Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 997 The Ancient Heavenly Court Reappears, The Great Tribulation of the Divine Chapter

Chapter 997 The Ancient Heavenly Court Reappears, Mythical Tribulation
Somewhere in Zhongzhou, there is a majestic and continuous ancient mountain range.

Above this sacred land, there are thousands of great dragons hovering, the purple air is transpiring, and there are countless celestial lights and divine clouds, which reflect this place like a fairyland of mortals.

It is really extraordinary and magnificent, gathering the good fortune of heaven and earth, the beauty of Zhong Dao, towering ancient trees, blooming exotic flowers and plants, and countless rare birds and animals.

And those who can shuttle back and forth in this fairy land are at least powerful monks in the realm of Xiantai, and there are many Dao Slayer Kings and even real saints sitting in the dark.

Here, in the past two years, there has been a lot of noise and the whole world is talking about the world of Immortal Mansion.

In fact, it not only attracted the attention of most of the monks of the Beidou Five Regions, but also moved the hearts of those ancient saints who came from outside the region.

You must know that this is a relatively complete world that has been preserved since the ancient times, and it is not suppressed by the great avenues, so it can be called the supreme holy land of practice.

What's more, there are still remnants of the Supreme Dao of the Immortal Emperor and the Immortal Emperor in this world.

This is undoubtedly an opportunity for all the saints to break their heads and scramble for it, and no one wants to miss it.

Compared with the beginning, now naturally more saints and the top forces of Beidou are involved to jointly maintain the order here, and no one dares to offend.

Of course, at the same time, the domain gates that can lead to the interior of the Immortal Mansion world are firmly controlled by various religions and saints.

Those who can be allowed to enter it are either the strong men of various religions and the arrogance of the younger generation, or people who are closely related to many great religions, which ordinary monks can only sincerely envy.


At this moment, in a corner of the Immortal Mansion's world, in a relatively barren and inaccessible place, the sky seemed to have a hole, and the thunder pond from the Nine Heavens was pouring down, trying to submerge this world.


I saw the thunderous thunder, thick and boundless, connecting the heaven and the earth, and even more mighty, exuding the aura of catastrophe and destruction.

Obviously, someone wants to survive the robbery here.

"This is!?"

As the fluctuations of the catastrophe spread, the creatures in the surrounding area of ​​thousands of miles were induced, and they couldn't help shivering.

As for the monks who entered this place from the outside world, they also stopped their movements and looked at the direction where the man crossed the catastrophe in the dark.

What's even more frightening is that that kind of fluctuation is clearly just the catastrophe of the transformation dragon ascending to the immortal platform, but the aura it reveals changes the color of the power in the second realm of immortality.

"This kind of catastrophe is really unheard of. The person who overcomes the catastrophe must be a rare and amazing genius in ancient times!"

The strong man from a great sect in Zhongzhou said so decisively, and the surprise in his tone could not be concealed.

"Could it be that another parent and child of the ancient emperor or the great emperor was born?"

And the reason why everyone didn't guess that the person was the emperor of heaven, the princess of Qilin, the emperor of the Ji family, etc., was naturally because the above-mentioned people had already survived the catastrophe and landed on Xiantai more than a year ago.

Among the people who showed up here, many of them were lucky enough to have witnessed the whole process of these Gaidai Tianjiao's crossing the catastrophe with their own eyes.

Among them, the catastrophe that the emperor's son has overcome is the most terrifying, and it is definitely still above the catastrophe in front of him.

But no matter what, the person who survived the catastrophe today must be a remarkable person.Realizing this, everyone naturally didn't want to miss it, and rushed to the place of crossing the catastrophe.


Above the sky, there are boundless clouds like a sea, and the waves are magnificent. Among them, a stalwart and heroic figure stands, fighting in the sea of ​​thunder.


An insignificant ray of thunder spread out, and immediately pierced through the void not far away, with mighty power.

And the person seemed to have anticipated this, so he deliberately chose to go through the tribulation in a desolate and secluded place, so as to minimize the possible harm.

Fortunately, the movement of that day's catastrophe is bound to be restricted by the Dao in the dark, and it is often only aimed at those who have passed the catastrophe, and will not easily cause harm to foreign things.


