Chapter 999 The Emperor's Invincible Pose

In the world of Immortal Mansion, the monks who watched Ye Fan cross the catastrophe were silent and silent.

They never imagined that this rare mythical catastrophe would come to an end in such an unusual way.

At this moment, everyone couldn't help raising their eyes, and looked at the figure at the infinite height, with an expression of sincere awe in their eyes.

I saw Ye Fan sitting cross-legged in the void, with a solemn treasure, surrounded by the glory of Myriad Dao Gods.

Although his physical body was slightly broken, and the cauldron of the Mother Qi of all things was also bumpy, but immediately, there was a surge of blood energy in his body that was as strong as the ocean, and the supreme scriptures roared, making the void and myriad Taos also groan.


With Ye Fan's natural breathing, the world seemed to dim for a moment.

The dragon energy of the earth veins and the essence of the heaven and earth, like all things returning to the ruins, converged into a splendid glow, and finally submerged into Ye Fan's broken body.


Only a moment later, Ye Fan suddenly opened his eyes, and two golden dragon-like bright eyes shot out, making everyone who was already fluctuating in their hearts tremble with fear.

Although he has only just stepped into the realm of Xiantai, the power and influence that permeates his body makes many experts in the second realm of immortality treat him seriously.

There is no need to doubt that Ye Fan, as an ancient sacred body, has survived a mythical catastrophe similar to that of the emperor's son. He is definitely the most powerful person in the world, not inferior to the son of the ancient emperor!
Just as the hearts of the onlookers were full of ups and downs, a chuckle came:
"Little Ye Zi, you have finally landed in Sendai."

Hearing this sound, everyone subconsciously looked up.

I saw an ethereal, transcendent, beautiful and beautiful fairy coming from the sky and descending slowly.

He really has bright eyes and white teeth, and there is a smile on his face. His eyebrows are curved, his dimples are cute, and he looks like a purple-clothed elf.

"The sister of the god king of the Ji family!"

Naturally, there were people who had seen Ji Ziyue before and recognized her at a glance.

At the same time, there was even an Almighty who came from a certain ancient sect and was in the Immortal Second Realm with deep eyes, and immediately said in a deep voice:

"It is rumored that this Ji Ziyue is likely to have the legendary physique, which is definitely not below the body of a god king."

Previously, in the Emperor's Nirvana Land, in order to understand the Dao Mark of the Emperor's deduction of "The Good Fortune Book", Ji Ziyue once showed her own extraordinaryness in front of the powerhouses of various religions and the arrogance of heaven.

Afterwards, there were naturally many interested people who looked through the ancient books and deduced that she might be the legendary spirit body.

Although, this kind of physique has not appeared in a few people since ancient times, and most of them died young, but in the deduction of many strong people in the world, this is probably the same level of physique as the innate Taoist fetus.

In this life, not only the emperor was born in the Ji family, but also the brothers and sisters of the god king body and the Yuan spirit body were born. It is presumably destined to leave a strong mark in the golden world.

At the same time, Ji Ziyue, the person involved, didn't pay any attention to the curious eyes cast by everyone.


In the dark, the source of the avenue of heaven and earth surged, and countless source qi gathered and turned into a vast ocean of gods, submerging everything.

On the other side, Ye Fan had already sensed Ji Ziyue's arrival. He smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and then shook his head helplessly:
"You, you, if you don't be lazy and practice hard, you might still be able to reach Sendai before me."

What Ye Fan said was not false.

Ji Ziyue, as a primordial spirit body, is naturally powerful and can control the origin of heaven and earth. It is far easier to practice than ordinary people.

It's a pity that Ji Ziyue is restless by nature, elegant and unrestrained.Therefore, he is still stuck in the realm of the ninth transformation of the dragon.

Hearing Ye Fan's words, Ji Ziyue made a face at him, complaining in a tone of voice:

"Hmph! I managed to sneak out to see you while my brother was away."

Seeing this, Ye Fan immediately dropped the topic and chatted with Ji Ziyue about other interesting things.

Years ago, when Ye Fan first came to Beidou, he had a relationship with Ji Ziyue.

It has to be said that the personalities of the two are indeed quite similar.

In addition, in recent years, the two have often explored the world of Xianfu together, and their relationship has naturally become closer.This made Ji Haoyue's forehead full of black lines every time she saw Ye Fan.

"By the way, I almost forgot! In addition to congratulating Xiao Yezi on breaking into Sendai, I have one more important thing to do here. Come with me!"

The eccentric Ji Ziyue slapped her forehead, as if she suddenly remembered something, and said hastily.

Seeing his anxious appearance, Ye Fan couldn't help showing curiosity:
"What is it that makes you so excited, Ziyue?"

Hearing this, Ji Ziyue looked mysterious and said in a low voice:
"I overheard from my elder brother that the emperor is going to challenge Beidou's Tianjiao Yingjie, and even invited all the emperor's children to go."

Having said that, she looked up at Ye Fan on the opposite side, and then continued:
"I think it's because Xiao Yezi you haven't been to Sendai before, so he didn't invite you."


Hearing Ziyue's words, Ye Fan had a very solemn look on his face.

For the emperor, he has never underestimated the other party, and has even always regarded him as a great enemy on the road of proof, not one of them.

He is the son of the Immortal Emperor who is a celestial being in the world of mortals. His bloodline is shocking to the world, and it is suspected that he was carefully taught by the Emperor Yuan, who is the Immortal King, and then sent back to the human world to hone.

It can be said that if there is no accident, this person is almost destined to become a figure in the realm of immortality.

Of course, as for how far it can go in the follow-up, it still depends on the emperor himself.

But no matter what, the emperor's son almost represents the highest talent in the field of extreme dao.

At this moment, Ye Fan was naturally excited when he heard that the emperor was going to fight against the heroes, and he didn't want to miss it.

Without further ado, after making up their minds, the two of them immediately erected a divine rainbow, pointing directly at the depths of the Immortal Mansion world without the slightest hesitation.

With Ji Ziyue leading the way, the two naturally approached the destination of the trip very quickly.

However, before the two reached the real battlefield, there was a majestic and majestic fluctuation in the dark sky, shaking the sky and shaking the earth.


I saw a golden ancient chariot rushing out, the avenue rumbled, and a mighty and heroic figure stood on it.

The man had a resolute appearance, black hair fluttering all over his head, and bronze-colored skin, which seemed to contain endless divine power.

Around him, there are real dragons, fairy phoenixes, white tigers, basaltic ghosts and other fairy phantoms around him. It is really like the heavenly emperor coming to the dust. It is Wang Teng, who is known as the reincarnation of the ancient emperor!
However, at this moment, Wang Teng was wielding the Heavenly Emperor's Holy Sword, but he could only control the ancient chariot, losing consecutive defeats.


On the opposite side of Wang Teng, there is an incomparably handsome and elegant figure standing tall.In his hand, he held a snow-white heavenly knife.

With just one swipe, there is an aura of opening up the world, and the five-color fairy shines in the world, as if it wants to break through the world.

 The two changes are over.

  Tomorrow there will still be a change around 20:30 and 23:50.

  Finally, thank you all for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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