In the beginning, Brother Huangtiandi, I got full-level comprehension

Chapter 261 The Epiphany of Kunpeng's Treasure Technique!

Chapter 261 The Epiphany of Kunpeng's Treasure Technique!

Shi Yuan felt this Kunpeng Treasure Technique, and his continuous practice, the slow infuriating energy, was continuously condensed in Shi Yuan's body.

With the deepening of Shi Yuan's practice, the scales on his body gradually disappeared, revealing a layer of golden skin, crystal clear, as if cast from gold.

Such skin, crystal clear, exudes an incomparably bright light, exudes a sacred brilliance, and makes people want to kneel and worship.

At the same time, his breath is getting stronger and stronger, because he is transforming, he is evolving and transforming.

He found that the Kunpeng method was very complicated, requiring countless runes to be connected together, and a special means to mobilize those runes, all of which would mutate and form different patterns.

These patterns have a terrifying aura, as if they are interpreting the traces of the avenue.

Shi Yuan felt that this Kunpeng method was terrifying.

His physical body is very strong, but he also feels that his physical body is not the strongest, and this Kunpeng Treasure Technique is even more terrifying.

He is comprehending the Kunpeng rune, this treasure is too heaven-defying, it can not only absorb the essence of the sun and the moon and turn it into its own source, but also absorb the power of the stars and turn it into a supreme method that can devour everything.

This Kunpeng rune also appeared in Shi Hao's mind. He felt that this should be Kunpeng's rune, and he was comprehending.

In an instant, Shi Hao's mind fell into an epiphany, and he realized Kunpeng's magical power.

Kunpeng rune, this magical power is too heaven-defying, it is a supreme secret technique that surpasses the ninth-order magical power.

A drop of Kunpeng's blood turned into a picture scroll. On this drawing, the shape of the Kunpeng rune was painted.

This Kunpeng is like a huge Kunpeng, with a huge body, soaring in the void, swallowing the sun and moon energy.

At this time, both brothers have entered into meditation, and both of them are practicing the Kunpeng method.

On Shi Hao and Kunpeng, a terrifying wave spread, causing the nearby mountains to crack, the earth to crack, and the sea to pour back.

Their breaths are more terrifying than the other.

Kunpeng, that is the legendary beast, is an invincible existence, their breath can make all things tremble.

Both entered a state of epiphany.

at this time.

Outside, those Venerables are still fighting.

Everyone is vying for the treasure left by Kunpeng.

And on the altar, the battle has also heated up. It is really tragic here.

For the sake of the supreme method, even the Venerable put down his body and worked hard here. Even if he was suppressed, he fought bravely and fought continuously.

On this battlefield, there were screams from time to time, and some Venerables were killed.

Their bodies exploded, their bones shattered, and blood spurted out. Under the altar, some Venerables were blown up and turned into a cloud of blood, which was snatched away by those Venerables.

"Puff puff"

The venerables on the altar are fighting, everyone is crazy, fighting, fighting for Kunpeng's treasures, everyone is fighting for their lives, fighting for the treasures left by Kunpeng.

"Kill! Kill! There must be Kunpeng's treasured bones here!" A group of venerables, all attracted by the Kunpeng bones in this area, madly charged in the direction of the Kunpeng bones.

This area is full of terrifying killing energy, the sounds of various magical powers colliding are echoing, and various powerful forces are constantly intertwined, colliding, colliding, and fighting fiercely.


A big man was sprinting, his neck was bitten by a fish, blood was sprayed, his face was full of anger, and he was unwilling to lose here.


This Venerable roared again and again, his eyes were almost red in anger, and he looked mad with hatred.


Suddenly, the big man screamed, his body exploded, turning into a cloud of blood, and a blood hole appeared in his chest.


The Venerable is dead.

A black fish cut a hole in his chest, and blood spewed out and sprayed, evaporating the magma around him.

"What a ruthless fish, he actually tore his flesh to pieces."

"Yeah, so vicious!"

Some Venerables were surprised. This black fish looked very much like a Kunpeng, but it was different. Its body was too big, too huge, like a small island.


Another Venerable, here, was bitten by a fish and turned into a pool of blood.

This fish, after devouring the body of this venerable man, rushed towards another venerable man again, biting the venerable man to pieces.

On the altar, the blood flowed into rivers, and the strong men of all ethnic groups competed for hegemony and snatch Kunpeng's treasured bones.

The masters on the altar fought to kill, and the army fought under the altar. The entire cave dwelling was slaughtered, and there were shouts of slaughter everywhere, and it was completely boiling.

Many people's bodies are stained with endless blood, which is formed by the coagulation of other people's blood. These people are almost all dead.

On the altar, there are many people who are desperately fighting, desperate, they are fighting fiercely.

On the altar, there is an area, blood and flesh are blurred, corpses are scattered everywhere, there are big pits everywhere, and the mutilated corpses are lying on the ground, all of them have been killed, and the dead can no longer die.

This battle lasted for several days, and the battle continued. It was shot from the giant hall, rushed into other stone chambers, and then killed from the bottom of the sea to the surface of the sea. It was chaos.

This is a blood-stained devil land, and the various clans do not know how many corpses have been thrown away.

I don't know how many souls have perished.

And, it continues to spread.

Finally, the Venerable found that Kunpeng's treasured bones were here, and rushed to this area desperately, breaking the peace of this area, and one creature after another suffered, all of them were shattered. The flesh was turned into blood. rain.

Don't know how long it took.

Shi Yuan, who was sitting in the magic cave, suddenly opened his eyes.

At this moment, his body glowed, and his skin was crystal clear, like a glass carved from jade, exuding a holy light.

He was bathed in this holy light, which made the magic cave become warm.

A terrifying aura was erupting, a huge Kunpeng manifested, its wings spread out, it was a hundred meters long, and it spread its wings and flew high here, shaking the mountains and rivers, and a vast power was released from its body. .


This Kunpeng roared up to the sky, deafening, the whole world seemed to be shattered by his roar, some mountains were collapsing, rivers were submerged, some trees were blown up and down, and even some mountains were going backwards.

A Kunpeng is spreading its wings, flying here, roaring, and venting its inner unease.

[Ding, the host observes the Kunpeng rune and realizes the Kunpeng treasure art! 】

Suddenly, a voice rang out.

Shi Yuan smiled and said, "Kunpeng Treasure Technique, I have learned it!"

At this time, he looked at Shi Hao, and saw that Xiao Budian had also fallen into a state of epiphany. Shi Yuan did not disturb him, but continued to practice.

And this time, Shi Yuan is about to hit the next realm.

Moving blood, cave, transforming spirits, inscriptions, arrays, venerable.
The next realm is the inscription realm.

(End of this chapter)

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