Chapter 242 Sneak Attack!

"Little one, we are here!" Shi Yuan immediately shouted.

After hearing Shi Yuan's voice, Xiao Budian immediately rushed over excitedly when he looked up and saw them.

At this time, I saw Shi Yuan holding the broken sword and slashing at the person who was chasing after him.


The power of this swordsmanship is unparalleled, directly tearing the air, making a harsh and sharp sound.

A violent sword light slashed out in an instant.

As if to tear the world apart.


The terrifying force exploded, setting off a huge wave.

This scene shocked everyone.

Those who were chasing backed away to avoid being drawn into the battle.

After Shi Yuan succeeded, he did not stop the offensive, but became more and more violent, slashing with one sword and one sword.

One after another dazzling sword light cut through the void, like thunder roaring, and the sword qi whistled.


Shi Yuan swept across with a sword, and cut off the three people who were chasing him.


A scream resounded through the sky.

After saving the little guy, they left.

"Little one, who are they, and why are they chasing you?" Shi Yuan asked.

At this moment, Little Dot looked at the hair ball.

Shi Yuan immediately understood.

"Maoqiu, are you stealing something again?" Shi Yuan looked at Maoqiu and asked.

"Squeaky..." Hairball called out twice.

"Oh, so it is." Shi Yuan suddenly realized.

This hairball must have stolen their things, so the little one will attract so many people to hunt and kill.

"Big Brother Shi Yuan, why did you hook up with another fat woman?" Little Budian looked at Shi Yuan in surprise.

At this moment, the witch looked at the little girl with a smile and said, "Oh, is this your brother? So cute!"

"You're so cute, you fat woman!" Little Dot looked at the witch and said.

At this time, I saw that the witch was not angry, but just smiled and said: "Yes, this fat man is cute! Hehe"

The witch had a smile on her face, her eyes narrowed, revealing a row of neat and white teeth, looking very cute.

However, Little Budian always felt that there should be an evil hidden deep in her heart.

This witch is definitely not like her appearance, she is very dangerous, more dangerous than ordinary people.

Her eyes seemed to possess some kind of charm that could make people sink.

"Hey, the more I look at it, the more I feel that the small stone on your hair is a little familiar, isn't it really a magic stone?" The girl's beautiful eyes flashed, and she stared at the stone with a pale golden luster.

"No, you read it wrong." Before the bear boy could express his opinion, the stone opened his mouth and hid behind Shi Hao's head.

"That's right, it's this kind of fetish. It's good to have it. It's not a problem to beat that guy with a big bag!" She was very happy and said with a smile.

"How did you figure it out?" Shi Hao asked. This is a sacred artifact that was regarded as a treasure by the ancient saints. It can be refined into a sacred artifact, and few pieces have appeared since ancient times.

"Because I taught... I have a piece in my family that has been refined into a treasure, and I have played with it before. Your piece is still rough, it has not been carved, but the breath is not wrong. Oh, it's really Good stuff, I can't help but want to rob."

The girl's eyes glowed and she looked like she was about to drool.

She is so beautiful, ethereal and immortal, but she is so financially obsessed that she really doesn't know what to say.

"You're wrong, don't come near me, I won't be sculpted, I've always been this complete in my life!" Dashenshi resisted.

Shi Hao was also a little uneasy. If he really wanted to give her the God-Slaying Stone to use, it would probably be meat buns and dogs. There was no return.

"I'll teach you a spell, you can control this stone and make it exert its formidable power a bit. Although it can't be compared with the real treasure, it should be no problem to hit that sea clan boy if he gets dizzy." The girl said, and passed it on to Shi Hao. a spell.

"Don't." Shishenshi screamed, heartbreaking, not wanting the bear child to hear it, and wanted to escape.

However, when the incantation was uttered, it wilted and became honest.

"Okay, let's go and start our robbery!" Shi Yuan said.

The crowd nodded.

They were going to rob the Seagod's descendants first.

That kid, he fought against Shi Yuan as soon as he came up. If he didn't rob him, who would he rob?
At this time, they saw that they discovered the descendant of the Sea God.

There was an altar not far from the island reef. It was located in the sea. The descendants of the Sea God stood proudly above, holding a golden halberd, motionless, staring at the Kunpeng Nest on the island reef.

"I found him, let's do it!" Shi Yuan laughed.

At this time, I saw Xiaobudian immediately said: "Wait!"

"I'll try it first, this magic stone doesn't work!" Little Budian said.

Xiao Budian shot, chanted a spell, without any cover up, he directly sacrificed the God-beating Stone.

On the altar, a figure like a god stood there, holding a golden halberd, looking at Kunpeng's nest in the distance, with energy like a dragon, and the whole person was filled with a golden light.

He turned around abruptly, how could he be afraid of a sneak attack if he was as powerful as he was, and now he is invincible in this sea area, his eyes skyrocketed, like two golden beams.

With a bang, the world rioted, the sea water boiled, and the waves were huge.This is his power, and a random movement will make the blue sea rise and fall, and the world will be furious.

However, this time he made a mistake, the golden beam in his eyes failed to resolve the bad luck, a rock twisted and smashed down, avoiding the runes in the sky, and slammed down like lightning.


With a loud bang, a cloud of blood appeared above his head, the golden armor shattered, and the blood was dripping.

"What?!" Everyone else changed color.

Especially the little one, he knew best how powerful the God Stone was, and could actually hurt the man.

"Haha, the descendants of the Seagod are too weak to be attacked at all. How dare someone like this dare to covet Kunpeng's Nest, he really doesn't know whether to live or die!" Shi Hao laughed.

The witch's eyes lit up, staring at the god-beating stone in Shi Hao's hand, and said, "Quickly show me, this god-beating stone?"

Little Dot gave her a sideways glance, ignoring her.

"Show my sister quickly." The girl said, looking very urgent.

"This is the God-beating Stone, specially designed to restrain you ghosts!" Shi Hao said vigilantly.

As soon as these words came out, the girl was furious and glared at him.

"Bah, I don't care about your stone, it's just a broken stone."

"It's better if you don't care, I won't give it to you!" Xiao Budian said immediately.

Just now.

"who is it!!"

Immediately, the descendants of the Sea God roared, and the servants of the gods turned around and looked at Shi Yuan and the others.

"It's you again!!" When the descendants of the Sea God saw Shi Yuan, their faces were ugly.

"Kill them for me!"

Following the order of the descendants of the Sea God, I saw all the creatures of the sea clan, all of them slaughtered towards Shi Yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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