Douluo's Dragon Yin Jiuxiao

Chapter 661 The waves of the sea will be your grave

Chapter 661 The waves of the sea will be your grave

As soon as Qin Ze came back, Di Yueli approached Qin Ze slowly, as if aimlessly.

Qin Ze nodded, but there was a smile in the corner of his eyes. In the next second, Di Yueli, who was less than one meter away from Qin Ze, raised his hands to grasp, opened his lips and bit him.

However, Qin Ze had been on guard for a long time, and didn't give Di Yueli a chance. He directly stepped forward, grabbed Di Yueli's smooth and pretty face, and then lowered his head and kissed Di Yueli when the latter was dazed. .

Suddenly, an incomparably elegant fragrance and sweetness welled up in my heart.

Qin Ze kissed Di Yueli for more than ten seconds before letting go, but Di Yueli's eyes gradually recovered from the dull reaction, and she stomped her feet, "No, no, I should bite you, not you."

Qin Ze smiled and touched her head, "Okay, then I won't move, you can bite."

Di Yueli pursed her lips, stood on tiptoes the next moment, grabbed Qin Ze's collar, pulled him down, and then directly pressed her red lips to Qin Ze's mouth, and the two kissed again. This time it didn't last long, it also ended in about ten seconds.

"Okay. But if you dare to play guessing games with me next time, this girl will really bite you to death." Di Yueli put her hands on her hips, pretending to be fierce and said, but the smile at the corner of her eyes gave her away.

Qin Ze still doesn't understand this girl's habits, he murmured: "It seems that we need to do a few more riddles."

"What?" Di Yueli's beautiful eyes widened suddenly, her left hand was still on her waist, but her right hand was clenched into a fist and raised up, a sense of sight that I want to hammer someone.

"The wind at the seaside is quite cold." Qin Ze changed the subject without blushing.

"Hmph." Di Yueli snorted softly, but in the next second, she walked behind Qin Ze and hugged his waist, her pretty face pressed against Qin Ze's back, without saying a word.

With a smile on the corner of Qin Ze's mouth, he stopped talking and looked at the sea.

After 15 minutes like this, suddenly, a huge wave of water element breath emerged in the sea.

Qin Ze and Di Yueli sensed it at the same time, and Di Yueli let go of his arms around Qin Ze's waist and walked to his side.

"Here we come." Qin Ze could see some kind of creature coming quickly on the turbulent sea.

In the depths of the sea, Princess Hai, who is the king of the extreme arctic ice sea, quickly approached the shore with her two daughters.


When the mother and daughter came to a distance of more than ten meters from the shore, the seawater began to gather in an instant, and then formed a seawater platform upwards, and their eyes fell directly on Qin Ze and Di Yueli.

"Yueli." There was an excited smile on Liya's pretty face. A faint soul power floated around her, and she directly transformed into a human form and flew down the seawater platform, then hugged Di Yueli.

"Long time no see, Liya." Di Yueli was also very happy to meet a good friend.

"Benefactor." With sea water flowing under Princess Hai's feet, she brought her eldest daughter, Lijing, to Qin Ze not far away.

"Senior." Qin Ze also greeted him.

Princess Hai had a soft smile on her face, "Your benefactor, why not follow me to the palace for a while, and I'll tell you something by the way."

"Okay." Qin Ze did not refuse.

Soon, Princess Hai waved her jade hand, and the majestic sea water turned into a ball to envelop everyone, and then dived into the sea, heading towards the depths of the extreme northern ice sea.

Along the way, countless sea soul beasts stayed in place respectfully and watched the sea princess leave. They didn't start to move again until the sea princess's breath pervading the surroundings dissipated.

With the power of the sea princess shrouded, Qin Ze and Di Yueli also observed the scene in the depths of the sea from a different perspective.

It stands to reason that the deep sea would be darker, but because of the power of Princess Hai, within a radius of several thousand meters, it was almost as clear as on the shore, and everything in the sea appeared in front of Qin Ze and Di Yueli very clearly.

The huge corals are filled with countless types of sea fish freely swimming in them, and there is also this faint water blue fluorescent light in the air. After those jellyfish come into contact with the fluorescent light, they are like lights under the starry sky. beauty of.

