Chapter 233 Besieging Little Dot!
"Looking for death!" Shi Hao's eyes were bright, and his divine light soared. He was not careless, his whole body was full of energy, and a huge scorpion charged up, roaring up to the sky, and then diving forward.

This is a sea of ​​thunder, purple and gold with gold, like a hill, with hundreds of lightning bolts falling, causing the place to explode, blazing and dazzling.

The old servant's palms and fingers are densely covered with runes. He has been suppressed here, but a random blow is also a high-level power in the spirit realm, which is deafening.


The two collided, the old servant's palm shook violently, his entire arm was charred black, his sleeves burst, and turned to ashes in the lightning.

At the same time, Shi Hao deceived himself to the front, it was too fast, because a pair of Kunpeng wings appeared behind him, which increased his speed a lot.

With a "bang", he grabbed an arm of the old servant, shook it hard, and cracked the rune that the other party was about to sacrifice, directly causing the other party to cough up blood.

The old servant felt a strange force penetrated into his body from his arm. As soon as it reached the sun, there were a few "clicks", and the bones were broken one after another, which was too fierce.

Everyone was stunned, only seeing Shi Hao's body close to him, he grabbed the old servant's arm, making the other party's body crackle, and the precious bones kept breaking, which was too strong.


In the end, his arm shook, the old servant screamed, and his arm was dislocated.

This made him stunned, this young man was too strong, he actually lost.

"You just entered the Spirit Transformation Realm, and you dare to fight against me?!"

Qingyun's face was indifferent, his eyes were cloudy, and there was a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth.


A big cyan bird rushed up, with bright feathers and clanging like cyan metal, with a might that could shatter the sky, it attacked Shi Hao.

He shot angrily, urging the Noble Phantasm to slash forward, trying to block Shi Hao.

Without hesitation, Shi Hao threw away the old servant and kicked it out. With a bang, the treasured saber was kicked away and shattered in the air.


The young-haired boy screamed, his chest and ribs were broken, and he flew out.

This was a heavy blow. Shi Hao's attack was ruthless and ruthless, and he kicked the opponent's treasure away with one leg, causing him to suffer heavy damage.

With a "puff", he opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood. At this moment, the pain was unbearable, and he almost fainted.

Shi Hao strode forward, grabbed the young man, and threw him out by the collar.

"You dare to hurt me, damn it!"

The young man was furious that he was so humiliated and disgraced.

Qingyun's face is ugly, the other party has only entered the spiritual realm, but he has already cultivated to a very high realm, this comparison makes his eyes even more gloomy.

"Damn, I'm going to kill you!" The young-haired boy roared, his eyes turned into two cyan moons, he made a rumbling sound, and two terrifying beams flew out.

Those are two galaxies, which are composed of runes. When the stars converge, the first time they appear, the world seems to be being re-opened, rumbling loudly.

After the two beams flew out, his eyes quickly dimmed and returned to normal. He jumped up, raised his foot and stepped towards Shi Hao, stepping on his head, arrogant.

With a "bang", Shi Hao stretched out a hand, pinched his right ankle, and pulled down suddenly, half of the young-haired boy's body was bent, and Shi Hao threw it to the ground.

Although this young man is arrogant, he is not an idiot. On the contrary, he is very cautious, knowing that this young man is terrifying and not an ordinary person.

He got up, and there was a terrifying light in his eyes.


Shi Hao slapped him on the top of his head again, knocking him over again and lying on the ground.

Shi Hao didn't hold back at all, and instantly rushed out.

The young man struggled hard, put his hands on the ground, his body jerked up, jumped up from the ground, dodged, and then stepped back, five or six feet away from him.

After he stood firm, his eyes became colder and colder. His body was burly and sturdy, with black hair scattered around his shoulders, and his black robe was screeching, staring at Shi Hao.

At this time, Siye was silent, and everyone was palpitating. This is a young man, and he is so strong, simple and rude, which makes people palpitate.

Especially the people of the Shi clan, they were even more surprised, because Shi Hao's performance exceeded their expectations.

"Suffer to death!" Shi Hao shouted, and immediately stepped on the young-haired boy one by one.

"Dare you?"

Several divine servants took action and wanted to suppress Shi Hao at the same time. The performance of this young man was beyond their imagination.

Immediately, I saw those divine servants attacking together to suppress Shi Hao.


They attacked together, and they all delivered a single blow. These people's bodies were strong and their mana was deep. Such a collective attack made Shi Hao's figure slow down.

With a sound of "Boom", Shi Hao's fist mark slammed into the past. At the same time, the center of his eyebrows glowed, and the nine ancient talismans were intertwined to form a pattern, which was protected in front of him and resisted the blow.

However, Shi Hao was also repelled.

That teenage boy took the opportunity to escape, leaving his life behind!
"Haotian, don't be impulsive!"

An old man shouted immediately.

"Yes, Ling Yuan is already dead, no matter what he does, it will not help!"

"You still help us open the gate of the forbidden area, and when you go back, we will compensate you!"

One after another, the old men immediately exhorted.

"Compensation?" Shi Hao sneered: "I don't want anything else, I just want his life as compensation!"

Shi Hao pointed at the young-haired boy.

"You guys, save me quickly, kill that kid!!!" Qing Yun trembled all over, pointed at Shi Hao, and kept retreating.

At this moment, I saw those divine servants, standing up, looking at Shi Hao and saying, "Boy, if you don't stop, we'll be rude to you!!"

"You're welcome, do you want to join forces to deal with me?" Shi Hao sneered.

At this moment, Yun Xi immediately shouted: "Everyone, stop, Haotian is our guest, don't be impulsive!"

Yinxue immediately followed Yun Xi and said, "Everyone is a companion, why do they hurt each other?"

Qing Yun sneered: "He didn't say it, Ling Yuan is dead, he can't open the forbidden area for us, in that case, it's better to kill!"

Several god servants surrounded Xiao Budian in the middle.

Shi Yuan took the ghost ship into the small world, and finally set foot on the stone steps that spread out into the sea, and walked towards the vast ancient land step by step.

After approaching the dry cliff, it became more and more magnificent, as if it was a world of its own, vast and boundless, not like a sea cliff.

Just after leaving Wang Yang and stepping on the stone steps spread out on the sea, at this time, Shi Yuan found out that a battle was going on.

"That is!!"

It is the creatures of the Tianshen Mountain Alliance, including the girl in purple, Yinxue, Chihuo, several god servants, and Qingyun.

Those few divine servants are besieging Xiaodian!
"They're besieging the little one!"

Shi Yuan was shocked.

Immediately, it flew towards where.

(End of this chapter)

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