Chapter 225 Taikoo Divine Mountain!

Shi Yuan and Xiao Budian are ready.

At the head of the village, the tree body struck by lightning is full of runes. If a real dragon is coiled, it seems to be roaring against the sky, it is a scorched black pattern.

The willow god glowed, dozens of branches swiped, a flaming rune appeared, and the green channel opened, I don't know where it led.

"Boy Shi Yuan, you are not too young, marry a fat daughter-in-law and come back soon, we are waiting for our grandson!" Those uncles and aunts immediately looked at Shi Yuan and shouted.

Shi Yuan smiled and said, "Okay, this time, I'll give you one back!"

"Little one, although you are still young, you have to hurry up!" Everyone looked at Little Little.

"I really don't understand, what's so good about a fat woman, and she can't eat it!" Little Budian frowned.

"Hey, I don't know how good women are when I'm young, and I mistake food for treasure! Little one, you'll understand when you grow up!" said the villager.

"Come back early!" A group of people shouted from behind, and many people's eyes were red.

Shi Yuan and Shi Hao took one last look and rushed into the glowing passage, their figures blurred and gradually disappeared.

The runes were intertwined, and a dozen wickers danced, raising a splendid brilliance, sending him away.

When Shi Yuan reappeared, the mountains in front of him were majestic and the terrain was wide open, like an old dragon lying cross-legged, and like a longevity tortoise hibernating. , drill into the body autonomously.

In the distance, there is a majestic and majestic mountain, inserted into the sky, that is... the ancient sacred mountain!
Shi Yuan arrived at the ground and watched from a distance, not to mention the real sacred mountain, the place where the turtles, stings and dragons are placed under his feet, is also so outstanding.

Nearby, there is a waterfall hanging on the stone cliff, old medicine fragrant under your feet, and rare birds and beasts haunt in the distance.

"Good place!"

Shi Yuan took a deep breath, and suddenly felt comfortable all over his body. This is the heavenly paradise created by Prince Wu himself, and it is amazingly beautiful.

"This place is like a paradise on earth!"

The little one followed, and stood to the side to look at it.

This is the ancient sacred mountain. There are many giant mountains, hundreds of feet high, like Optimus Primes, breaking the sky, and the scenery is magnificent.

What surprised him was that there were still some thatched huts nearby, all of them were strong men of all races, who lived in seclusion and practiced here.

Is this the legendary pilgrim?He had heard that some extremely powerful figures hoped to worship under the gate of Shenshan, and would not hesitate to live here.

Even some creatures are willing to serve as servants and enter the sacred mountain, hoping to get guidance.

Of course, this also needs to be divided into places. Most of the sacred mountains are entrenched in the ancient beasts, and there are not necessarily gods. If this is the case, the creatures will never dare to stay nearby, and if they dare to appear, they will be swallowed directly.

It seems that the owner of this sacred mountain is not bad, and belongs to the kinder kind.

"You are here." A peaceful voice came, and an old man appeared, silent and outrageously powerful.

Shi Yuan turned his head, this is a golden beast, with golden hair growing out of a human body, shining brightly throughout, very old, hunched over, with a strong breath flowing, which is breathtaking!

"Lead the way!"

Shi Yuan didn't care, just waved his hand calmly.

Seeing Shi Yuan's arrogant appearance, the divine servant immediately said: "Young man, this is not the False God Realm, there is no hierarchical suppression!"

The divine servant is extremely majestic, with golden rays of light all over his body, like a sun, and his breath is extremely terrifying.

Shi Yuan was extremely calm, "What? You Primordial Mountains want to put on airs with me?"

"You must know that you are begging me, not me. If I don't go, how will you enter that forbidden area?" Shi Yuan said coldly.

Having said that, the servant of God looked at Shi Yuan in surprise, and had to admit that this young man was indeed not simple.

Immediately, the servant of the gods bowed towards Shi Yuan, and then led the way.

The servant of the gods was a little depressed, and his whole body radiated precious light. A brilliant passage spread out on the ground and spread forward. The ancient trees, rocks, streams, etc. could not be blocked along the way, just like a god bridge close to the ground.

Shi Yuan and Xiao Budian stepped onto the bridge of God.

Above the bridge of God, the mist is hazy, and there is a faint sound of chanting.

The servant of the gods walked ahead, and soon after they came to the center of the area.


Shi Yuan frowned, there was an altar in front of it, made of bronze, three meters high, flashing silver, with nine star totems on it.

The whole body of this altar is dull silver-gray, with a feeling of vicissitudes, as if it has existed for endless years, and there is a quaint atmosphere.

This altar has a mysterious charm that makes people want to worship and kowtow.

As soon as he arrived outside the mountain gate, Shi Hao's eyes widened. He saw a pair of Bazhen chickens, and that pair of Bazhen chickens were playing basketball.

"Bazhen Chicken, it's really beautiful!" Xiao Budian shouted, and immediately jumped off the splendid passage under his feet, chasing forward.

"Hey, what are you doing?" the servant called him.

"Catch chickens." Shi Hao responded, this is one of the Eight Treasures of the Ancient Times, and it is very rare. He never expected to see a pair directly outside the mountain gate here.

The servant of God is full of black lines, and this guy is too tossed.

"This is a sacred bird like a mountain, don't catch it."

"Isn't this still outside the mountain?" Shi Hao was dissatisfied.

"Let's go quickly. If you can open Kunpeng's taboo channel, don't say that I will give you a pair of spiritual birds, it will be no problem to find all the ancient eight treasures for you."

Shi Hao turned back one step at a time, never forgetting, and said, "It's really extravagant, you shouldn't raise meat to eat, right? It's a shameful waste!"

"This is the genius of the human race that you found in the Tianshen Mountain. It's really cruel, and even a chicken is not spared." A young man came across, looking like he was fourteen or five years old. The teasing look satirizes Shi Hao.

Behind him, there were also several old servants, all of them shrouded in holy light, looking extremely terrifying.

"Where did the wild child come from, to be so insulting to Sven."

"That's right, it looks like it's from a dirt village hillbilly!"

At this time, Shi Yuan frowned and said with a sneer: "Do you sympathize with that chicken because you are the same kind? Or, you are also worried that we will eat it!!"


"Presumptuous!" the young man shouted, his eyes were like lightning, piercing the void, and his blue hair was flying!
At this time, Shi Yuan's eyes were calm and his eyes were raised slightly.

Suddenly, the endless coercion spread out in an instant, and a vast and unpredictable force swept in, like a surging ocean, shocking people, this is an invincible belief, an invincible fighting spirit, rushing up into the sky. .

The young man's face changed suddenly, and his whole body trembled in an instant.

"What a strong coercion!"

The boy trembled, looking into Shi Yuan's eyes, and couldn't help being a little terrified.

(End of this chapter)

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