After almost 10 minutes, Qin Ze and Di Yueli finally saw the incomparably gorgeous home of the mermaid clan once again under the ultra-fast forward speed.

The place where the mermaid family is, the light is very warm, precious sea pearls are randomly scattered everywhere, inside the huge clam shell, beautiful mermaids swim out of it, with sweet smiles on their faces , communicate with each other.

Here, mermaids and creatures in the sea coexist peacefully. Sometimes Qin Ze can see huge sea creatures on their backs, with some mermaid girls sitting on them, an extremely soft painting style.

However, Princess Hai didn't seem to want to disturb the people, and the sea ball she released seemed to be able to make herself invisible, and finally the group arrived at the Mermaid Palace without haste.

Princess Hai brought Hedi Yueli directly to an extremely beautiful lounge.

In the lounge, there are more sofas that can only be found in the human world.

Qin Ze's eyes moved slightly, obviously this was prepared by Princess Hai for him and Di Yueli in advance.

"Sit down." Princess Hai said softly.

Qin Ze and Di Yueli were not polite, and sat directly on the sofa. Not to mention, they didn't know what kind of material the sofa was made of. After sitting down, it seemed that it could help their own soul power to run faster.

The three of Princess Hai, mother and daughter found a shell as a seat and sat down. Princess Hai obviously knew the purpose of Qin Ze's arrival, so she said straight to the point: "I have locked the residence of the Sea God family within a certain range. This passes you the coordinates."

Princess Hai tapped her fingertips, and a stream of water-blue light slowly condensed, and then flew in front of Qin Ze.

Qin Ze didn't refuse, and took the ray of light. In an instant, a point of light appeared in his mind, like an undeveloped game map, and the destination was that light point in the darkness.

"Thank you, senior." Qin Ze thanked.

Princess Hai waved her hand and said with a smile: "You don't need to thank me, you helped our mermaid clan, that's my friend, shouldn't friends help each other?"

Hearing this, Qin Ze and Di Yueli looked at each other and smiled.

"Yueli, if you are going to Sea God Island, I'm afraid the journey will be very dangerous. I feel that you should call more helpers now." Liya frowned and said, "Going to Sea God Island is only the ultimate goal, you don't know What's more, within a radius of [-] kilometers of Sea God Island, there are demon spirit great white sharks gathered, and the king of this race is the mount of the previous Lord Sea God, and his status is very high in the sea."

Hearing this, Di Yueli subconsciously looked at Qin Ze.

"Liya should be talking about Xiaobai, the King of the Demon Soul Great White Shark." Qin Ze naturally knew about Xiaobai's existence.

"That's right, it's her." Liya nodded, "When Master Poseidon became the god of the sea, almost all the powerful races on the sea passed away. That's when we met Xiaobai. In fact, in terms of strength , she is not considered top-notch, but relying on the blessing of Lord Sea God, she is very majestic in the sea."

"More importantly, she and the current Seagod seem to be old acquaintances. Back then, the Demon Soul Great White Shark Clan suddenly had two more 10-year-level existences. This is obviously the current Seagod's help."

Qin Ze raised his brows, he didn't expect Tang San to actually help the Demon Spirit Great White Shark Clan.

"No." Suddenly, Princess Hai said, "The person who helped the Demon Soul Great White Shark Clan was the previous Lord Poseidon, because the Demon Soul Great White Shark Clan helped the Sea God's successor to pass the examination, and all of them got rewards. I found out when I went to Sea God Island."

Liya stuck out her tongue in embarrassment.

"No matter what, Liya is right, it will be very dangerous for the two of you to go to Sea God Island." Sea Princess said in a deep voice.

Qin Ze said slowly, "Don't worry seniors, we have elders by our side on this trip, but they haven't come yet."

"You mean Ditian?" Princess Hai immediately thought of the beast god Ditian.

"Yes." Qin Ze nodded.

Hearing this, Princess Hai's expression relaxed. In fact, she had vaguely guessed what Qin Ze was going to do on Sea God Island.

Really just a simple guest?I'm afraid it's to get rid of people.

