In the beginning, Brother Huangtiandi, I got full-level comprehension

Chapter 123 Nine Calamities Prison Suppression!

Chapter 123 Nine Tribulations Suppressing Prison!

"Boy, you actually hurt me, you are going to die after all!"

"Chirp!" The golden-winged Peng bird squeaked again, and charged up to the sky again, with its claws down.

The golden flame is monstrous.

At this time, Shi Yuan's figure was erratic.Dodge the past, holding the broken sword to kill forward.


The two clashed, and the broken sword collided with the feathers of the golden bird, and suddenly made a sonorous sound of metal collision.

This is the confrontation between the magic weapon and the magic weapon.The feathers of the golden bird are extremely tough, as sharp as steel needles.

However, Shi Yuan's broken sword was extremely sharp, and every blow knocked out the feathers of the golden bird, and even shattered it.

The golden bird screamed and was very angry. It was good at speed, but now it is not as good as a human race, which made it extremely aggrieved.

With a "swoosh", the big golden bird spread its wings, like a small mountain, and pressed down towards Shiyuan.


The ground shook violently, the earth cracked, and rocks were thrown into the sky.Dust and smoke filled the air, the ground was sunken, and a long ditch spread for miles, creating a terrifying sight.

This is a real battle, extremely dangerous, this is a duel between the gods, it can be called the ancient times!

The big golden bird chanted, and the wings behind it spread out, covering the sky and covering the sky.

"Bang", "Bang"...

It swept to Shiyuan with one wing, and swept toward Shiyuan with one wing, and the feathers on its wings were like golden knives, splitting the air and making a harsh, sharp sound.

The golden-winged Dapeng has sharp wings, which can break through gold and stone. At this moment, it is like a golden torrent sweeping towards Shiyuan. This scene is extremely terrifying.

Shi Yuan waved his hand to cut off the sword and slashed towards the wings of the Golden Winged Dapeng.

"Clang!" There was a metallic sound, and the broken sword collided with the wings of the golden-winged Dapeng, making bursts of clanging sounds, and sparks shot in all directions, as if gold and iron were rubbing against each other.

The broken sword is extraordinary, it is a heavy weapon, and it has been contaminated with the Suzaku holy liquid, and has inexplicable power.


The golden Pengbird swept across its wings, like two heavenly knives, and cut towards Shi Yuan's waist and abdomen, which was to cut him off by the waist.

Shi Yuan stepped on the void and easily avoided the past, while the broken sword swept across and slashed towards the neck of the golden-winged Pengbird.

This is a battle between dragons and tigers. Golden-winged Dapeng and Broken Sword fight recklessly, making clanging sounds and sparks.

This was a big battle. Shi Yuan used various secret techniques, kept attacking, and fought fiercely with the Garuda. Soon after, it was injured, and a scar was drawn on its left shoulder, and its wings were almost cut off. .

Shi Yuan held the broken sword while defending against the golden-winged Peng bird, and rushed forward, reaching the bottom of the cliff.

The golden-winged Dapeng roared, it finally realized that this young human race is not simple, the means are against the sky, it fought hard, but the result made it cold.

Shi Yuan jumped between the mountain walls, his movements were extraordinary, and he kept approaching, wanting to kill this golden divine bird.


Shi Yuan slashed off a feather of the golden Peng bird with a sword, the golden bird screamed in pain, blood was dripping, and a piece of its wing was torn off.

"Ow..." Garuda roared, golden feathers all over its body exploded, sprinkled all over the sky, and fell like rain. It was very irritable and rushed out.

With a sound of "咻", Shi Yuan jumped up, and with the help of the rebound force on the mountain wall, he rushed to the sky, distanced himself from the golden-winged Peng bird, and fought a battle.


The broken sword made a metallic vibrato, sparks splattered, and the golden Peng Bird, not to be outdone, also waved its wings to block, making a harsh sound.

This was a big collision, and both of them suffered heavy losses. It has to be said that this was a tough battle. Although Shi Yuan had the advantage, it was obviously impossible to solve this golden-winged Dapeng bird in a short time.


The golden Pengbird's wings vibrated, densely covered with runes, like a surging golden ocean, vast and majestic, its wings spread out to a width of five feet, like two golden clouds floating in the air, shaking the sky and shaking.

All around, all the monsters changed color and felt a powerful wave. This was a terrifying energy, and the power emanating from the golden Pengbird became stronger and stronger.


Shi Yuan shouted, his whole body glowed, and the divine pattern engraved on the broken sword revived, exuding a bright splendor, which was motivated by his spirit.

In an instant, Broken Sword's rays of light were dazzling and unparalleled, and strands of light were entwined, like a silver waterfall falling down.

The golden-winged Peng bird chirped, just for a moment, here Ruixia transpired, and the golden light shrouded it, as if it had transformed into a fairyland, full of a peaceful atmosphere, making people unable to help surrender.


