a look of suspicion in the eyes of the evil ghost.

As a god, he is particularly sensitive to the death breath of Yin Ming.Duan De in the present life, although he calls himself an archaeologist, is essentially a grave-digger. The evil spirit naturally suspects that he will attack his body in the previous life.

In fact, Duan De and Long Ma were a little guilty.

After the two found the emperor's corpse in the burial, of course, they were also moved.

After all, even regardless of the value of the supreme avenue contained in the emperor's corpse, in itself, it is enough to be used to refine extreme weapons.

The two even tried to use the Immortal Cauldron to destroy the original arrangement of the burial, but fortunately they failed in the end.

Thinking about it now...the two looked at each other, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it didn't work, otherwise, I'm afraid there will be a lot of trouble today.

The evil spirit's spiritual thoughts are penetrating. After careful observation, Duan De and Longma did not sense the aura of their own physical bodies, so they finally felt relieved.

"Hmph! You are lucky!"

You must know that the evil ghost has a big plan. Not only does it want to reincarnate into life and reappear in the world, but it also plans to devour the Dao fruit of the previous life in the future to achieve its own body.

Therefore, the real body of the previous life is very important to him.

It has to be said that the evil ghost is the god with the most peculiar state in the world, if he follows his idea, it may really be possible to succeed.

On the other hand, seeing evil spirits doesn't seem to reject the mention of his past life, and Duan De's curiosity once again gained the upper hand.

Anyway, now the god Nian and Ye Fan share the same honor and disgrace, and everyone is a family.Thinking of this, Duan De immediately raised his head, looked at Ye Fan on the opposite side, and tentatively said:

"The flesh body buried in the eyes of the demon sea has a very big background, and it has a relationship with you, kid."

Hearing this, Ye Fan was naturally full of question marks, and his thoughts were even more ups and downs, and he doubted:

According to Uncle Duan, is it possible that this old ghost is the ancestor of my Ye family?Or, is it some patriarch of the Taiqing sect?
Just as Ye Fan was thinking wildly, Duan De saw that the evil spirit did not stop him, so he said in a deep voice:

"That is an indestructible golden body that proves to be an emperor!"

The Immortal Golden Body is the old name of the Eucharist.In fact, to this day, many ancient star fields in the depths of the universe are still called this way.

And the more crucial point is that it is still a real emperor's corpse.

Traversing the ancient history of practice in the human world from the age of mythology to the present, there is only one person who has proven himself to be the immortal golden body of the emperor.

At the same time, a flash of inspiration appeared in Ye Fan's mind.

Previously, the evil ghost's weird attitude towards the Beidou Saint Physique, and how he was able to teach him the cultivation methods that belonged exclusively to the Saint Physique, and why he chose himself as his host...

All of this seems to have a reasonable explanation.

"Old man?"

Although Ye Fan and the evil spirit often argue, they actually have a close relationship. They are both teachers and friends, so he naturally asked each other bluntly at this moment.


Regarding this, the evil ghost had no intention of concealing it, and said frankly:
"The previous life of this seat was the ancient holy emperor."

After many years, the identity of the evil spirit finally came to light.

To Ye Fan, it was not that surprising.

And the relationship between the two parties will not change in the slightest.

However, Duan De and Long Ma on the opposite side seemed a little trembling.

The evil ghost in front of him is different from the gods in the usual sense, and has retained most of the memories of the previous life, which can almost be equivalent to the reappearance of the old emperor.

Facing a real Supreme Supreme Being, it is naturally impossible for the two of them to be as casual as before.

The evil ghost seemed to have noticed what the two were thinking, and said quite dissatisfied:
"Hmph! This seat is this seat, and he is him, don't confuse them!"

Hearing this, Duan De was stunned at first, and then nodded his head to express his approval:

"Usually, the thoughts of gods are the evil thoughts of those Gadai figures who have made great achievements in life and prayed together for all living beings. After death, they cannot be generalized with the supreme existence of the past."

However, Duan De still didn't say a word, and secretly said in his heart:
Your old man's state is so weird, we dare not say it, and we dare not ask.


The evil ghost let out a disdainful cold snort, accompanied by a vast ocean of spiritual thoughts, and said indifferently:
"That guy left behind many backhands before he died, and wants to use his body to reappear in the world."

"Since he is unrighteous, why can't I do the opposite. This emperor, he deserves it, so can't I?"

Hearing the evil ghost's words, no matter Ye Fan, Duan De and Longma present, they couldn't help trembling, and their hearts were shocked.

They were not only shocked that after the fall of the Holy Emperor, there was still a backhand who was resurrected, but also shocked that the evil spirit had such an incredible plan.

He wants to rely on the body of the gods to change his fate against the sky, and even replace him with the holy emperor.

 Three changes completed.

  Three updates for four consecutive days, and the previously owed updates have been made up. Tomorrow, the usual two updates will resume, and they will still be updated around 20:30 and 23:50.

  Finally, thank you all for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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