Douluo's Dragon Yin Jiuxiao

Chapter 662 Deep Sea Vortex, Devil Soul Great White Shark Family 1

Chapter 662 Deep sea vortex, demon soul great white shark family

However, after Qin Ze and Di Yueli entered Haihun City, they discovered a strange phenomenon.

With the demise of the Holy Spirit Sect, the Sea Soul Empire lost its proud backing, and the Sun Moon Empire sent twelve nine-level soul mentors to raid the Sea Soul City, directly capturing the Sea Soul Emperor Xu You alive, which eventually led to the sea soul's death. The empire collapsed.

The Holy Spirit Cult had prepared armaments and supplies that existed on the border for a long time, but they were finally divided up by an unknown number of soldiers. Suddenly, hundreds of thousands of troops on the border began to retreat. Because they were worried that they would be settled by the autumn queen, a large part of these soldiers directly abandoned their armor and hid I dare not go out at home. As for the commanding general, who cares about him? After the army's morale collapsed, tens of thousands of people fled, how do you manage it?

The army of the Sun and Moon Empire took this opportunity to send troops to recover cities one by one, and captured all the rebellious nobles collectively, and sent them all to Mingdu for execution.

There were also some nobles who were quick to get word of it, and took their property to the Star Luo Empire early on.

It has to be said that Xu Fu, the emperor of the sun and moon, also made a profit. With this opportunity, he completely wiped out the nobles who occupied the southwestern border of the empire.

The power of the nobility was directly uprooted, and his imperial power could be completely passed on.

After the nobles were dealt with, Xu Fu ordered that the imperial army not interfere with the common people, but was responsible for keeping order and waiting for the complete recovery of the land.

In the past few days, one thing that surprised the people in the separatist area happened, that is, Xu Fu did not arrange any officials to enter the separatist area to control the local area, nor did he let the army oppress them, but let the local people We choose five officials to be the parent officials. These officials are elected every six years and can be re-elected for one term. They must be replaced later.

And after the term of office of these parents is over, they must accept the inspection of the imperial royal family. Once the official is found to have any bad behavior during his tenure, he will be punished according to the laws of the empire.

At the same time, it was announced that the split area had entered a period of recuperation and development, and the annual tax was reduced to one-third of that of the non-split period.The empire allocated funds to build a large number of ordinary colleges, which were specially prepared for non-soul master families, and the teaching there would be existences closely related to life and the supporting soul master industry.

In this way, relevant technicians are provided for the basic things of the Sun Moon Empire in the future.

The empire took the initiative to send soul masters with plant-type soul sages to help farmers in various places maintain food. Even if the local area is a land of grain, if there is too much food to sell, the empire will take the initiative to buy it, and will not lower the price, at the most suitable price take away.

The Sun Moon Empire is so big that some places are not suitable for growing food, such as the northern lands. It just so happens that the empire can take this opportunity to hold the food rights in its hands, and there will be no food crisis in the future.

In a word, Xu Fu intends to start the layout from the split area to completely stabilize the people's livelihood. As for the development of soul-guided technology in the future, he believes that even if he gives the original mainland and the two countries decades, they will never catch up. The future leader is still their Sun Moon Empire.

These things were all inspirations they got from the Dou Ling Federation, but they took a completely different path.

Fortunately for Xu Fu, the division of the country this time allowed him to solve all the problems of the nobles, and the implementation of policies would not be hindered in any way.

When Qin Ze and Di Yueli returned to Sea Soul City, they were a little surprised.

When I came to Haihun City not long ago to destroy the Holy Spirit Cult, very few residents in the city moved around, and most of them seemed a little absent-minded. The streets were empty, after all, the war was coming.

But as the Sun Moon Empire regained the land, everything changed. Because of the new policy, a large number of Haihun City residents took the initiative to leave their homes and went to the original City Lord's Mansion to vote for the local parent officials.

Visible to the naked eye, the streets of Haihun City, which are extremely spacious, are full of people coming and going, quite lively, and the vendors have begun to shout, people have resumed their old lives, and sometimes there will be a group of heavily armed soldiers patrolling Everywhere, bring order and stability to Sea Soul City.

The two walked on the street, and all they saw along the way was the appearance of the Sea Soul City in the past, as if the Sea Soul Empire had never existed.

In the port on the coast, there are more and more boats, whether it is fishing or trading, it is very lively.

After learning about the Sun Moon Empire's new policy from an old woman, Qin Ze couldn't help but sigh.

It's no wonder that in the original book, the empire that will completely conquer the Douluo Continent in the future is the Sun Moon Empire. In terms of people's livelihood, the other major empires are completely inferior to the Sun Moon Empire.

This is not only because of the power of the soul tool, but also because of the policies of the upper echelons.

"I've already told Di Tian and the others that it won't be long before they rush over with the power of space." Di Yueli said vaguely with a piece of iced fruit juice in his mouth.

Sitting on a chair outside the juice shop, Qin Ze glanced at the crowd passing by the sidewalk, and said calmly: "I found a chart, but I found something special."

"What?" Di Yueli asked curiously.

