Chapter 234 Domineering Shot!

"Boy, are you going to capture it without your hands?"

At this moment, everyone surrounded Shi Hao, and his body was densely covered with runes.

Shi Hao's eyes flashed coldly as he stared at this group of people and said, "You guys are really embarrassed to say it? My eldest brother, it's fine if you don't save me. Now you're still in trouble. Back then, you asked us to come!"

"You are really a bunch of white-eyed wolves, we really want to help you in vain, and now we will take revenge, you bastards, I must kill you!"

Shi Hao angrily rebuked, his eyes spewing fire, wishing to kill all these people.


Several god servants looked up to the sky and laughed, not afraid at all.


Immediately, I saw those god servants killed instantly.

"Oh, so you all thought that I was dead!" Suddenly, a voice sounded in the air.

Everyone looked and saw that Shi Yuan flew towards them in an instant.

"Ling Yuan!!!"

"You are not dead?"

"how can that be?"

Everyone was shocked.

Shi Hao showed joy and said, "Big Brother, you're back!"

Yun Xi and Yin Xue were also a little excited.

"If you don't die, how can I die?" Shi Yuan sneered.

Saying that, he immediately rushed towards them.


A loud bang.

Shi Yuan fell to the ground.

Jin Xia shone all over him, and the whole person was like a golden god. He raised his fist and smashed down, and with a bang, all of them were sent flying.

At this time, Shi Yuan suddenly punched forward, blasting a god servant.

Blood splattered, dyeing the void red.

"You dare to kill them?" The remaining three were furious and shot at the same time.

He directly attacked, his fists were bright, and he fought with those people, and the runes were everywhere.

Shi Yuan was unparalleled in strength, his flesh glowed, his flesh shell was crystal clear, and the whole body flowed with precious brilliance. When he collided with them, he actually gained the upper hand.


In the end, his fist mark fell, directly piercing a servant of God, causing him to be corpse on the spot, and his bones and flesh splattered.


Immediately following, Shi Yuan swept out and kicked the other person.

"Ah, damn it!"

The rest of the people roared and shot at the same time. They sacrificed and refined the treasures, turned them into pieces of weapons, and shrouded Shi Yuan.


Shi Yuan's whole body glowed, with his hands on his back, a surging power surged forward, his skin glowed, as if he had a layer of treasure armor, which blocked these divine weapons in an instant.

"Clang clang..."

Sparks splashed and clanged.

In the end, those magic weapons all broke apart, all shattered.

With a wave of Shi Yuan's hand, he shook a long sword flying, grasped it in his hand, and then swiped with force, and the body of the servant of the gods exploded directly, turning into a cloud of blood.


He slashed again with a knife, and cut off another divine servant by the waist, severing in two, and the blood rained.

It all happened so fast, in the blink of an eye, they were dead.

"It's terrifying!"

"How can this Ling Yuan be so powerful??"

"It's too defiant!"

Everyone was shocked and looked at Shi Yuan in shock, dumbfounded.

At this time, I saw Shi Yuan looking at the blue cloud.

Qing Yun hid behind the crowd and wanted to escape quietly.

I saw Shi Yuan fly over instantly and stopped in front of Qing Yun.

"What are you doing?" Qing Yun pointed at Shi Yuan and asked.

Shi Yuan sneered, looked at them and said, "What are you doing? Didn't you fall into trouble before? Now, you didn't expect that I would come back alive!"

Shi Yuan said, his body glowed.

His whole body bloomed with flaming golden light, like a golden battle immortal, majestic and threatening, and an indescribable fluctuation radiated.

The divine fetus in his body is beating, as if it has infinite power, and a majestic bloodline breath permeates.

"No, no!" Qingyun looked at Shi Yuan in horror.

"Since you've already been motivated to kill, then I can't keep you!" Shi Yuan said coldly.

Saying that, I saw the broken sword in Shi Yuan's hand, condensing an extremely powerful black qi.

"Black Water Swordsmanship!"

Shi Yuan slashed down with a sword, and that sword, like thousands of demonic energy, swept all directions, dark and cold, with a cold smell.

Endless power fell from the long sword.

"Ah, I was wrong, don't kill me, forgive me, Brother Ling Yuan, you forgive me, I know I was wrong, I will never trouble you again!!!"

Qingyun wailed, he was frightened, his face was pale, he knelt on the ground and begged for mercy, hoping that Shi Yuan would not kill him.

"Humph!" Shi Yuan snorted contemptuously, ignoring him at all, and slashed with a sword.


Qingyun's head was beheaded, and his face was full of resentment.

"You have to die!"

On the verge of death, he roared angrily.


Shi Yuan directly crushed his head and killed him completely.

Then, he looked at the others.

"You dare to kill the young master!!" A divine servant shouted and charged towards Shi Yuan.

Shi Yuan sneered: "Not only did I kill him, you can't live either!"

Saying that, Shi Yuan took a step forward.

An incomparably powerful divine light instantly killed him and slammed the man hard.


A loud bang.

I saw the servant of the gods, and it burst in an instant.

His body cracked, and then turned into a blood mist.

At this time, Shi Yuan looked at the remaining divine servants who did not take action.

At this time, I saw Yun Xi immediately came forward, looked at Shi Yuan and said, "Ling Yuan, you're fine, it's really great!"

"That's right!" Yinxue said immediately.

There was a gratifying smile on her pretty face. After all, this young man survived the danger and returned safely.

Shi Yuan nodded, then looked at the other god servants and said, "Are you still fighting?"

At this time, I saw Yun Xi immediately said: "Ling Yuan, we did something wrong this time. When we return to Shenshan, we will definitely compensate you! Please stop!"

Shi Yuan glanced at Yun Xi, then nodded and said, "Okay, I don't have to kill them. However, our cooperative relationship has been terminated. If you are unkind, don't blame us for being unjust!"

"Little one, let's go!" Shi Yuan said.

Shi Yuan left with Shi Hao.

In the end, after more than [-] days, they landed on the stone cliff and found that Kunpeng's nest was gone, and only Chaos Qi was flowing. What happened?

Not only him, many people are in a daze.

The stone cliffs are magnificent, bare above, no grass grows, only the mist is lingering, the rays of the sun are looming, and mysterious fluctuations spread.

"There is an ancient relic formation!"

The creatures who came up later found that groups of strong men were disappearing, stepping into the distance from the cliff.

"I knew that Kunpeng's Nest is not simple, one of the ten dignified Taikoo villains, how can it build a nest on the ordinary sea, it is really unique."

Some old people sighed that this result is not so unexpected.

"According to legend, Kunpeng's dojo is in the realm of the gods. This may not be a lie, or the dojo he opened up is a piece of divine soil of its own."

People wake up, this stone cliff is just a springboard, it seems that the ancient nest is located, but it is actually just a teleportation array.

(End of this chapter)

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