Chapter 253 The sixth national costume!

However, the rune fell into the cold pool and went out directly, and it failed to play a role. After a brief silence, there was a bang, and a wave of water hit him.

The sect leader quickly stepped back, and the dozens of people around him screamed, and they were immediately frozen and turned into ice sculptures. The bodies were cracked and all died.

"This is the same as the deepest part of Xuan Bingyuan. It has divine power. It is difficult for ordinary people to break in and gain anything." Everyone shook their heads.

Suddenly, someone was dispatched, jumped up, and fell into the cold pool, without fear at all, it was Mo Shang, the descendant of the Sea God.He shook out a golden light, walked with the halberd in hand, chased after a sword tire, and wanted to take it for himself.

However, all the magical instruments in the pool have spirits, swimming like fish, dodging quickly and not giving him a chance.

In the cold pool, there are countless good things, but no one dares to move.

"What is that tower? There are five gods around, it is made of immortal gold!"

"It was a bead, crystal clear, exuding seven-colored rays of light. It seemed that a heart was beating, and there was an inexplicable fluctuation that was frightening."

Shi Yuan was shocked. He stared at these instruments, his eyes were red, and he wanted to snatch them all.

These instruments are too precious, whether it is a cauldron, a tower, or that drop of hard work, they are all extremely rare.

Of course, what Shi Yuan cared about most was the sword embryo.

Just now.

The water splashed, and Han Tian, ​​a young man from the Fire Fish Clan, also jumped into the pool. At the same time, several Venerables also moved and rushed into the icy water to grab the Noble Phantasm.

Even the Venerable cannot sit still. It is definitely worth fighting for life and death. If it can be obtained, it can be turned into a sacred object with careful sacrifice and refinement.

At this time, seeing the flaming fish jumping down, all of a sudden, I saw those venerable princes, also moving forward, wanting to snatch it.

Shi Yuan hid in the crowd with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

As the sixth child of the national uniform, what Shi Yuan has to do is to wait patiently.

At this time, I saw that in the cold pool, the battle suddenly started.

One individual sacrificed the glow of the rays of the sun, intertwined in the water, and performed various secret techniques. Shen Xi filled the sky, and the terrifying energy fluctuations overflowed.

Shi Yuan had heard earlier that Han Tian, ​​a young man from the Huoyan Fish Clan, was terrifying, but now that he saw it, a war spear swept toward him with a monstrous rage.

This is a battle at the venerable level. The fluctuations are too violent. The rest of the people are pale, unwilling to approach, and quickly retreat to the shore. This level of battle is not something they can get involved in.

"The time has come!"


Shi Yuan shot, slapped it with a palm, and the void exploded. This palm was so powerful and domineering that it was like an ancient divine mountain descending, crushing all the enemies, and with a loud bang, the Venerable was knocked to the ground directly.


On the other side, the youth of the Fire Fish Clan roared, was besieged and suffered heavy losses.

Without hesitation, Shi Yuan rushed over, stretched out his palm, grabbed the sword tire, and then reached out and grabbed the sword tire.

With a sound of "Boom", his palm glowed, and the runes filled the air, imprisoning the sword embryo and taking it over.

Shi Yuan held the sword embryo in his hand, and suddenly he sacrificed his own little world again.

Immediately, a huge unicorn burst out in an instant.

The unicorn is one of the ten murderers, and it is even more powerful.

Shi Yuan practiced the unicorn technique, and the unicorn also successfully transformed into Shi Yuan's small world.

With a "bang", the unicorn leaped and stomped on all directions, and all those people flew upside down, their blood stained with red water.

And Shi Yuan took advantage of the situation to put in the crystal bead.

"Ah—that's mine!" The Venerable roared, and he was furious as he watched the loss of his treasure.

Shi Yuan sneered, ignored him, and took away the dragon-patterned bronze cauldron, which was also one of his goals.

With a sound of "Boom", a war knife came across the sky, slashed from the flanks, the chopping magma shot out, and the blade was flaming, cutting the void.

Shi Yuan reacted quickly, his hands formed seals, and a huge vortex emerged, sucking the sword into it and disappearing into the cave.

" artifact!" In another direction, a veteran Venerable roared.

His eyes were red, and he stared at Shi Yuan, trying desperately.

However, in Shi Yuan's small world, only a Kunpeng appeared.

Although it is not a real Kunpeng treasure technique, it can also condense into a Kunpeng shape.

Kunpeng was born and soared.

Immediately, everyone was shocked.

"how is this possible?"

"Is that Kunpeng??"

"This is impossible!"

"My God!"

In the small world of Shi Yuan, Kunpeng was thousands of feet long, covered in jet black, with dense scales, wings spread out, covering the sky, and slapped it with one paw, killing all the blockers, and the corpse fell to the bottom of the pool.

Afterwards, Kunpeng fluttered his wings and flew high, left Shi Yuan's small world, came outside, and swooped down to attack a Venerable.

It was a Flood Dragon, and its strength was very strong, but when it encountered Kunpeng, it was defeated.

This scene was too scary. Kunpeng was born, and he came across the sky, tearing the dragon torn apart, and the blood mist spurted out, dyeing the cold pool red.

It was a massacre, the death of the venerable one caused an uproar, and the place boiled over.


However, at this moment, Shi Yuan's Kunpeng was killed instantly.

The gigantic Kunpeng fell from the sky in an instant, swallowing a Venerable who was about to escape with one mouth, and then swooping down and swallowing another.

"You are courting death!" Some people shouted angrily. These people are all the venerables of one side. Which one is not the overlord of the whole area, and now they are being ravaged by a young man, which makes them unbearable.

Shi Yuan was indifferent and ruthless, his palm was burning with blue light, like a small sun, he punched it down, like a meteorite falling, and the oppressive void collapsed.


A Venerable screamed, his spine was broken, his body was cracked, his bones were broken, he fell to the ground, and could no longer get up.

This is surprising, they know that this young man is very extraordinary, and they never expected that he could kill the Venerable with only the brute force of the flesh.

At this moment, Shi Yuan showed an unparalleled attitude. He stood by the cold pool, holding a sword tire, and his whole person exuded an amazing murderous aura, which made people tremble.


There was blood rain everywhere in this place, and a strong bloody smell filled the air, which was extremely pungent.

These are a generation of Venerables, who fought here, killed endlessly, and blood flowed all over the place.

These Venerables, how arrogant and powerful they are usually, but at this time they have changed color, because this young man is very terrifying.

Shi Yuan immediately sacrificed the Qiankun bag and put all the treasures in the cold pool into the Qiankun bag.


"Damn it!"

"This old sixth, he stole all of them!"

Suddenly, I saw that in the cold pool, one by one Venerable, there was suffering.


Suddenly, the sky fell apart, and a terrifying Dao sound came, as if the world was reopening, and even Chaos Qi appeared.

After Shi Yuan heard it, he immediately left the cold pool and looked forward.

(End of this chapter)

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