Chapter 204 Killing!
Shi Yuan instantly killed the young master Tuoba.

"You dare!" the Tuoba clan's son shouted, it was too late to rescue him.

Shi Yuan slashed out with a sword. This time, he used his precious technique to chop off the head of Young Master Tuoba and sprayed blood.

The son of the Tuoba clan died, his head flew up, and then his body exploded in mid-air, turning into a cloud of blood.

Young Master Tuoba's head was floating in the distance, his eyes widened, and he couldn't rest his eyes.

"The Tuoba family, you wait!" Shi Yuan shouted coldly.

Everyone here is discolored, this young man is too domineering, and if he disagrees, he shows a peerless style and kills decisively.


This place wailed, someone fell, and several people were killed by Shi Yuan just now, the blood rained and dyed the ground red.

Right at this moment, countless grey dragons came out, trying to kill Shi Yuan.

"Clang", the broken sword was inserted into the ground.

His body shook violently, and the runes erupted, breaking the few dragons wrapped around him directly, and relying on his unparalleled fleshly body to kill these relics with his bare hands.

In an instant, blood splattered, and one after another flood dragon fell. Shi Yuan, like a god, started killing in the magic circle.

This is a stubborn stubble, he doesn't care about it at all, kills here, and pushes all the way.

This situation attracted the attention of other people, and they were all shocked. This is simply a young god and demon. It is really scary to kill Jiaolong with every gesture.

With a "bang", he stepped out with one foot, smashing a gray flood dragon to pieces, then turned around and rushed into the crowd, slapped it with a palm, and suddenly screamed incessantly.

"Boom", all the people here were blown away, Shi Yuan like a tiger into the flock, hunting and killing here.

The monks here were frightened, and they all fled desperately. This is really a killing star. Whoever provokes him will surely die, there is no suspense.

Shi Yuan, like a savage beast, started to kill in this place, leaving corpses one after another, blood flowing, and it was like a hell on earth.


A shrill cry came out, and a disciple of the Tuoba clan shouted, he was punched through the chest by Shi Yuan, and was shot dead here, blood stained the sky.

Shi Yuan's whole body was blooming with Ruixia, like an unparalleled demon king, killing the enemy here, he could smash everything with a punch.

At this time, around Shi Yuan, there were corpses everywhere, and blood was gurgling, shocking.

The Tuoba clan, this is a behemoth, there are many masters in the clan, but now they are being chased by Shi Yuan, and some people are being beheaded.

Shi Yuan strode forward, exuding terrifying murderous aura all over his body.

"Pfft", the Tuoba clan screamed, their heads were beheaded, and then they were smashed by him with a slap.

The people of the Tuoba clan were furious to the extreme. How did they ever suffer?
But now, it was suppressed by a kid.

Shi Yuan is too strong, and he kills decisively. He is like a god of death, and he starts killing people. People continue to die in his hands.


The screams continued, the Tuoba clan suffered heavy casualties, and Shi Yuan's killing was too cruel.

The members of the Tuoba clan were terrified and kept retreating. This young man was too terrifying.

"Hey!" Shi Yuan's back was robbed and attacked. His clothes were torn open, revealing a white and strong back.

Shi Yuan responded quickly. At this critical juncture, he turned around violently and beheaded the man. The blood splashed and stained his clean robes.

"kill him!"

The people of the Tuoba clan shouted and all rushed towards him.

With a "Boom", an elder of the Tuoba clan sacrificed a black iron shield to block Shi Yuan's broken sword, and he shouted: "You killed my Tuoba clan, even if you have the ability to reach the sky, Never think about leaving here, my Tuoba clan will definitely not let you go."

Shi Yuan sneered and said, "You guys are talking a lot, don't you always want to find me? Now that I'm here, do you still need to run away?"

"What!" The elders of the Tuoba clan were shocked when they heard this, and their faces changed wildly.

With a "click", the black iron shield in his hand was shattered by Shi Yuan.


Shi Yuan swept across with a sword and cut off the elder's head. The blood splashed and dyed his clothes red.

"You damned fellows, you should all be killed!" Shi Yuan roared in a low voice.

This is a kind of monstrous hatred. His father was killed, and he also suffered. Under the pursuit of the Tuoba clan, he almost died.

"Boom", his body skyrocketed, his skin was crystal clear, and it shone with metallic luster, just like it was made of gold, emitting a dazzling light.

Like a humanoid tyrannosaurus, he rushed into the crowd, blood splattered everywhere he passed, and at this moment he was too strong and unstoppable.


"No, how could this be, he's so scary!"

The people of the Tuoba clan cried out in grief, falling down one by one, and Shi Yuan roamed and slaughtered all over the place, unable to resist at all.

The people of the four major families were also very shocked.

They never thought that Shi Yuan would be so invincible here.

This person is too fierce. He is rampant in the magic circle, and he is invincible. The people of the four major families that he kills are terrified, and he is not an opponent at all.


In the battle of Shi Yuan, he became more and more brave, like a young demon king, pushing horizontally here, constantly beheading people from the four major families, blood splashed and dyed the earth red.

The battle became more and more fierce, and the faces of the Rain Clan were ashen, which made him terrifying.

"It is absolutely possible to fight Yi'er. If the two are of the same age, it will be a battle between dragons and tigers. Unless they are suppressed by the power of Chongtong, they can be quickly resolved."

"Yi'er not only has heavy pupils, but also has other invincible means, so don't worry."

At this moment, the important figures of the Rain Clan quickly made a comparison and whispered for a while.


At this time, I saw that Shi Yuan directly sacrificed his own small world method.

In an instant, powerful beasts continued to evolve.

In an instant, powerful beasts continued to evolve.

Su Yan roared, releasing endless thunder and lightning.

In an instant, powerful beasts continued to evolve.

Su Yan roared, releasing endless thunder and lightning.

In an instant, powerful beasts continued to evolve.

Su Yan roared, releasing endless thunder and lightning, shocking the Eight Wildernesses.

Pixiu swung its teeth and claws with a terrifying majesty.

Suzaku chirped, spread its wings nine thousand feet, and soared up into the sky.

A Kunpeng was in the sky, covering the sky, making the whole valley dark.

"What kind of magic is this?"

Everyone was horrified, Shi Yuan actually motivated such a terrifying treasure technique, and the evolution of ferocious birds and beasts was shocking.

These beasts were lifelike, as if they were alive, one by one fierce and ferocious, slaughtered downwards, and the people of the False God Realm screamed and were swallowed.

Suddenly, I saw these beasts, and they were killed in an instant.

With a "puff", another clan member died tragically, his neck shattered, and a string of blood spewed out.

In the end, all the beasts disappeared and turned into wisps of black light that poured into Shi Yuan's body, making his body more solidified and tougher.

At this moment, he seemed to incarnate into a demon god, his eyes were cold, full of endless hatred and resentment, and the young man's eyes shot out a cold murderous aura.


Shi Yuan shouted, rushed towards the crowd, and started killing here, this is revenge, killing.


The screams were endless, and corpses fell one after another, which was harvesting life.

Shi Yuan was covered in blood, his eyes looked at all this indifferently, without the slightest wave, this was a massacre.

"Pfft", "Pfft"...

He is shooting, and every time he strikes, several people will be killed, and his eyes are getting brighter and brighter, as if a flame is burning.

(End of this chapter)

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