Chapter 260 The inheritance of Kunpeng!

Shi Yuan was shocked. These are all phantoms, but they are lifelike, and even the breath penetrated, and they came across time and space from the ancient times.

These are all strong men that Kunpeng killed, and there are too many.

What kind of era was that?
Such a strong person, so many supreme beings can only die in vain, it is really a group of heroes fighting for hegemony, chaos.

Shi Yuan and Shi Hao just jumped into the cave and entered Kunpeng's lair.

They kept going.

Along the way, runes light up from time to time, and that kind of coercion is enough to crush everything, and it can kill the Venerable.

Shi Yuan and Xiaobudian followed the path of Kunpeng all the way. The runes they obtained earlier played a subtle role, and they kept him safe all the way, and he was never killed.

In the end, Shi Yuan and the others came to the end of the Demon Transformation Cave. There was no noise here, and there was no wailing from creatures such as hydras, scorpions, gods, and demons. It was very quiet.

A pair of stone gates blocked the way, and with a slight push, they opened directly.

However, it can be seen that there are dense runes flickering, but he did not kill him.

The atmosphere here is completely different, there is no darkness, and there is no Senra atmosphere. The light here is brilliant, it is a brilliant world, and the sacred atmosphere is blowing.

This is a huge starry sky, with countless stars floating in the void, exuding dazzling brilliance, illuminating the dark cave.

Among the stars, the breath of Kunpeng is transmitted, and there are rivers of stars roaring and roaring. Everything is so mysterious and shocking.

Shi Yuan and the others stood in the starry sky, feeling incomparably small, like a speck of dust, not worth mentioning.

Here, is the magic cave.

There is no danger, no killing, just endless vastness and expanse.

Occasionally, there is a golden glow in the blood pool, and there is a black light spreading. It is a rune, so powerful that the world is trembling, and the terror is boundless.

"Kunpeng Rune!"

Shi Hao was shocked. As soon as he saw it, he knew that this must be the legendary unparalleled art. He had seen one-third of the inheritance, and the feeling was very familiar.

Shi Yuan nodded and said, "It's really extraordinary here. If you look carefully, there may be a Kunpeng inheritance!"

Shi Hao nodded.

With a bang, thousands of symbols rushed up in the blood pool, half of the golden light tore the void, and half of the black light was like a black abyss, lined up together.

After that, all the symbols transformed into shapes, made a clanging sound, and were as cold as metal, and finally quickly combined into a Kunpeng.

This is the supreme ancient bird composed of symbols, as if it has life, it looks down on the gods, suppresses the ancient times, and its majesty is extreme.

"Kunpeng... inheritance turned out to be like this!" Shi Hao was shocked. All the runes of that treasure technique have been extracted, hidden in this blood pool, and can be reproduced and reorganized at critical moments.


The sound has a texture, all the symbols are reorganized, submerged into the brilliant blood pool, and turned into a big black fish, where the ups and downs are astonishing.

At this time, Shi Yuan was also very surprised.

He knew very well that this was the inheritance of Kunpeng, so Shi Yuan immediately began to have an epiphany.

He has full-level comprehension, and if he can deduce the Kunpeng Treasure Technique, then Shi Yuan's strength will increase several times.

Shi Yuan stared intently at the huge Kunpeng rune,

He is comprehending, comprehending.

Kunpeng is one of the ten villains of the ancient times, and his body has reached the realm of terror.

The legend of this family is the descendants of Kunpeng in the ancient times. They have infinite potential and can set foot on the road of invincibility in the future.

Shi Yuan fell into an epiphany and was silent there, a golden symbol appeared above his head.

Moreover, Kunpeng is a kind of fierce in the ancient times, and its bloodline is noble to the extreme, not weaker than the real dragon.

At this moment, Kunpeng inherited from Shi Yuan's body, and the aura he exudes makes people feel terrifying.

Shi Yuan was immersed in epiphany, constantly comprehending the inheritance of Kunpeng.

Above his head, Kunpeng runes lit up, and his body continued to enlarge, turning into the appearance of Kunpeng, exuding an incomparably tyrannical power.

At this moment, the heavens and the earth are rumbling, and the sound of the Dao is endless. It is as if the sky is opening, and there are strands of chaotic energy in this stone room, all because of this unparalleled supernatural power.

It contains the secrets of the heavens. During the circulation, the stars hang down, and giant planets appear one after another, revolving around the Kunpeng, rumbling and roaring.

The scene was too shocking, like a supreme being standing in the universe. The four poles of the world and the vastness of the universe all revolved around him and were born because of it.

In Kunpeng's pair of eyes, there are endless years that are passing away.

Looking back again, the sun and the moon in Kunpeng's pupils are sinking, the stars are falling, the galaxy is collapsing, the heaven and the earth are reopening, and the chaos is collapsing, which is incomparable.

He is enlightened, enlightened.

This is an ancient adventure, but unfortunately Shi Yuan does not realize that he is still in the epiphany and is practicing.

Shi Hao was also quietly observing without disturbing him.

I don't know when, the Kunpeng runes have condensed a picture scroll, with runes wandering on it, as if in the cosmos, majestic.

These runes in the picture scroll are all transformed into Kunpeng's true spirit. It is Kunpeng who is traveling in the universe and comprehending the avenues of heaven and earth.

The pattern formed by Kunpeng's true spirit is lifelike, as if alive, but it has an illusory feeling.

At this time, Shi Yuan seemed to have entered the cosmic space. He was standing in a vast ocean, and Kunpeng was flying one after another.

Kunpeng's wings fluttered, setting off a vast storm, blowing the ocean, and the islands were submerged and turned into ruins.

The picture was shocking and terrifying.

At this moment, Kunpeng seemed to be alive, soaring and wanting to soar in the entire sea of ​​stars.


Suddenly, Shi Yuan's heart beat violently, and the picture scroll shook, exuding terrifying power, as if to shred him.

Shi Yuan's face changed suddenly, and he felt as if he was in front of Kunpeng's eyes, stared at by those incomparably terrifying eyes.

This is an inexplicable sense of danger, which makes people palpitate.


At this time, I saw that Shi Yuan began to evolve the Kunpeng method.

Shi Yuan felt that he had also become a huge Kunpeng, soaring between the universe, competing with the infinite stars, and integrating with the vast universe, showing infinite domineering.

At this moment, Shi Yuan's body began to swell, reaching a height of [-] zhang, just like a huge and unparalleled god, standing in the sky, looking at the eight wastes.

His skin was covered with scales, and the blue veins stood out like a horned dragon, exuding immeasurable divine light.

On his head, golden feathers grew, like a divine sword.

His whole body exuded a terrifying aura, like a mountain of gods standing, majestic and majestic, shocking and difficult to resist.

This is the Kunpeng Treasure Technique, a supreme magical power, presented in front of Shi Yuan's eyes, and he is comprehending it.

(End of this chapter)

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