"About [-] kilometers from the coast of Haihun City to the depths of the sea, there is a coordinate point called the deep sea vortex, where the degree of danger is extremely high. The Sun Moon Empire once sent a powerful team of soul engineers to go there. The investigation turned out to be fruitless, and even lost two ninth-level soul engineers due to accidents."

"This deep-sea vortex is usually very stable, and nothing happens, but once an outsider enters, the wind will howl immediately, and the waves will roll, as if guarding the sea area behind the vortex."

"Could it be made by God?" Di Yueli had been with Qin Ze for a long time, and immediately thought of Sea God.

"Probably yes, because at the back of the vortex, I calculated based on the coordinates provided by Senior Sea Princess, and the Sea God's family happens to be somewhere behind the vortex." Qin Ze nodded.

"Come on, let's go to the coast and wait for the seniors to come over."

After saying that, Qin Ze stood up, and Di Yueli took the juice and the two left the drink shop. When they left, the mental power blockage left around the drink shop was unsealed at once.

No one heard their conversation.The two also followed the flow of people to the rather spectacular seaside of Sea Soul City.

Perhaps most of the people had gone to the City Lord's Mansion, but the long and narrow coastline seemed much quieter.

Qin Ze took Di Yueli to the place where he called the Demon Emperor to come over. It was very quiet and no one disturbed him.

After flying tens of kilometers, the two arrived in the bay.

But just as they landed on the ground, they found three people already standing on the bay.

It was Ditian and Daming Erming brothers.

"Senior." Qin Ze looked a little surprised when he landed.

Di Tian smiled and said, "I knew you would definitely come here, so we came here early."

Da Ming and Er Ming looked at each other and smiled, but didn't say anything.

"How, where is the specific location of the Sea God family?" Di Tian asked.

Di Yueli looked at Qin Ze, and Qin Ze said directly: "Starting from us, we will pass a place called the deep-sea vortex, which is about a hundred kilometers behind this deep-sea vortex."

"Deep sea vortex?" Di Tian frowned.

Seeing this, Qin Ze hurriedly took out the sea chart he bought from Haihun City, and handed it to Ditian.

Di Tian took the chart and spread it out, and soon, Da Ming and Er Ming also came together.

As for Qin Ze, he went to use the sea soul flute to call out to the Demon Emperor. When the Demon Emperor helped him, he had to return the gift.

The ocean of the entire Douluo Continent occupies almost [-]% of the area. Apart from the Douluo Continent and the floating Sun and Moon Continent, there are two other continents on the planet.

After all, the overall strength of the sea soul beasts in the sea is much stronger than that of the land soul beasts.

Take the 10-year-old soul beast as an example, there are more than a thousand 10-year-level soul beasts in the sea.

If it wasn't for the royal family of the Sun Moon Empire to find out the surrounding sea area, otherwise they would not have sent people to fly over the sea to explore the map.

It's like the famine game that Qin Ze played in his previous life. The map can only be brightened by his own exploration.

"If I'm not mistaken, I'm afraid there is a family of demonic great white sharks living in this deep sea vortex."

Daming just took a few glances at the deep-sea vortex marked on the chart, and directly expressed his opinion.

"Demonic Great White Shark?" Di Tian pondered for a while, "I remember their king is still the previous Sea God's mount."

"That's right." Daming nodded, "I'm afraid that if we want to go to Sea God Island, we have to get rid of the Demon Soul Great White Shark Clan first. Because as long as the Sea God Clan exists, this race must be nearby."

"I think they can be defeated, but don't kill them for now, because they are of great use." On the side, Qin Ze and Di Yueli, who had already used the sea soul flute to summon the Demon Emperor, walked over.

"What do you think?" Di Tian asked.

Qin Ze held the sea soul flute with his right hand, and said calmly, "In the future, the sea god's direct subordinates will be the mermaid family, so the devil soul great white shark family will be used as thugs, they are doing this under Poseidon anyway. , continue to work in this line of work in the future can be regarded as a professional counterpart.”

"You don't intend to destroy them?" Di Tian and Da Ming Er Ming were a little surprised.

"Why do you want to kill them?" Qin Ze smiled. "It's still the same sentence. It's not difficult to kill them, but instead of solving it all at once, it's better to let them continue to work for the new Seagod in the future."

Hearing this, Di Tian became a little interested, "That's right, but I'm curious about who the new Seagod might be."

Qin Ze raised his right arm to look at it, and smiled slightly, "You all will know about it in the future, senior."

Hearing this, Di Yueli couldn't help but cast a blank stare at Qin Ze, this guy is playing riddle again.


Suddenly, a roar suddenly sounded above the sea.

Everyone heard the sound and looked, but saw a purple light and shadow quickly brushing across the sea, heading towards the bay.

When the light and shadow approached the shore, it directly transformed into a tall, beautiful woman, who was the Demon Emperor.

However, unlike her who had a calm face a few days ago, the Demon Emperor today seemed a little anxious.

But it's normal, finally have the opportunity to avenge the murder of my husband, how can I not be eager.

"Have you found the location of Sea God Island?"