The broken sword confronted the wings of the golden Pengbird, making a series of crisp sounds, deafening, as if two immortal swords were colliding.


Shi Yuan swung his broken sword and marched forward step by step. Every step was accompanied by the sound of thunder, like thousands of troops galloping, and the quaking void hummed.

The golden Pengniao's eyes flickered, and it let out a screeching roar, and the golden light all over its body became even stronger. The wings of the golden bird glowed, and it suddenly became larger, from the original three meters in length, it expanded tenfold.


Broken Sword confronted it, making a series of clanging noises, and the people who were shocked were dizzy.


The golden Peng Bird opened its mouth and spewed a golden pillar of fire, like a river hanging in the sky, with the energy that burns all directions, and rolled towards Shi Yuan.

At this time, Shi Yuan was seen holding a broken sword.

He fused the treasure technique he had just learned and muttered, "Nine Tribulations Suppressing Prison Sword!"

In an instant, I saw Shi Yuan slashing the broken sword, and nine robbery light, suppressed it.

Shi Yuan combined the Nine Tribulations Suppression Technique and Kendo.

In an instant, I saw the robbery light, moving towards the half-blooded Jinpeng, suppressing it.

This is a peerless treasure technique, Shi Yuan has cultivated to the realm of small achievement, and its power is infinite.

"click", "click"...

A robbery light met the golden flame, and instantly burned all the golden light, and finally drowned the golden Peng bird.

A miserable cry came, and the big golden bird let out a wailing, blazing flames all over its body, its wings were scorched, its flesh was blurred, revealing its white bones.

one of its wings is almost abolished

"Ang..." The golden-winged Dapeng bird hissed up to the sky and made a sound that moved nine heavens. It knew that it was no match, and immediately fluttered its wings and fled.

Shi Yuan snorted coldly, chased after him, the broken sword danced, and another robbery light burst out, slashing at the golden-winged Dapeng bird.

The golden-winged Dapeng bird was terrified, one of its wings was rolled over by the flesh and blood split by Shi Yuan, and it was bloody and terrible.


The golden-winged Dapeng bird wailed. It was seriously injured and had to turn around and face Shi Yuan.


The third robbery light cut off again.

The golden-winged Dapeng roared, it tried its best to block it, the runes all over its body erupted, and the whole golden Dapeng flew up, blocking the roar of light, but there was still an aftermath that hit it, causing it to fly backwards.

It was bleeding from the corners of its mouth, its face was pale, and there was a large hole in its chest, blood gurgled out, and it almost died.

With a sound of "Boom", Shi Yuan volleyed into the sky, he swung his broken sword and slashed at its forehead.

The golden-winged Dapeng bird turned pale with fright. It hurriedly avoided, but it was still slow. It was hit by the sword light, and it flew out, fell to the ground, and struggled for a long time before getting up.

At this moment, the fourth robbery light suddenly fell.

Nine robbery to suppress prison, a total of nine robbery light.

It is only the fourth robbery light now.

"You dare to kill me?!" The golden-winged Dapeng bird was angry, it was defeated and almost died, which made it very aggrieved.

It felt that it should not confront Shi Yuan, and should not take risks, otherwise it would not be so embarrassed, it thought it could cut off its opponent and seize the broken sword.


This time, the golden-winged Dapeng bird was beheaded, a gap was split open on its head, and bright red blood flowed, dyeing its sturdy feathers red, and it was almost split in half.


The golden Dapeng bird screamed in agony, went mad, and its whole body was bright with golden light.

Shi Yuan was not afraid, his Broken Sword glowed, strands of jet-black beams lingered around the Broken Sword like a dragon, making the Broken Sword even more condensed.


Suddenly, an electric arc emerged, and a thick thunder fell, slashing towards the golden roc bird.

This is divine punishment, which contains terrifying rules, which are several times more terrifying than ordinary thunder. Such a large mountain has been chopped up, the trees are turned into ashes, and the lava is billowing.


The golden roc bird screamed in agony, its wings were aching, it was scorched black by lightning, and its whole body was paralyzed. Then it was hit by that robbery light, and its huge body was split flying and fell to the ground.


At this time, the fifth robbery light fell instantly.

Shi Yuan stood in the distance, he did not shoot, but there was a robbery falling, and the power was terrifying to the extreme, terrifying.

The golden-winged Dapeng bird was frightened, it fought hard to resist, it chirped, its wings shook violently, and a splendid symbol lit up, like a shield, blocking the robbery light.

This process seems to be slow, but it actually happened in an instant. The symbol bloomed with divine beauty, collided with the fifth robbery light, and made a huge bang.


Immediately after, a shrill cry was issued, the golden-winged Dapeng bird was penetrated, and a hole the size of a fist appeared, dripping with blood, and it suffered heavy damage.

(End of this chapter)

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