Chapter 998
In the world of Immortal Mansion, somewhere in a barren land.

At the infinite height, there is thunder and immortal light blazing, and the aura of shattering the catastrophe is overwhelming.

I saw that in the vast sea of ​​calamity, there is a majestic and continuous, ancient and vicissitudes of heavenly palaces and fairy towers.

And below the sea of ​​robbery, there is a figure made of thunder and lightning.

Although his whole body only exudes an aura that is close to the realm of Xiantai, it gives people a feeling that it overwhelms the world of mortals.

On the opposite side of the human-shaped lightning, although Ye Fan's figure was slightly embarrassed, his eyes were still burning, staring straight at that figure with a particularly dignified expression.

Because Ye Fan obtained the inheritance of the secret of Xingzi from the ruthless fairy burial ground, the old Zhun Emperor of Tianting, and practiced it for many years.

Therefore, he is no stranger to the breath of this supreme way, and he recognized it very quickly.

Of course, when it comes to mastering the secrets of Xingzi, it is naturally impossible for Ye Fan to be comparable to the real Xiaoyao Tianzun.

In this way, it can be said that he has reached the pinnacle, and he may even touch the field of time.

Even if it is just a virtual body evolved from Heavenly Tribulation, it is still incomparably powerful, and it is worthy of being one of the famous mythical gods.

Thinking of this in his mind, Ye Fan's eyes slowly moved away from Xiaoyao Tianzun's body, and looked at the ancient heaven above it, which was ups and downs in the sea of ​​thunder.

Seeing this, Ye Fan's eyes shone brightly with awe-inspiring fighting spirit.

In fact, before that, when Ye Fan crossed the catastrophe of transforming dragons with light, the buildings of the ancient heavenly court had once manifested.

It's just that, although there was a humanoid lightning at that time, it didn't act like the Xiaoyao Tianzun in front of him, and only sent down the immortal light of robbery and punishment.

Now it seems that as Ye Fan's realm improves, the catastrophe he encounters will only become more and more terrifying.

Right now, the Xiaoyao Tianzun of the age of mythology has appeared, and he can't even imagine who will appear in the future...

In Ye Fan's mind, there were many thoughts——

"call out!"

A blazing light, like electricity, and like a fairy light from the beginning of the creation of the world, came straight through.

Fortunately, after Ye Fan knew that the other party's real body was Xiaoyao Tianzun, he was prepared for it.


Under Ye Fan's feet, he took strange steps, leaving afterimages in the void, which also showed the mysterious meaning of Xingzimi.

Of course, he didn't think that he could do anything in front of the patriarch of this way.


The fairy light transformed by Xiaoyao Tianzun collided with something, and there was a sound like gold and iron colliding.

"That is!?"

The onlookers' gazes were like torches, and some even observed with rare treasures, so they could clearly see what was inside.

I saw a majestic, simple and natural, three-legged and two-eared round tripod manifested, lying between Ye Fan and the human-shaped lightning.

The whole body of the cauldron is the flow of supreme and profound dao rhyme, which seems to cut across the past, present and future, suppressing eternity.

"It's actually, it's made of dark yellow and chaos!"

Sensing that breath, all the monks present could not help but take a deep breath.

You must know that these two kinds of fetishes are more than enough to create holy soldiers handed down from generation to generation.

However, when they think that Ye Fan is one of the strongest existences of Beidou's younger generation and the candidate for Yaoguang's next Holy Master, everyone can accept it.

Of course, if everyone knew that what Ye Fan used to build this tripod was not the ordinary black and yellow qi, but the source of all things' mother qi, I'm afraid they would really doubt life.

"Dang!" "Dang!" "Dang!"

Just when everyone's thoughts were fluctuating, the human-shaped lightning that walked out of the ancient heaven had no intention of stopping at all.

In the boundless void, there are afterimages of Xiaoyao Tianzun, and the thunder and fairy light shines on the world.

His people attacked again and again, forcibly distorting and deforming the cauldron formed by the root of the source of all things, and whining, which made the onlookers feel terrified.

This is not because the name of the mother qi source of all things is not worthy of the name, but because Ye Fan's cultivation base is too low to fully exert the characteristics of this tripod.

In addition, although Xiaoyao Tianzun is not a Tianzun known for his combat power, there is no distinction between high and low avenues in the world. His supernatural speed is supernatural, and his attacks are naturally fierce, far exceeding the existence of the same level.

