Chapter 226 Challenge Shi Yuan!

"Stop, we joined forces to go out to sea to find the Kunpeng treasure art, and now there is no time to fight." Someone shouted in the distance.

Several young men and women came, each of them shrouded in a blazing divine light, like the lower realm of the gods, sacred and terrifying, extremely amazing.

Behind each of them were several old servants, all of them shrouded in holy light, incredibly powerful.

The girl in purple is the descendant of the owner of Tianshen Mountain. Naturally, among the group of teenagers, she was the one who stopped the silver-haired boy from using force.

"When we meet for the first time, let's not talk about disagreements. We need to be tolerant and understanding. When we enter that sea area, we must work together. Only in this way can we hope to obtain the Kunpeng Treasure Technique."

At this time, a young man spoke, with red hair scattered on his shoulders, like a flame burning, about fifteen or six years old, and even his eyes were like the sun, blazing and piercing.

Behind every young man, there are several divine servants, who are going to go out to sea with them. They are all very powerful, and they also communicated at this time.

"Come into the mountain." The girl in purple saw that the atmosphere had temporarily eased, and there was no more quarrel, so she invited these people to enter the Tianshen Mountain.

This is an alliance, every force is amazing, has a glorious past, and is unattainable for other creatures in the world.Now that they are united together, it can be seen how powerful they are.

There are more spirits in the mountains, colorful cranes in groups, luan birds soaring, zhilan fragrant, tuxia releasing essence, this group of people walking in the sacred mountain with aura, like a group of gods.

This is not a place that mortals can set foot on. It was born and peaceful. There are all kinds of rare birds and beasts, which have long been extinct in other places, but they are still multiplying here.

After climbing the mountain, this place is like a fairyland, with the divine spring gurgling, divine birds passing by, the fragrance of ancient medicines, white clouds and mist, and various heavenly palaces.

In the end, everyone came to a magnificent palace. This is a majestic mountain, surrounded by chaos, and there is no end in sight. This is the temple where the ancient gods lived.

This palace tower is very huge, standing here, covering a vast area, there are some sculptures, lifelike.

The servant told Shi Hao, this is not a temple, it is a relic left by the gods. According to rumors, this is their training ground, but it is not clear what it is. After all, those gods have disappeared without a trace, and only the Some remains, and these palace towers.

This mountain is so weird and full of legends.

This mountain is covered with all kinds of plants, all of which are crystal clear and contain rich divine essence. There are some spiritual grasses, which have absorbed countless vitality and are about to become treasure medicine.

"Well, everyone is here. I hope everyone can work together to get that kind of supernatural power."

There are still many people on the mountain, gathered in front of a heavenly palace. There are many jade tables lined up here. Everyone sits cross-legged there, and the white mist does not reach their knees, like a feast in heaven.

The mountain is extremely magnificent, and there are naturally various buildings on it, all of which are extremely ancient, as if they have existed from the ancient times to the present, there is a vicissitudes and long-term atmosphere.

There is aura here, and among the clouds and mists, there are five-colored peacocks opening their screens, exuding precious brilliance, and there are three-legged golden blacks in the sky, just like a sun.

Shi Hao was astonished. Being led by someone, sitting behind a jade table, this was the first time he faced so many creatures from the divine mountain.

Although some of the old men stooped and hunched their backs, the whole person was like a little sun, exuding a blazing divine radiance, sitting there cross-legged, the breath restrained, and there was still an earth-shattering potential.

"Everything is ready, and it's time to go to sea."

This time, several big clans dispatched, in addition to a few young men and women from the spiritual realm who will enter the Kunpeng Nest as the main force, there are also a large number of entourages, including powerful old servants, and some divine guards to respond.

In addition, there are a large number of powerhouses in the spiritual realm who will also follow into the god's nest to help them compete.

"Everything is ready. I'm afraid that the so-called Ten Cave Heavens are too weak. After all, I have just set foot in this realm. Don't affect our overall situation at the critical moment, and we can't open the channel at all." Someone said to himself.

"I want to give it a try, is he strong enough?" The man stood up. This was a young man, about sixteen or seventeen years old. His eyes were sharp. Low, staring at Shi Yuan and Xiao Budian.

"It should be like this, otherwise if they were defeated, wouldn't all preparations be destroyed."

The young-haired boy said that he was obviously brooding about what happened at the foot of the mountain. At this time, he agreed and sneered again and again.

"Are you asking me to go out to sea to help or let me come here to accept the challenge?" Shi Yuan looked at them coldly.

What about the Primordial Divine Mountain? There is also a willow god behind him, so he should sit here on an equal footing. He is a guest, so how can anyone challenge him casually?

At this moment, Shi Yuan's eyes turned cold as he looked at the young people and said, "You all want to challenge me?"

"Yes, if you don't try your strength, what if we are in danger because of you?"

"that is!"

The crowd agreed.

Shi Yuan chuckled lightly and said, "Well, since you want to challenge me, then I will give you a chance.

But don't waste your time, let's go together! "

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Shi Yuan and said coldly, "Boy, you are a little too arrogant!"

Everyone's face is gloomy, this person is too arrogant, he really dares to say it, no matter who hears this sentence, he will be angry.

"Hmph, courting death!"

Someone stood up. This was a strong man, with a burly stature, wearing an animal skin skirt, and his muscles were bulging, like a bull, rushing with monstrous killing intent.

This man punched, and the gust of wind hit his face, which was deafening. His power burst out, and the fist was fierce, as if he was about to tear the void, and the scene was terrifying.

This person is a master of the Spirit Transformation Realm, and I saw him kill Shi Yuan instantly.

The corner of Shi Yuan's mouth chuckled lightly, only to see him raise his hand lightly.

There was a crisp sound, like swatting a fly, sending the man flying, and blood splashed.

"You..." The man flew upside down, smashed to the ground, his teeth fell, and his whole body was in severe pain.

Shi Yuan said indifferently, "You are too slow."

Everyone is discolored, what's the situation?It was too terrifying to slap a powerful Spirit Transformation master away with a slap.

"it is good!"

With a shout, some people applauded, praising Shi Yuan's excellent skills, and it was surprising to be able to fly a master of the Spirit Transformation Realm.


"Let's go together!"

Suddenly, a group of people rushed towards Shi Yuan.

Their bodies exuded divine light, all of them were disciples of ancient sects, with distinguished identities, and all of them were young and strong, and they shot together to oppress the Quartet.

Shi Yuan raised his eyes slightly, and looked at the people who were killed, but just slowly moved forward and took a step!
(End of this chapter)

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