The Demon Emperor had no shoes on her feet, and every time she took a step, there would be a ripple, which turned out to be hanging in the air and walking on the ground.

"Since you stay in the sea all year round, do you know the deep sea vortex?" Di Tian asked.

"Deep-sea vortex?" The Demon Emperor shook his head, "I have searched the sea one after another over the years, but unfortunately I didn't find any. Instead, I found a large number of Jedi. As for the deep-sea vortex you mentioned, it may be one of them. "

"According to the coordinates provided by Senior Sea Princess, the Sea God family is somewhere behind the whirlpool. Let's go, we have some things to talk about on the way," Qin Ze said.

Hearing this, everyone nodded.

Except for Di Yueli, who was still relatively low in cultivation, all the people present had the combat power of Limit Douluo. Immediately, several majestic waves of soul power swept towards the sea and headed for the distance.

The distance of [-] kilometers is not particularly far. During the rush, Qin Ze also explained to the Demon Emperor in advance who can and cannot be killed in the Sea God family. He has no intention of directly slaughtering all members of the Sea God family.And the disposal of the Demon Soul Great White Shark Clan.

The Demon Emperor originally wanted to refute Qin Ze, but he dismissed the idea, mainly because she couldn't beat Di Tian and Da Ming Er Ming.

The people Qin Ze said would not be killed were those who were willing to abandon the old belief in the Sea God. If they still insisted on believing in Tang San as the Sea God, then there was no need to keep them alive.

For so many years, the Sea God family has been named as the direct followers of the Sea God. It can be said that as long as they want the resources on the sea, there is almost nothing they can't get.

If you enjoy this benefit, you have to pay the corresponding price.

The further you go to the depths of the sea, the calmer the surrounding sea area will be. At a glance, you will never be able to see the end, leaving only the blue sea water below. This strange situation can easily make people feel feeling of fear.

For the people of Douluo Continent today, the depths of the sea are unfamiliar and unknown to them.

After they had advanced for more than 400 kilometers, they had already come to a sea area without even a single island. Except for countless creatures swimming in the sea, there was nothing in the sky except clouds.

"Do you feel it?"

Suddenly, Qin Ze's soul power came through sound transmission, and he was keenly aware that the energy intensity of the water element in the air in this sea area was much stronger than that in other places.

Hearing Qin Ze's words, everyone immediately activated their mental power to perceive their surroundings.

Sure enough, the changes in the air were clearly noticed by everyone.

"According to the display on the sea chart and the coordinates provided by Senior Sea Princess, the Sea God family is less than [-] kilometers away from us, but why haven't I found a single island?"

Qin Ze raised doubts.

You know, they were flying at an altitude of a thousand meters. Looking down from the top, they didn't know how far they could see, but they didn't find an island, nor did they find the so-called deep-sea vortex, because the sea looked extremely calm.


Just after Qin Ze finished speaking, Di Tian noticed something was wrong.

Suddenly, on the vast and calm sea, layers of undulating waves began to form. In the sky, the originally huge white clouds became gray and almost covered the sky.

The surrounding sky quickly began to dim, and there seemed to be some kind of hurricane raging on the sea.The originally sky-blue water suddenly turned dark blue, looking extremely deep.There was even a faint roar of thunder and lightning above the clouds.

This change instantly aroused everyone's vigilance, because the change came so suddenly that there was no prelude at all.

Of course, it's not that everyone is afraid, just kidding, the four major limit douluo's team, except for the descending of gods, who can stop it.

"Look over there." Di Yueli called out coquettishly.

Everyone was hanging a thousand meters above the sky, looking into the distance, but soon everyone discovered that a unique thing had happened.

However, tens of kilometers away, the waves on the sea seemed to be rolled up, and they climbed up layer by layer, forming a huge waterspout-like existence.

And there is more than one waterspout. At a glance, there are at least 20 huge waterspouts. They are like pillars of Dinghaishen, standing upright towards the sky, as if they are connected to the clouds.

On the surface of the sea below these waterspouts, there are countless huge eddies. The incomparably deep sea water is churning wantonly in the vortexes. Everyone can clearly feel the strength of the water element in the air even tens of kilometers away. It is still increasing, while other elemental energies are fading rapidly.

A soul master with water attributes will practice here, and his speed will be several times faster than in normal places, but compared to him, he has no guts to dare to practice in such a situation.

And in the sea water under everyone's feet, countless sea creatures are fleeing this sea area in a hurry, and they seem to be extremely afraid of something.

Among them, there are even tens of thousands of year-level soul beasts.

"That's the deep-sea vortex!" Qin Ze's eyes became serious, "I'm afraid this deep-sea vortex hasn't fully formed yet."

Yes, under the eyes of everyone, more waterspouts appeared and rushed to the sky. The entire sea area seemed to turn into a whirlpool, which was incomparably infiltrating, as if stepping into it would be sucked into it by the whirlpool or waterspout.

"Go!" Di Tian said in a deep voice, the majestic soul power poured out from his body, and the extreme darkness instantly suppressed the surrounding water elemental energy.

Soon, everyone moved out together and rushed towards the place where the waterspout was.

(End of this chapter)

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