Chapter 221 Transformation!

"Clang clang!"

Jianming is moving the sky, this is a divine sword, the sword is sharp, and the killing energy is overwhelming, shaking the eight wastes and six together, making the situation here change.

This sword intent makes people tremble.

This is a big disaster. Shi Yuan is transforming. Once he succeeds, he will inevitably rise up and look down on the sky. Who can rival?

With a light sound, the stars exploded and turned into debris in the sky, and the sword intent formed a galaxy, flowing out endless essence.

Moreover, the small world roared, and in each hole, a symbol lit up and was branded in the void.

All of this is because the essence of the ten directions gathered, all entered the small world, and finally turned into runes, which were branded on the symbol, making it more sacred and magnificent.

In the end, the ten caves were unified and turned into a rune, which was the core of the ten caves and represented its trajectory.

This is the core of the top ten caves. It is like a seed, rooted in the soil of the small world, absorbing the essence, and gradually taking root.

Moreover, it is growing, like a seed breaking out of the ground, about to blossom and bear fruit.

In the end, Shidongtian disappeared, and only the rune remained, shining brightly, and a sacred light rain flowed, covering the entire small world.

"God, Shi Yuan's outburst of this vision is too scary!"

"How strong is this kid!"

"God bless my Stone Clan!"

At this time, the people of Shi Village shouted in shock.

Everyone knew that Shi Yuan was about to rise. At this age, it was beyond expectation.

Shi Yuan's body is constantly changing, his bones are glowing and clanging, his physique is improving, he is being reborn, and he has unimaginable potential.

At the same time, his skin became clearer and clearer, like glazed glass.

The pores all over his body were opened, and a strong glow was sprayed out. This cultivation speed was terrifying, far surpassing anyone else's.

Immediately, I saw countless essences continuously flowing into Shi Yuan's body.

His physique is getting stronger and stronger, his skin is crystal clear, and every inch of his body is radiant and transpiring.

Shi Yuan was originally a heroic warrior, but now he is even more out of the world, like an exiled immortal.

"I broke through, I have to take a crucial step, step into the real self, and my strength has skyrocketed!"

He said excitedly, his eyes shot out two beams of divine light, and there were runes intertwined on his body, which were the symbols left by the ancestors in his body, and this time it manifested.

"I'm going out of my way and witnessing my future!" he whispered.

Everyone was shocked. The inheritance of the Stone Clan was indeed terrifying. At this moment, Shi Yuan seemed to have received some kind of baptism, and his body was filled with a vast and majestic vitality of life.

There was a layer of haze on him, like a hazy haze covering him, making him even more mysterious.


A loud bang.

I saw Shi Yuan opened his eyes instantly.

He stood up, trembling for a while, and the whole person seemed to have undergone earth-shaking changes, like a divine sword unsheathed, sharp and fierce.

It's a terrifying aura that's terrifying.

Some people in the Stone Clan couldn't help but retreat. This is definitely an extremely strong person. You can't approach him, or you will definitely be shattered.

Even the old patriarch's face paled, this young man was too enchanting, just relying on this kind of breath was enough to shock him to death.

Shi Yuan pushed forward, and every step he took made people palpitate.

His eyes were like divine wheels, emitting two divine lights.

The terrifying aura permeated out, and the entire radius of thousands of miles, those fierce beasts, felt such a powerful aura, all prostrate and kneel.

This is an invisible oppression, as if the gods and demons are looking down on them, this is an irresistible majesty.

There was an aura of indifference on Shi Yuan's body, and his eyes glanced around.

This is a kind of king's attitude, he stands on the cliff, his eyes are terrifying, overlooking the Eight Wastes and Liuhe.

At this time, Shi Yuan had already broken through.

Breaking through the realm of the body becoming a spirit, and entering the second stage of the spirit realm.

"Okay, it's finally there!"

He clenched his fists and felt the surging vitality in his body. His combat power increased by more than ten times, and in a single thought, he could split the sky.

With a sound of "Om", the center of his eyebrows lit up, and a rune flew out, turning into a treasure mirror, hanging in the air, and falling endless Ruixia.

Shi Yuan is comprehending Dao, repairing his own shortcomings, and integrating his own Dao law.


He showed a strange look. He saw that in his small world, there was actually a green lotus. Although it was only the size of a palm, it had an inexplicable rhythm.

This azure lotus is emerald green throughout, with traces of Dao marks flowing. This is a treasure with extremely powerful divine power.

"What kind of plant is this?" Shi Yuan was surprised.

With the sound of "Boom", Qinglian shook, and there was an immeasurable sound of Taoism.

This is a lotus pedestal, crystal clear, with three lotus seeds on it, crystal clear, like three golden agates, shimmering with divine luster.

Shi Yuan knew that Qinglian is a product of Tao, so this Qinglian is absolutely extraordinary.

Shi Yuan restrained his breath.

At this time, Liu Shen looked at Shi Yuan, smiled and said, "It seems that you already understand the way you want to go!"

Shi Yuan immediately folded his hands and saluted Liu Shen: "Thank you Liu Shen for your guidance!"

"All this is your own creation, no need to thank me!" Liu Shen said.

At this moment, Xiao Budian also succeeded in baptism, he successfully united the Ten Caves and Heaven, and caught up with Shi Yuan's footsteps.

"You can go to the False God Realm, maybe you can get a reward." At this moment, Liu Shen said.

"What?" The bear boy quickly turned his head, rushed to the head of the village, looked up at Liu Shen, and said, "I can get a reward, is it the ones that the False God Realm owed me when I broke through the Ten Cave Heaven?"

He has been obsessed with it, and after he came back, he often mumbled to Liu Shen, saying that the False God Realm would not repay his debts, but Liu Shen had never responded to him.

"The endless years have passed, and the rules and order of the False God Realm are not as good as before. If someone intervenes, some changes can occur." Liu Shendao.

Xiao Budian's eyes widened suddenly, and he said in surprise, "Liu Shen, shouldn't it be you?"

Could it be that Liu Shen moved his hands and feet?He was very suspicious.

"It's not me, there is a problem with the rules and order itself." Liu Shen shook his head and said, "The False God Realm has a spirit, created by the gods, and maybe there is something left."

"Then will it be dangerous for me to go?" the boy asked in surprise.

"No, it's just an accident occasionally." Liu Shen did not elaborate.

"Then I'll go now!" The bear boy turned his head and yelled, very happy and excited.

With a sound of "Boom", the wicker penetrated the sky, opening a mysterious portal, with lightning and thunder, and runes all over the sky.

"My reward, here I come!"

(End of this chapter)

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