Just when the hearts of the audience were swaying, a majestic dragon chant came from the sea of ​​calamity, resounding through the heaven and earth.

I saw that the back of the man who crossed the tribulation was shining brightly, as if a real dragon soared out, blooming with immeasurable celestial splendor, about to sink into the immortal platform.

At the same time, the rest of the man's other major secret realms all glowed, accompanied by the golden sea of ​​bitterness, thunder and lightning, and even the most powerful visions in legends such as Immortal King Lin Nine Heavens, Yin and Yang Life and Death Diagram, and Splendid Mountains and Rivers. Crack open the vast sea of ​​thunder and annihilate nothingness.

"It's him!"

"The leader of the next generation of Shakelight, Saint Ye Fan!"

The real body of the person who was crossing the catastrophe manifested for a moment, and then someone would recognize him.

As a desolate ancient holy body who can fight for enlightenment after a great achievement, Ye Fan still attracts the attention of the world even though he was born in many bloodlines that are rare in ancient times, and the parents and children of the ancient emperor were born.

Relatively speaking, Ye Fan's practice time is relatively short, so his cultivation base has always been slightly behind many emperors and generational talents.

Now, seeing that Ye Fan is finally about to enter the realm of Sendai, everyone's hearts are naturally filled with anticipation.

They were even imagining the scene of Ye Fan competing with the Northern Emperor, the Central Emperor, Ji Jiashenwangti, and the children of the ancient emperor.


Just when everyone thought that the great catastrophe was over and Ye Fan was about to achieve consummation, there was a huge bang that opened up the world.

From the infinite heights, there are shocking fluctuations permeating the world, and the atmosphere between heaven and earth is even more oppressive, and no one dares to make a sound.


In the end, a majestic, quaint and vicissitudes of heaven palace, and fairy tower manifested, ups and downs in the vast sea of ​​thunder.

"The legendary ancient heaven."

In fact, the audience is no stranger to the scene in front of them.

Because, just over a year ago, when the Emperor of Heaven broke the shackles and ascended to immortality, what he experienced was such a catastrophe beyond the imagination of the world.

As for the Holy Prince, the Qilin Empress, and the Emperor of the Ji family, although their performance during the tribulation was considered extraordinary, they could not be compared with the Emperor of Heaven.

"how come……"

Many monks present murmured with disbelief on their faces.

Although no one took the initiative to speak, they all had similar thoughts in their hearts:
What Ye Fan passed through was a mythical catastrophe that was no different from that of the emperor's son.

Could it be that this means that his potential is really comparable to that of the emperor?

And just when the thoughts in the hearts of the audience were full of thoughts, a human-shaped lightning bolt slowly walked out of the ancient heaven formed by the intertwined calamities of the day.

The real face of the human-shaped lightning is vague, and it can only be vaguely recognized. It seems that the person is wearing the ancient Taoist robe of Tianzun.

On the other side, Ye Fan stood in the sea of ​​thunder, with a solemn expression, staring at the figure with burning eyes.

"call out!"

However, in an instant, that figure had disappeared from Ye Fan's sight, turned into a ray of fairy light, and passed by with a speed that seemed to surpass the limit of the world.


Unexpectedly, with just one strike from the humanoid lightning, the holy body, known as the unparalleled physical body, exploded, and the golden holy blood dripped down into the void.

Seeing this situation, the monks who were watching not far away all gasped and couldn't help but tremble with fear.

Everyone asked themselves, if they were themselves, could they perform better than Ye Fan.

And the answer is obviously no.

Of course, although Ye Fan encountered "Waterloo" as soon as he came up, he was not fatally injured.


Countless holy lights surged out, wrapping the remnants and precious blood that exploded in the void, and then reunited, making Ye Fan's real body reappear.

At this moment, his eyes were blazing, and there was an undisguised fighting spirit in them.

At the cost of exploding his body once, Ye Fan finally confirmed the true identity of the humanoid lightning.

It is the founder of Xingzi Mi - Xiaoyao Tianzun!

 The two changes are over.

  Tomorrow there will still be a change around 20:30 and 23:50.

  Sorry, the author has a lot of things in the past few days, so the code word status is not good, and I will try to adjust it later.

  Finally, thank you all for your support!The author will try his best to write the follow-up plot well!

(End of this chapter)

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