Chapter 205 Kill a record!
At this time, on the other side, Xiao Budian also joined the battlefield.

The little guy killed the people of the Rain Clan.


He shot fierce and domineering, punched out, like a comet hitting the earth, blazing brilliance erupted, this area exploded, and several members of the Rain Clan were blown up by his punch, blood mist filled the sky.

The little guy is murderous. These people once shot him and almost killed him. Sooner or later, this account will be settled.

"Little bastard, you dare to spoil the good things of my Rain Clan!"

A loud roar came, and a young man came, his eyes were splitting. This was an outstanding disciple of the younger generation of the Rain Clan, with profound strength.


The little guy drank coldly, and he bathed in runes all over his body, like a golden god of war, brave and terrifying.

It's a mess here, there's a big fight here, and everyone is shaking.


The little fist swung, and a fist slammed out, accompanied by a huge scorpion emerging, roaring up to the sky, and the scene was terrifying.

The Rain Clan boy was furious. He was an expert in the Qi Refinement Realm, but he was still blasted out, bleeding from the corners of his mouth.


Xiaobudian took a step forward, approached in an instant, reached out a big hand and slapped it down, with a slap like a knife, grabbed his neck, lifted it up, and then twisted it, the sound of bones breaking resounded throughout the canyon.


The boy from the Rain Clan fell to the ground and died.

In the ancient kingdom of reality, in the Yu Clan mansion, dozens of people screamed and coughed up blood.

The rain clan's mansion was shaken, and the masters of the clan encountered unexpected events at the same moment, which made many people panic. This was caused by the False God Realm being killed, and there may be sequelae.

Initially, Xiao Budian slaughtered the four sides with blood, and finally cut off all the Yu people, leaving only one Yufeng, who was picked up by Xiao Budian, and then chopped alive.

This time, instead of tearing off an arm, it was directly torn in half. The blood was very red and splashed high, and the child's tender face made people tremble.

Is this the price of attacking the Butian Pavilion? If you allow this child to grow up, with his talent, he may really be able to create a world-shattering great sect in the ruins in the future.

This is the thought of many people, and their hearts are trembling. It is rumored that he can rival pure-blooded creatures. Is it true? !


Someone shouted, and a scarlet needle flew out, and the rays of light danced, dazzling.

"What, Soul Killer!"

Many people screamed, and then changed color, this is really fierce, but anyone who knows it is not afraid, because the origin of this needle is too big.

Little Dodger dodged very quickly, without being shaken, dodging the past, a scarlet light danced, like a poisonous scorpion tail needle from hell, the bright red is a little scary.

"The soul-killing needle is a magic weapon that was sacrificed in the False God Realm. If it is hit, it will not only be destroyed here, but in the real world, the consciousness will also be broken, and the real body will die." Bird Lord whispered.

Many people enter the virtual world to sharpen their spirits, because the effect is almost the same as the real world.

The Soul Killing Needle is notorious in this world. It is rumored that it is made of this world's unique material, and it contains part of the power of order.Therefore, it is extremely terrifying. If you are hit by it, you will surely die, and even the real body in reality will not escape.

However, this kind of treasure is extremely rare, and I haven't heard of how many people have found it for so many years. It's all accumulated in the past, and it's almost invisible now.

It can kill the virtual body and destroy the real body, so it is called a magic weapon!
This kind of thing is so weird that it can be said to be a forbidden weapon. Although no one knows how to sacrifice it, it is a forbidden thing and cannot be contaminated.

Little was not shocked, his sense of sensitivity was extremely sharp, and he immediately noticed the danger. In this kind of needle stick, he would have to peel off his skin even if he didn't die.


He used the Kunpeng method, his figure was erratic, and his speed was extremely fast, avoiding a catastrophe.


At this moment, I saw Shi Yuan kill him instantly.

"Your methods are really despicable!"

With that said, I saw Shi Yuan opened his own small world, and in an instant, the Soul Killing Needle was directly taken away by Shi Yuan.

Shi Yuan held the broken sword and killed the people of that family.


The people of that clan screamed in agony, and some were pierced through their chests, then split in half, and died on the spot, blood splashed all over the ground, shocking.


Everyone shouted loudly, and they were all experts in the cultivation world. Wherever they would admit defeat, they all rushed over.

However, Shi Yuan was much more powerful than them. The blood in this place was monstrous, and a child was fighting, and he was invincible, and no one could stop him.

Shi Yuan held the broken sword in his hand, and opened and closed, every move carried the momentum of thunder, and his murderous aura was overwhelming, and no one could stop him wherever he went.

He is even more powerful, and the more he fights, the more courageous he is. He is raging in the crowd, killing a group of older people who are losing ground, and they are not his opponents at all.

Shi Yuan was very excited. After all, he was only about five years old, but he was like a little devil.

This place was full of blood, and there were corpses everywhere. Some people were smashed to pieces, their souls collapsed, and many people died.


Some people are crazy and don't want to believe that they are all strong, but they are swept away by others, and they are chased and killed by a child, which is a shame.


The broken sword in Shi Yuan's hand glowed, turned into a divine weapon, swept across the sky, and with a puff, several more people were cut in the waist and flew out.

"Kill, kill him!"

Everyone was angry and surrounded him together to suppress him, but this child was too defiant, even if a group of masters joined forces, it was useless, and he was killed one by one.

This kind of deterrence makes everyone horrified. This child is really terrifying. What kind of freak is this, it makes people palpitate.

Shi Yuan started the killing spree, killing a group of people and breaking the army, and then he turned and left, leaving wreckage and corpses everywhere.

In this battle, the blood rained, and the masters of the various sects were lost, and no one survived, but everyone who shot was killed, and the ground was dyed red.

I don't know how many masters are watching the battle here, the princes' sons and daughters of the ancient kingdom, the elders of the ancient great sects... all were in a daze, unable to speak for a long time.

It only took a lot of time. The masters of the major sects were all killed, and there was not a single survivor left.

In the real world, there were shouts and shouts from all ethnic groups, and they were extremely angry. Many people coughed up blood and suffered heavy injuries. They may not be able to recover within a few months.

Initially, a hazy radiance descended from the sky, wrapped in an object, and landed in front of Shi Yuan.

At the same time, a stone tablet appeared, shining brightly, with a few lines of small characters on it.

"This... kills a record!"

"Is there any reason for it to be rewarded by killing so many strong men and turning into a demon god?!"

The pot exploded initially, and people were in an uproar.

(End of this chapter)

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