"By the way, senior, I have some good news that I need to tell you." Qin Ze remembered something, and immediately asked.

"What?" Princess Hai looked puzzled, and sisters Liya and Lijing also looked at Qin Ze curiously.

Qin Ze smiled and said: "The evil soul masters who persecuted Liya back then have been wiped out, and the sect they belong to no longer exists."


Hearing this, the mother and daughter were all stunned for an instant.

"Is this true?" Liya swam to Di Yueli excitedly.

"It's true." Di Yueli smiled and nodded.

Liya's beautiful eyes turned red immediately, she was indeed saved, but the events of the year still left a psychological shadow on her, sometimes she would be woken up with fright when she was sleeping, now when she heard that the evil soul master was wiped out, the fear in her heart seemed to suddenly disappear. and the child was broken.

"Thank you." Princess Hai knew that Qin Ze must be the one who wiped out the evil soul master.

Qin Ze smiled and said nothing.

Li Jing hugged her younger sister to comfort her.

"In that case, we should leave too." Qin Ze stood up and said to Princess Hai.

Princess Hai was stunned for a moment, and said hastily: "You guys are just here, why don't you sit a little longer, so that I can show my kindness as a landlord."

Lijing and Liya also hurriedly looked over.

Qin Ze politely declined: "We appreciate the kindness of senior, but we will definitely meet again in the future. That day will definitely not be too far away. By then, the mermaid clan may not just stay in the Arctic sea."

Di Yueli held Qin Ze's arm, didn't speak but smiled.

Won't it just stay in the extreme arctic sea?

What does it mean?
Princess Hai, mother and daughter are puzzled.

But seeing that Qin Ze had already decided to go, and Princess Hai couldn't force her to stay, she said, "Well, I will see you again if there is a destiny, and I will send you away."

"Trouble senior." Qin Ze smiled.

"Yueli, you must come in the future. If you don't come, then I can go to Shrek City." Liya said rather reluctantly. Although she has many friends in the clan, it is because of her blood. Almost except for her family, the rest of the mermaids have a natural respect for her, which makes Liya very distressed.

It's different when it comes to Shrek City, no one will care about her identity as a princess of the mermaid clan, nor will she care about her bloodline and pay respect.

Di Yueli imitated Qin Ze's movement of rubbing her own head, rubbed Liya as well, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, we will definitely come to the Mermaid Clan again in the future, and I will invite you to visit us by the way."

"Okay." Liya nodded with a smile.

Seeing this, Princess Hai said with a smile: "You guys stay here, I will send Aze and Yueli away."

After finishing speaking, the operation was still the same as before, Princess Hai summoned a sea ball, and left the mermaid home with Qin Ze and Di Yueli.

After returning to the seaside, the three had a short exchange, and finally Princess Hai left again.

Looking at Princess Hai's leaving figure, Qin Ze said, "We should go too, go straight to Sea Soul City."

"En." Di Yueli nodded slightly.

Soon, the two of them put on the flying soul guide and flew straight into the sky towards the direction of Haihun City.

In fact, because of the movement of the continental plate ten thousand years ago, the former Sea God Island has disappeared. The current Sea God Island is actually the place chosen by the later Sea God family members.

According to the coordinate direction guidance given by Princess Hai, the choice of starting from Haihun City was promoted.

When they arrived at Sea Soul City, they happened to be able to summon Di Tian and the others, and at the same time summon the Demon Emperor, then a group of people would be able to smoothly go to Sea God Island to carry out the extermination mission.


At the same moment, inside Sea God Island.

Thousands of members of the Sea God family whose auras were at the lowest soul emperor level collectively knelt respectfully on one knee in the Sea God Square. In the front were the head of the Sea God family, Chen Tianhai, and the remaining five Sea God family worshippers.

Around the huge Poseidon statue standing on the square, there is a large number of light spheres of faith composed of the power of faith suspended. The power of faith in these light spheres is continuously injected into the statue of Poseidon. The Sea God Temple will receive it by itself.

This method of artificially injecting the power of faith was also created by Poseidon, mainly for land use.

