Chapter 254 Kunpeng Ancient Palace!

At this time, the cave dwelling in front of Shi Yuan was bright, and a grand hall opened, where there was a Kunpeng, looking down at the world, exuding blazing brilliance, shrouded in chaos, extremely terrifying!
"What a powerful coercion..."

Countless cultivators exclaimed that Kunpeng was too terrifying, and just the slightest breath made them tremble, and they couldn't get close at all.

It was an ancient palace. It was really too big and boundless. Above it was the Mengmeng Xinghe, as if it was connected to the outside world.

I saw that the ancient temple of chaos opened.

In that ancient hall, there was a lifelike Kunpeng, with golden eyes like two suns, staring at everyone.

Its shape is not constantly changing. For a while, the whole body is golden with black stripes. It looks like a big roc, traversing the galaxy, and it is huge and boundless.After a while, it sank into chaos again. It looked like a big fish, with a black body and a back width of tens of thousands of miles. It was endless.

Everyone was stunned, is this a living Kunpeng?This is not an ordinary building, but a world of temples, so grand.

Kunpeng looked down on the world and looked down on the world. As soon as he appeared here, many creatures looked down on the world and looked down on the world. As soon as he appeared here, many souls couldn't bear it, and immediately fell on their knees.

"My God, is that Kunpeng?"

"How is it possible, how is it possible that Kunpeng is still alive?"

"This is impossible!"

At this moment, no matter who it is, they all show a surprised look, and they look at the front and can't believe their eyes.

There is actually a Kunpeng here, which is unbelievable. Kunpeng is a legendary existence, the ancestor of the real dragon, the ancestor of the phoenix, the ancestor of the three-legged golden crow, and even the first of the ten murderers. How could it survive Now?
Many monks were shocked, and even some old monsters couldn't help trembling.

Kunpeng is too terrifying. Although it has not spread its wings and flew high, it still has the aura of overlooking the world. A pair of giant eyes swept around, as if it can see through everything, which is chilling.


"That's not the real Kunpeng, it's the Kunpeng phantom!"

Someone spoke.

"I understand, this is the Kunpeng Treasure Technique, it manifests miracles, and it must be hidden in the palace!"

This place was boiling, and everyone rushed forward together. Whether it was a strong party or a high-ranking venerable one, it was difficult to restrain themselves, their eyes were red, and they entered the ancient palace.

This kind of precious art is known as unparalleled in the world. If you really want to get it and study it thoroughly, then you can conquer the world, and no matter what catastrophe comes in the future, you can get through it.

Shi Yuan came here for the first time. Looking at the ancient temple in front of him, Shi Yuan was shocked.

This time, no matter what, he will get the Kunpeng Treasure Technique.

According to rumors, the Kunpeng Treasure Technique was one of the ten evils in the ancient times.

"Kunpeng Treasure Art is mine!"

Shi Yuan shouted and rushed forward.

Some other monks reacted half a beat slower than him. By the time they reacted, Shi Yuan was already approaching the ancient palace.


At this moment, people felt the breath again, and guessed that most of the primitive rune bones of Kunpeng were enshrined on it.

For a time, all kinds of rays of light rushed up, and the Noble Phantasm lifted into the air and rushed towards the altar.

The altar is as tall as a mountain. It is made of gray-brown boulders. It looks very simple and has no sacred atmosphere, but it is closer to the Tao.

The avenue to simplicity is not a prosperous scenic spot. Some are just a kind of simplicity that blends with heaven and earth, and is one with all things. It stands under the sky and becomes an altar.

Many people speculate that this is probably Kunpeng's grave, which is the final burial ground of its bones. Just now, its imprint appeared and filled the sky.

Here, it is a jar of endless chaotic qi condensed. There is endless chaotic qi in it, but it cannot flow out.


Suddenly, a roar sounded.

Everyone was horrified, looked up, and saw the phantom of a giant beast appearing on the huge ancient temple. This is a Kunpeng, which is thousands of feet long, with its teeth and claws, exuding a monstrous aura, which seems to be able to devour everything.


Kunpeng roared up to the sky, and spit out a black mist in one breath, like snakes wrapped around Shi Yuan.

Kunpeng spewed black mist, and everyone was shocked.

This kind of black fog is the evolution of chaotic energy, and it contains an infinite power that can easily destroy a star, even a prince and a venerable person will drink hatred.

Shi Yuan was shocked. The power of this black fog was too terrifying. He felt that if it fell on him, he would definitely be seriously injured.


His body trembled, and he punched away, punching through the air, colliding with the black mist.


A majestic burst of energy exploded here.

A huge arm phantom appeared here, grabbed towards the black fog, and crushed the black fog with one hand.


This is the wreckage of Kunpeng, which was caught by Shi Yuan, and suddenly there was a violent vibration, and strands of chaotic energy permeated from Shi Yuan's body and merged into Shi Yuan's body.

Shi Yuan's body is transforming.

"It's amazing, this Kunpeng's body is actually so powerful, this ray of chaos energy actually contains a great tonic effect, this time I'm afraid I'm going to break through!"

Shi Yuan was excited in his heart. He didn't expect his luck to be so good. He just came here to get an unexpected harvest. He really stepped through the iron shoes and had nowhere to find it. It took no effort to get it.

At this moment, the people behind him all followed.

They saw Shi Yuan and everything in front of them.

At this time, they saw a grass growing in the middle of the rock.

"That's... quasi-holy medicine!" Everyone was shocked.

A stone stair road leads to the highest point of the altar. Under that stone stair, there is a unique medicinal plant, which is surrounded by light and rain, like a dream.

This is a star grass, a rare spiritual essence that can be advanced. When it grows to have four leaves, it is a spiritual medicine, which is very precious.

The tree in front of me has seven leaves, which are dazzling and dazzling. It has evolved to this stage. Even the color of the plant has changed. The seven leaves are crystal clear and different in color, corresponding to the seven colors of the rainbow. .

The rhizome of this star grass is dozens of meters high, as thick as an Optimus Prime, and the leaves on it are decorated with stars, which are extremely bright. At this moment, everyone sees hope.

This star grass, they are bound to get it!

Shi Yuan's expression was also extremely excited, but he soon recovered his calm. This star grass is too precious, and he didn't expect to encounter star grass here.

He knew the rarity of this star grass, but he didn't expect that this star grass was so rare that it grew in such a place. There must be endless secrets in it.

(End of this chapter)

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