Chapter 124 Bloody battles in all directions!
Then, what the half-blooded Jinpeng didn't know was that Shi Yuan's Nine Tribulations Suppressing Prison Technique had a total of nine Tribulation Lights.

A robbery light is stronger than a robbery light.

The first five robbery lights, the golden Peng bird can no longer eat, and there are four robbery lights in the back, how can it be blocked?

The Golden Roc bird wants to escape, because it already understands that most of it will fall today.


The golden Pengbird was injured, a cloud of blood exploded, and its left wing was also cut off, screaming again and again.

Shi Yuan was stunned. He didn't expect the Nine Tribulations Suppressing Prison Law to be so powerful, and the half-blooded roc bird was hit hard and almost lost its ability to resist.

Shi Yuan raised his foot again, stepped on the void, and stepped out in one step. His figure was hazy, and he rushed forward like a ghost.

The sixth robbery light fell.

That robbery light was extremely powerful and fell from the sky.

With a "puff", the golden Pengbird was penetrated and covered in blood. It screamed in agony, then disappeared into a ball of golden light, and fled away.

This scene made everyone dumbfounded, and the dignified golden Dapeng bird was scared away.

"call out"

Suddenly, an arrow pierced through the sky and shot into the sky, and it was extremely fast. It caught up to the front at once, pierced through the body of the golden Pengbird with a puff, and nailed it to the ground.

Everyone was stunned, this arrow is really sharp, it can be said to be invincible, and it will kill with one blow!

The golden peng bird whined, it was hit by an arrow, fell from a high altitude, and fell to the ground.

The sword energy was like a rainbow, and it passed through the sky. A huge golden head flew out diagonally, and fell to the ground with a large amount of blood.

Needless to say, the important rune bones in Golden Winged Dapeng were cracked.

The half-blooded divine bird was defeated like this, making a group of ancient relics feel very unreal. Such a powerful Garuda was actually defeated by a human race boy!
More than a dozen immemorial relics turned around and fled, and they rushed in all directions, escaping separately, that young man was too ferocious, and could not be matched.

All of this happened in the electric flint flower, Xiaobudian reacted quickly, after dealing with Jinpeng, he did everything he could to urge Broken Sword to slash towards that area.

The broken sword was powerful, the sword glowed like the sea, and it was surging.

"Chase, don't let one go!" Shi Yuan's eyes were cold, if today's matter were to spread out, there would be a lot of trouble. After all, the white tiger and the golden giant bird had a great background.

The nine-headed lion knew the powerful relationship, and with a loud roar, dragged the injured body and chased in one direction.The big red bird, the sable, the silver-blooded giant, and the fire crow also understood, and they all hunted down.

Shi Yuan also immediately chased after him.

He can't let these ancient relics leave.

They should all be killed!

Shi Yuan held the broken sword like a god of war.

At this time, Shi Yuan caught up with an immemorial relic and slashed it with a sword.


The blood splattered, and the immemorial relic howled miserably. It was cut in half on the spot, and the corpse was splashed. Its abdominal cavity was bloody, and its intestines flowed out.


There were also people fighting in other directions, fierce and unparalleled, shouting to kill the sky.

On the other side, I saw Xiao Budian holding the electric light and killing the violent ape.

Infinite power burst out.

The little one shot down.


The violent ape howled miserably, and was punched through a hole the size of a fist, and blood was sprayed.

At the same time, Little Budian held the broken sword and stabbed another fist-sized wound into Violent Ape, and blood gurgled out, drowning it.

With a "click", Violent Ape's right arm was shoulder-length broken.


Violent ape roared, showing shock, how could a young man be so terrifying?It reluctantly retreated.

But how could Shi Hao give up?

The whole body was bathed in rays of light, and a vast wave spread, and the whole person seemed to have become a devil.


The endless rays of light in Shi Hao's hand slashed directly at the violent ape, smashing it into the air, his chest was pierced, and blood was dripping.

"Ah..." Violent ape screamed, it was completely frightened, it didn't dare to stop, it turned around and fled, only to be caught up by Shi Hao.


In the end, Shi Hao slashed out with a beam of blue moon light, slashing its head down, killing it on the spot.

After Xiao Budian finished killing the violent ape, he immediately chased and killed the other immemorial relics.

Shi Yuan and Shi Hao joined forces, those immemorial relics were not opponents at all.

This was a slaughter, Shi Hao's methods were fierce, and every time he fell, a life would be harvested, making the hearts of all the monsters tremble.

"Let's go quickly, don't get involved in this matter!" A group of monsters are terrified. If this continues, there will be a dead end. Who dares to compete with them?
"You can't leave!" Xiao Budian shouted.

He jumped up, rode on the back of a silver leopard, grabbed its tail, and threw it into the sky.


The silver leopard screamed, its body rose into the air, and then a mournful cry fell from the air, and the smashed soil flew, killing it on the spot.


The rest of the monsters were all furious. Who is this person? They are too domineering, killing their mounts in a row.

Shi Yuan stopped in front.

The broken sword in his hand exudes divine might, and he murmurs, "Jianyu!"

In an instant, an endless rain of swords fell from the sky.

"Puff puff······"

Immediately, the blood surged, and several immemorial relics were beheaded and fell to the ground.


The other monsters were terrified, and they had no doubts that this human cultivator really dared to kill, and at this time, he could only run away desperately.


Shi Yuan's hand interrupted the sword dance, and the sword light was like water, filling the sky.

Soon, all the immemorial relics were beheaded by Shi Yuan and the others.

At this time, several figures appeared in the distance, Huo Linger appeared holding the young god, and several cloaked people were distributed in the four directions.

They walked towards the battlefield step by step.

Shi Yuan's face was stained with blood, like a god of war.

Huo Ling'er was shocked when she saw such a powerful Shi Yuan.

Shi Yuan fell from the sky and landed in front of Huo Linger.

"These relics... were all beheaded by you?" When the group came to the front and back, Huo Ling'er was speechless, and her beautiful eyes were full of disbelief.

She and a few sealers have been here for a while, but they didn't get close. They have been standing in the distance. Due to the haze among the ruins, it was not very real.

"Damn them!" Shi Yuan said calmly.

A cloaked man stepped forward, dipped a little golden blood, observed it carefully, and lost his voice: "This is at least a half-blood divine bird, with unlimited potential, and it is difficult to meet an opponent."

Huo Linger is fifteen or sixteen years old, her pretty face is about to break, white and lustrous, her melon-seeded face, dark eyebrows, and her big eyes are extremely agile. Shi Yuan.

At this moment, Shi Yuan smiled lightly at the corner of his mouth and said, "Although I am very heroic, you can't look at me like this. Junior sister, to be honest, are you interested in me?"

As soon as these words came out, Huo Ling'er blushed and immediately said, "Who would be interested in you!"

(End of this chapter)

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