Chapter 220 Powerful Divine Might!

Time passed slowly, Shi Yuan's aura was rising, his flesh and blood were glowing, as if he was about to be burned, the pain was hard to describe in words.

I don't know how long it took, but his body gradually returned to its original shape, but his breath became even more terrifying. This time, he didn't open his eyes immediately, and continued to comprehend the runes left by Liu Shen.

At this time, in Shi Yuan's small world, suddenly, a dark green wicker appeared in Shi Yuan's small world.

This is Liu Shenfa!
Shi Yuan is evolving, in harmony with this willow magic, his brows are glowing, and a leaf is glowing.

That leaf was crystal clear and looked very tender, and there were symbols one after another on it, which were all runes left by God Willow, densely packed.


Shi Yuan opened his eyes, and two sharp beams shot out from his eyes, piercing through the void like sword energy, and when he stood up, an inch of ground around him was cracked.

A dazzling light emanated from his body, which was a terrifying vision that shocked everyone in the world.

In the distance, all the monsters were terrified. This was an inexplicable coercion, which overwhelmed a group of monsters and made them tremble uncontrollably.

At this time, Shi Yuan's flesh and blood were boiling, those symbols were glowing, his body became stronger, dormant like a wild dragon, once awakened, he could look down at the sky.

His strength skyrocketed, and an inexplicable power was recovering in his flesh and blood.

Shi Yuan felt like a small sun was shining, his whole body was emitting light, his blood was boiling, as if he was about to explode.

His joints were crackling, like the knocking of divine iron. This was the sound of bones being broken, and his body was about to be smashed to pieces. This situation frightened a group of monsters, and they ran away from him one after another.

His whole body is glowing, and one after another order symbols are flickering, as if explaining the great way of heaven and earth.

At this time, Liu Shen looked at Shi Yuan in front of him in surprise.

"His physique is amazing, but there seems to be no such physique in this world!"

"The origin of this child, I'm afraid it's not that simple!"

Liu Shen spoke slowly.

She had deduced Shi Yuan before, but what she saw was only hazy.

Regardless of Shi Yuan's past and future, Liu Shen couldn't see clearly.

On the other side, Xiaobudian is merging into Ten Caves.

Under the willow tree, Xiao BuDian sat cross-legged, and around it, ten caves roared, it was so spectacular, each mouth was huge and unparalleled, as if connected to a fairyland, the brilliance was transpiring, and the auspicious energy was falling, it was amazing.

These caves are very grand, and every bite is the same as that of the tenth cave. The energy exuded is like a waterfall of gods, so fierce and astonishing that the viewers can't believe it.

But this is the truth, the Ten Cave Heaven is complete and vast.

The little guy was not satisfied, tried to smelt, the ten caves shook violently, melted into one piece, blended together, and became a world!
Everyone was shocked, what kind of spectacle was that?
In a trance, people saw phantoms coming out, majestic Lingshan, green Xiufeng, divine waterfalls, colorful clouds flying all over the sky, auspicious animals and rare birds.

This... is like a piece of fairyland!

Of course, people understand that this is a phantom, not real, it is just a vision of the little boy when he opened up the cave, and now it has reappeared.

The only way to see the real scene is to keep your eyes wide open, let the electric lights fly, and sense with your heart.

The ten caves are unified into one, and it has turned into a huge world, which is boundless, as if it can accommodate the sun, moon and stars, and all the heavens are in it.

"What an astonishing vision!" Many people sighed, envious.

"He actually succeeded and opened up a world!"

Everyone showed surprise, this is too amazing, a cave, just like this, and it is a world, this is definitely an earth-shattering event.

"Open it for me!"

He let out a loud roar, the ten caves resonated in the sky, stretched the largest, and the energy was billowing, like magma, like a divine waterfall, pouring all over his body.

With a full charge, the bear boy went all out, the ten caves were in full bloom, releasing immortal brilliance, and the same was true for himself, densely covered with runes, entangled together, almost burning life, blooming the strongest combat power.

He stood up abruptly, raised his head to the sky and screamed, his long hair stood on end, and he spewed out a mouthful of essence, runes fluttered around him like a butterfly, and at this moment, his energy penetrated the sky.

The little one is burning, boiling, all the powers are turned on, reaching the strongest!
The ten caves are stretched apart, and they are all incomparably majestic, resonating, and the little ones let them collide and burst into divine brilliance.

The ten caves spun and collided, and were attracted by the mysterious aura of Xiao Budian's chest, resonating with each other, and produced strange changes.

With a sound of "hum", the ten caves surrounded the little one and connected with each other, forming the most magnificent divine ring, which was dazzlingly dazzling, and the divine glow illuminated the nine heavens.

In the end, they resonated and became more intense, like a blazing sun, hanging in the sky, with the little one at the center.

This kind of scene is shocking. This is a world-shocking divine ring, composed of ten caves, connected to each other, one of them is independent, looking down on the world.

Xiao BuDian finally united the Ten Caves and Heavens into one, and caught up with Shi Yuan's footsteps.

At this time, God Liu looked at the little one in shock, and said, "Is it also the same?"

"Sure enough!"

Liu Shen said slowly.

At this moment, on the other side, Shi Yuan's momentum exploded.

His body is crystal clear, with golden symbols shining, which are the symbols of ancestors, with an ancient charm.

An aura of tyranny and tyrant overflowed from his pores, which was an astonishing fluctuation, like an ancient emperor descending.

Beside him, ten stars swayed, and a river of stars emerged, accompanied by his breathing.


His whole body was glowing, his blood was boiling, and thousands of flames gushed out, like a ball of divine fire burning, burning the sky.

Beside Shi Yuan, various visions suddenly appeared.

A huge illusory world suddenly evolved behind Shi Yuan.

In that world, there are countless stars.

In that world, each one is as big as a millstone, the galaxy flows, and there are billions of clouds.

The most important thing is that there is a stone tripod up and down there, and the walls of the tripod are engraved with characters and ancient symbols, like ancient scriptures one after another.

In that world, various kinds of strange beasts appeared.

Suzaku, Suan Ni, Zhu Yan, Dapeng.
This is a terrifying picture, each of the strange beasts is extremely tall, striking across the sky with a terrifying power.

Especially those divine birds, spreading their wings to pierce the sky, swallowing chaotic energy, as if they could split the sky and the earth, shocking all spirits, it is frightening.

Moreover, there is also a willow leaf, in Shi Yuan's small world, constantly exuding divine power.

A powerful sword intent instantly condensed in Shi Yuan's small world.

(End of this chapter)

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