Chapter 996

The place was silent, and Ye Fan froze on the spot, with a look of genuine surprise on his face, as if he hadn't recovered yet.

Originally, he came here today to find Duan De, and to inquire about the current situation of his parents from him.

As a result, what he never expected was that such a secret about the existence of Xeon in the past was finally involved.

Although, if the news of the evil ghost intending to replace the Holy Emperor spreads, it will definitely shock the monks in the world, and even the Supreme Being in the restricted area will be surprised, but for Ye Fan, there is no big disturbance in his heart.

After all, it was the evil spirits, not the Holy Emperor, who had brought him practical help along the way, helped him to save himself from danger many times, and explored many dangerous places.

Therefore, Ye Fan naturally would not stop and question the other party.

Similarly, Duan De and Long Ma on the side had similar thoughts.

Even Duan De was quite looking forward to this in his heart, wanting to see how miraculous it would be after the existence of God Nian turned from death to life.

Thinking of this, Duan De pondered for a while, and then took the initiative to step forward and said:

"Yinghuo Mohaiyan is a rare sight in all ages, and the arrangement is even more narrowly escaped."

"If it weren't for holding Emperor Zun's Immortal Cultivation Cauldron, I'm afraid even we would never be able to reach the burial place."

"The body of the Holy Emperor is buried in it, and no one should be able to damage it."

Hearing this, the evil spirit in Ye Fan's mind also nodded.

The current him is still quite far away from dissipating his dead energy and truly reappearing in the world, let alone inheriting the Dao fruit of the previous life.

Therefore, it is the best arrangement to let the Holy Emperor's body continue to be buried in the Yinghuo burial ground for the time being.

As Duan De's voice fell, Ye Fan finally returned to normal, then raised his eyes and asked curiously:
"According to what I said before, Uncle Duan, you are trapped in Yinghuo and cannot use the five-color altar to open the ancient starry sky road. Then how did you come to Beidou and even appear on the ancient immortal road in the world of Immortal Mansion?"

Although the matter of the Holy Emperor and the evil spirit really made people feel emotional and full of thoughts, but Ye Fan did not forget the initial doubts, so he continued to ask.

But when Duan De heard Ye Fanzhi's question, before Duan De could answer, the evil spirit in his mind took the initiative to speak out, jokingly said:

"Since the two of them have arrived at the birthplace of this seat, I can answer you, Ye Xiaozi, about this point."

As soon as the evil ghost said this, Ye Fan's eyes shone brightly, as if he had realized something, and immediately said in a deep voice:

"Could it be that there is something else in Mohai's eyes?"


The evil ghost agreed with his guess, and then continued to explain:
"As you can imagine, in the deepest part of the Yinghuomo Sea Eye, there is also a fairy road from the ancient times."

After the evil ghost's voice fell, Duan De and Longma next to him naturally nodded their heads again and again, with a rather strange look on their faces, and said doubtfully:

"That fairy road is really strange. Although it doesn't pass through the fairyland, it is connected with several other fairy roads of Beidou. And we, it was through one of them that we came to the world of Xianfu, and finally saw you."

This works too! ?
After hearing what they said, Ye Fan couldn't help but widen his eyes.

He really did not expect that Duan De and Longma would come to Beidou in this way and appear on the Taikoo Immortal Road in the Immortal Mansion World.

There are so many fairy roads in this world, but you guys still communicate with each other, right?
Just when Ye Fan was puzzled, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and he blurted out:
"Could it be that the fairy road was also opened up by the Immortal Emperor in the past?"

If this is the case, then it can also explain why it is connected to the ancient immortal road in the world of Immortal Mansion.

Because the two are originally from the hands of one person.

Regarding this, Duan De and Long Ma looked at each other in blank dismay.

Although the two of them walked that fairy road in person, they were not familiar with the aura of the Immortal Emperor, so naturally they couldn't judge.

Thinking of this, Duan De and Long Ma raised their eyes at the same time, and looked at Ye Fan, where the evil spirit between his eyebrows lived.

The evil ghost's previous body was buried in Mo Hai's eyes, so he should know the origin of the fairy road.

