In the beginning, Brother Huangtiandi, I got full-level comprehension

Chapter 243 Fighting the Descendants of the Sea God Again!

Chapter 243 Fighting the Descendants of the Sea God Again!


The two of them shook hard, collided violently, sparks splashed around, the sea was surging, the sea was surging, and the scene was terrifying.


The young man from the sea clan roared, the golden halberd glowed and made a clanging sound, shaking the eight deserts, a powerful wave that was unparalleled.

At this time, he is indeed very powerful, and every move has a convincing force, which makes people unable to help but be in awe.


Shi Yuan rushed over and fought with him. At this time, they had already gone deep into the sea, and the surrounding scene was even more terrifying.

The marine life in this place is very strong, constantly hitting the shore, setting off huge waves, and it seems to have become an ocean.

Shi Yuan held the broken sword, and his whole body exuded a cold sword intent, and his breath became stronger and stronger.

"Kill!" Shi Yuan shouted lowly, cutting out a peerless sword light, covering the sea youth.

The sea clan boy shouted, the golden halberd glowed, blocking his attack, he slashed over with the golden halberd in his hand, and a jet of black halberd pierced through the void.

Shi Yuan shouted, and the broken sword in his hand burst into a blazing brilliance, resisting the black halberd.

With a bang, the two weapons collided again, emitting a dazzling light.

The sea clan boy showed a strange look, but he didn't expect that this little guy really had two brushes, so he could take his tricks.


He roared, the golden halberd in his hand glowed, the black light surged, and there was a rumbling sound in his body.

Shi Yuan changed color and felt a lot of pressure. The other party was really extraordinary. At this moment, his whole body was glowing, his bones were crackling, and his muscles were tense.


He activated the nine runes, which resonated and glowed, forming a curtain of light that blocked the golden halberd.

"Pfft", the golden halberd slashed on it, but instead of smashing the bones, it sputtered a brilliant brilliance, blocking the black halberd blade.

"Give me death!"

In his rage, golden light erupted all over his body, submerging the world, and the whole person was like a god, unstoppable, and the golden waves swept the ten directions.

Shi Yuan was not afraid, and the long sword in his hand exuded divine might.

The two confronted each other, trembling constantly, and the aftermath was enough to kill an ordinary person, and even tear the island apart.

They are all powerful, and they are fighting here without stopping. This battle has caused an uproar.


The screams were endless, and some sea creatures died, were swept away by the power of the two, and fell into the sea, leaving no bones.


Suddenly, a black light flickered, protruding from the sea water and stabbing Shi Yuan, it was a thick tentacle, strong and powerful, like cast iron.

Shi Yuan threw his fist, the fist wind whistled, like a sun rising, the fist was hot and domineering, and the tentacle was shattered with a bang.

However, another tentacle also attacked, like a spear, piercing the sky and shattering the void, extremely fierce.

"Hey!" Shi Yuan avoided it.


The youth of the sea clan took great strides and smashed a mountain. He swallowed thousands of miles, glowing all over, step by step, approaching Shi Yuan.

With a sound of "dong", he raised one arm and smashed it towards Shi Yuan. This was his cultivation technique, and he naturally possessed an invincible aura and unparalleled majesty.

A monstrous black light rose from his body, covering Shi Yuan like a dark cloud, that power was too terrifying.

However, Shi Yuan's strength is not covered.

The broken sword in Shi Yuan's hand stabbed out.

"Leave the fire!"

Shi Yuan stabbed out with a sword, and immediately, endless flames instantly covered the past.

That is the power of the Lihuo Sword Art. He controlled the profound meaning of fire. When he displayed it at this time, it immediately surged and turned into a field of fire, slaughtering forward.

With a "chi" sound, the sea clan boy was burned, but his body exuded a metallic luster, as if he was not afraid of burning.


Shi Yuan shouted loudly, and a hazy mist swirled around him, just like a celestial being. His eyes were extremely brilliant, and his whole body radiated blazing rays of light, like a scorching sun shining across the sky, illuminating the surrounding fields.


Shi Yuan's speed was too fast, the broken sword in his hand fell, and slashed on the chest of the sea clan boy, blood splashed, and a bloody scar appeared.

"How can you be so strong?" the sea clan boy shouted angrily.

"You're not qualified yet!" Shi Yuan said.


He glowed all over, and a golden flame was burning like a golden star, spewing Ruixia and burning the world.

Shi Yuan's treasure technique was very powerful, and in an instant, his body seemed to be on fire, turning into a golden rainbow light that cut through the sky.

He appeared in front of the Hai Clan boy, and the broken sword in his hand was raised high and slashed heavily.


The blood was overflowing, and one arm of the sea clan boy fell in the air, and the golden blood spilled, dyeing the sea here red.


The people nearby were all terrified. This kid was so terrifying that he hit the sea boy severely with one move.

The youth of the sea clan looked gloomy, he stared at Shi Yuan, and his eyes were full of resentment.

"What a humble human being!"

He was resentful, the golden armor on his body was cracked, and he was injured by Shi Hao's broken sword just now, and his arm fell off, which made him shocked and angry.

All of this is due to his carelessness. If he hadn't despised Shi Hao, how could he be defeated?


As soon as he stomped his feet, his whole body glowed, and a blue divine light appeared on his body. He seemed to have turned into a blue moon, emitting a faint moonlight.

An ancient symbol appeared between his eyebrows, and a mysterious aura pervaded him, making him look more aloof, like a god.

This is the breath of the gods, which is heart-pounding.


The blue symbols flowed with light rain, his back glowed, and a pair of silver-white wings appeared, crystal clear, surrounded by light blue light, dazzling.

With a sound of "Boom", he jumped up and stepped on the sea water, as if Kunpeng soared up to [-] miles, swooping down, carrying an unparalleled momentum.

This sea clan creature is very terrifying, his body is crystal clear, like colored glass, and his whole body glows, like an ancient Kunyu revived.

In this state, his power skyrocketed, more than several times stronger than before, it was simply unpredictable.

The creatures of the sea clan are frighteningly powerful. He punched out, his fist was crystal clear and the runes flickered, like a piece of jasper, crystal clear and full of power.

Shi Yuan's eyes were cold, his aura was even better, the broken sword in his hand glowed, a sword fell, and with a clanging sound, the two collided.

With this blow, the sea clan creatures retreated, his palms numb, the tiger's mouth collapsed, and drops of azure blue blood flowed down.

This scene stunned everyone. The blood of the sea youth was actually blue, like pearls in the ocean. It was crystal clear and contained a vast divine power.

"So strong, are these all his blood?"

The blood of the sea youth is amazing, like a magic medicine.

The creatures of the sea clan were shocked, this time he finally changed color, and there was a look of fear in his eyes.

"How is that possible? How can he be so strong?"

(End of this chapter)

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