Because the land is not like the sea, the sea is almost the back garden of the sea god, and the land is different. If you spread faith on land, once the statue used to gather the power of faith is destroyed, the power of faith in it will also dissipate in the sky and the earth Therefore, in a critical moment, the power of faith in the statue can be taken out in advance.

However, although Poseidon invented this method back then, he never used it. On the contrary, Tang San used it a lot. The Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire in the original Douluo Continent used to have quite a few statues of Sea Gods. Canceled 4000 years ago.

At that time, the Sun-Moon Continent came over, and the continent fell into a melee. People in the original Douluo Continent hoped that the Sea God would come to save the continent. As a result, the Sea God never appeared, and people thought that the Sea God had long since ceased to exist, and it was useless to believe in it. City by city was cancelled.

With the passage of 4000 years, until today, if the God of Destruction hadn't come to the Douluo Continent that time, I'm afraid the people in the mainland would still think that God is just a fictional legend.

With the power of faith poured into the surroundings of the giant Sea God statue on the square, a dazzling sea blue light immediately filled the air, and an incomparably vast aura spread from the statue.

A beam of sea-blue light burst from the statue to the sky suddenly, like a pillar reaching the sky.

After a few seconds, the beam of light dissipated and everything returned to normal.

Chen Tianhai stood up with a serious expression, and he said in a deep voice, "Okay, the ceremony is over, you should return to your posts."

"Yes." Immediately, thousands of members of the Sea God family spoke at the same time, and then a group of people left the Sea God Square in an orderly manner.

Forty percent of them stayed on the main island of the Sea God family, and the remaining [-]% went to the sub-island not far from the main island.

"Patriarch, did your lord not reply?" Sea Dragon Douluo asked in a deep voice, "The situation on the mainland is completely out of control, and the Sea Soul Empire collapsed with the destruction of the idiots of the Holy Spirit Sect. We’ve planned for so long and it’s still failing.”

The other four priests also looked at Chen Tianhai. It's not that the situation in the mainland is out of control, even their family has suffered heavy losses. The death of ten priests has made the entire family unstable.

Those subgroups with alternate offerings were desperate for new offerings, and civil unrest seemed imminent.

Don't look at the entire Poseidon family is extremely large, and they all have high respect for the Poseidon, but don't forget that Chen Tianhai is called the patriarch, not the high priest.

Because of the inheritance of the Sea God, it has been cancelled.

The high priest and the patriarch seem similar, but there is a huge gap between them.

The former is the highest believer of all sea god believers, and can lead all sea creatures to stand in the world, while the latter is just a group of people who share the same belief.

Faith is one thing, and wanting to gain benefits is another.

And at this time, even Chen Tianhai, who is a Limit Douluo, can't handle internal affairs well, so you can't directly use your strength to suppress it, right?One time is fine, but what about in the long run?So this kind of thing can only ask Tang San for instructions, let him send down the oracle.

"No, there has been no reply from the Lord." Chen Tianhai frowned and shook his head.

Hearing this, the five major offerings all became dignified.

Sea Dragon Douluo cautiously asked: "Could it be that in the God Realm, the Lord is in trouble?"

Chen Tianhai shook his head, "No, it's possible that the lord is retreating and practicing, or the lord has gone to a certain plane to deal with things. What we have to do now is to wait for the lord's will. Hai Long, tell me Go on, from now on, the family will temporarily cut off contact with the land, and at the same time strengthen surveillance on the sea."

It was said that the faces of the five major offerings were all relaxed, as long as nothing happened to the Lord.

Sea Dragon Douluo agreed, and said: "I understand, I will let Xiaobai and his family increase the scope of patrol."

Soon, the five major offerings all left, and soon disappeared.

Chen Tianhai stood on the square, staring into the distance. The reason why he gave these orders was very simple. If the Holy Spirit Cult could be destroyed, then this team of attackers must have at least three Limit Douluo.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to uproot such a powerful force of the Holy Spirit Cult without leaving even a single high-ranking member.

As for who the person who destroyed the Holy Spirit Cult was, he didn't even need to think about it.

"I hope you don't know how to enter the sea to make trouble, otherwise the waves of the sea will be your grave." Chen Tianhai's eyes flashed a stern look.

(End of this chapter)

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