Facing the curious gazes cast by everyone, the evil ghost was not prepared to show off, so he said in a deep voice:

"In the past, the Holy Emperor also deduced that the abandoned fairy road was indeed related to the Immortal Emperor and the Immortal Emperor."


Hearing this, Ye Fan couldn't help complaining in his heart:

The Immortal Emperor is really a model worker. Not only did he transform into nirvana in the world of mortals, he quelled the darkness and turmoil, but he also opened up many paths to immortality for the benefit of future generations.

At the same time, Ye Fan seemed to have thought of something suddenly, and immediately raised his eyes, and hurriedly asked Duan De:

"Uncle Duan, you just said that the fairy road in Yinghuo Mohai's eyes is connected to many fairy roads of Beidou, so can you start from other fairy roads and return to Yinghuo?"

Although the fairy roads in the Immortal Mansion World collapsed, other fairy roads to Beidou should be fine.

If you can go back to the fairy road and come to Yinghuo, maybe you can really use this to return to the earth.

Now, Ye Fan has been in Beidou for more than six years, but he has always been worried about his parents and has been trying to find a way to go back.

Unfortunately, upon hearing Ye Fan's words, Duan De shook his head helplessly:

"Although, the several fairy roads should have been able to be connected in the first place, but afterward, it seems that they were repaired by people with supreme magical powers, making it difficult to pass through."

"Even the one that is relatively easy to get through, it took me several years to wait and open it with the Immortal Cauldron, and finally reached Beidou."

"Ma De, you are ashamed to say that I almost caused you to be trapped on the road to immortality for the rest of my life!"

Immediately, Ryoma on the side also took the initiative to come forward, and couldn't help complaining like this.

After listening to Duan De and Long Ma's narration, Ye Fan couldn't hide his regret on his face.

However, he also knew in his heart that it was not easy to return to Earth from Beidou.

Now it seems that the only hope is Kunlun.

According to what Duan De just said, the sect came to Beidou from the earth in the past, and the descendants of the Kunlun sect have also returned to the earth, so they may have an ancient road to the starry sky.

Seeing Ye Fan's thoughtful expression, Duan De on the opposite side seemed unable to restrain himself, and spoke again:
"Hey, Daoist, I'm new here, Ye boy, tell me about Beidou soon?"

Although Duan De has been in Beidou for several months, the sources of news he can get in touch with are naturally far inferior to Ye Fan.

Ye Fan knew in his heart that with Duan De's nature of loving "archaeology", the future Beidou would definitely not be peaceful.

Afterwards, the two sides exchanged many secrets and news they knew, and Ye Fan also kindly reminded Duan De about the curse of Yuan Tianshi's lineage.

However, although Duan De agreed, he didn't seem to take it seriously.

"By the way, here, take these for you."

After the words fell, Duan De mysteriously took out a few mysterious source stones and stuffed them directly to Ye Fan.The source stone is not too big, but it seems to contain endless source energy, and there are nine colors, flowing with a faint vitality of immortality.

"These are genuine fairy sources. I worked so hard to get them from the fairy road. I am reluctant to take them out for ordinary people."

Along with Xianyuan, there was also a jade bottle made of divine jade.

Ye Fan lifted the seal of the jade bottle, and a burst of refreshing fragrance permeated the air, accompanied by a surge of life energy surging like a vast ocean.

That kind of aura was stronger than the divine spring he had obtained from the forbidden zone before, so he couldn't help being surprised.

Taking a panoramic view of the astonishment on Ye Fan's face, Duan De complacently said:

"This is from Kunlun, the fairy mountain. According to legend, the fairy liquid in the fairy pool that bred more than one fairy weapon is definitely the only one in the world."

It has to be said that what Duan De took out were all great fairy treasures, which were extremely valuable, and Ye Fan naturally accepted them with sincere gratitude.

It's over here, the two parties agreed on the way of contacting in the future, and they parted immediately.

Duan De and Long Ma are high-spirited and high-spirited, and they are about to create a storm in Beidou.

As for Ye Fan, he naturally returned to the world of Xianfu and continued to practice with great concentration.

 The second update will still be updated around 23:50.

  Thanks again for all your support!
(End of this chapter)

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