Ye Fan stepped on the secret line of characters, and at the same time defended with the aura of the mother of all things, which barely resisted Xiaoyao Tianzun's offensive.

At the same time, countless runes flickered in his eyes, shining with fairy light, as if he wanted to penetrate all the secrets.

Apart from the fact that Xiaoyao Tianzun is really strong, the main reason why Ye Fan fights and leaves is to "steal the teacher".

Xingzimi, as Ye Fan's only nine-mystery magical technique, he naturally spent a lot of thought on it and studied it assiduously.

But no matter how he comprehends it, it is impossible to compare with the founder of Xingzi Mi, who personally demonstrated many miracles of this technique in front of his eyes.

At this moment, Ye Fan devoted all his attention to observing the figure of Xiaoyao Tianzun carefully, and he really benefited a lot.

However, in the eyes of outsiders, Ye Fan is naturally retreating steadily. He is not the opponent of the human-shaped lightning in the catastrophe at all, and can only be beaten passively.

And the Xiaoyao Tianzun in front of him, although not the main body, but the evolution of the power of the sky, but it seems to have real consciousness.

Now, he was naturally aware of Ye Fan's intentions, and immediately became furious.


I saw that the person's clothes were elegant, with a fairy demeanor, and he was indescribably chic, but his attacks were merciless and shocking.

In addition to the secret of Xingzi, Xiaoyao Tianzun displayed another attacking magic technique, which even aroused the power of thunder and thunder, as if it was going to destroy the world.


In the end, with a huge bang that opened up the world, Ye Fan's body exploded again, and even the cauldron of Qi, the mother of all things, was torn apart and scattered into the void.

Seeing this, the onlookers felt terrified:
Is this rare mythical catastrophe in ancient times really about to destroy gods and immortals?

Could it be that this is the end of the legend of the Eucharist?


Fortunately, with the surging of the immeasurable holy light, the vision of the holy body in the yin-yang life-and-death diagram manifested, and Ye Fan's real body reappeared.

And the reorganized Mother Qi Cauldron has experienced the baptism of the power of the Heavenly Tribulation, and even withstood the attack of the Mythical Heavenly Venerable, and it is filled with an increasingly mysterious and mysterious atmosphere, far surpassing the previous miraculous.

Afterwards, Ye Fan continued to follow the same pattern, and while fighting Xiaoyao Tianzun, he did not forget to continue to "steal the teacher".

It's a pity that the human-shaped lightning evolved in the catastrophe is limited by the cultivation of the catastrophe, and it is impossible to show its true supreme meaning after all, which makes Ye Fan secretly feel sorry.

But even so, today's harvest is enough to surprise Ye Fan.His comprehension of Xingzimi has reached more than one level.

Of course, the price is that Ye Fan exploded several times in succession.

Just when everyone thought that this person would fall like this, the catastrophe finally reached its limit.

The ancient heavenly court in the sea of ​​thunder, as well as the figure of the human-shaped lightning, gradually became illusory and were about to dissipate.

But Ye Fan seized this opportunity and took the initiative to plunge into the boundless sea of ​​calamity.

I saw that his body was crystal clear, and all four great secret realms were glowing, blooming with immeasurable celestial brilliance.


Accompanied by a majestic and high-spirited dragon chant, the great dragon on Ye Fan's spine took off, unimpeded, straight into the nine heavens, and finally sank into the sea of ​​consciousness between the eyebrows.

The eternal fairy light shines, as if connecting the past, the present, and the future. It is the last secret place of the human body——Sendai!
After the opening of Sendai, Ye Fan only felt that he was extremely strong, and with just a few gestures, he could break the law of ten thousand ways.

Standing proudly in the void, his eyes flickered, and he actually swallowed all the thunder and fairy lights in the world, including the ancient heavenly court and the human-shaped lightning that had just dissipated, and all of them sank into the immortal platform between his eyebrows.

Immediately, there was some kind of frightening fluctuation in Ye Fan's Xiantai, but it was silent after all.

 Sorry, the author is busy today, this chapter is updated a little later, I am really sorry.

  Chapter 2 will still be updated around 23:50.

  Thank you again for your subscriptions, rewards and votes!

(End of this chapter)

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