Chapter 262 Invincible Spiritual Body!

Shi Yuan has long been at the peak of the Spirit Transformation Realm, and he has not broken through it before because Shi Yuan is going to snatch the Kunpeng Treasure Technique here.

But now, Shi Yuan has obtained the Kunpeng Treasure Technique, so Shi Yuan is not ready to suppress his cultivation.


At this moment, Shi Yuan's cultivation began to skyrocket.

All the essence of Shi Yuan, constantly gathered, impacting the realm of the inscription.

All the essence of Shi Yuan, the constant terrifying fluctuations, emanated from Shi Yuan. Wherever he passed, it was a mess, and the void was shattered.


Finally, Shi Yuan broke through to the realm of inscriptions.

"Boom boom boom!"

Suddenly, the sky shook and the wind and clouds changed color.

Thunder rolled in the sky, and a terrifying aura erupted.

The realm of inscriptions is to inscribe a rune by oneself, arrange an inscription in one's body, and then fuse the inscription into one's own flesh and blood.

This process is very difficult. It needs to consume a lot of essence and life. Moreover, the higher the level of the inscription, the greater the pain to bear. If you are not careful, you will be in danger of falling. This The process is also the most painful and the most dangerous.

In the way of inscriptions, in addition to the cultivators themselves, they are maintained by these runes. The stronger the inscriptions, the greater the benefits to the cultivators.

Therefore, the more advanced the inscription, the more difficult it is.


A terrifying energy erupted from Shi Yuan's body, and these energies circulated continuously in his body, forming lines one after another, flashing with dazzling brilliance and looking beautiful.

Shi Yuan ran the original true solution, and then through the original true solution and his full-level comprehension, he began to inscribe his own rune in his body.

"click, click, click, click"

One after another runes emerged from his body, then circled around him, wandering in the void.

These runes are the size of a fist and half a meter long, totaling 81 pieces.

Under Shi Yuan's control, they rushed forward together, and then merged into the flesh and blood around his body.


There were roars coming from Shi Yuan's body. There were 81 kinds of runes in his blood, which were surging crazily and continuously penetrated into the flesh and blood of his body.


At this time, a deep voice came from Shi Yuan's body.

"Boom boom boom!"

At this time, all 81 kinds of runes in the blood exploded, exploded in Shi Yuan's body, and turned into pieces of brilliance, and these brilliance gathered into sword qi.




The rays of light splashed out, piercing the hard rocks of the magic cave, and cracks appeared.

"it is good!"

Shi Yuan shouted loudly, and the brilliance on his body became more dazzling, as if divine flames were burning, surrounding his body.


At this moment, Shi Yuan's breath became even more terrifying.

This is the inscription realm, with the power of the inscription realm!
At this time, Shi Yuan looked at Shi Hao.

Shi Hao was still comprehending the Kunpeng method.

Shi Hao's comprehension is not as good as his own, so it will take a long time to complete his epiphany.

Shi Yuan is not going to go out, because in that case, he is afraid that people will be introduced into this magic cave.

However, Shi Yuan thought of a point.

He wanted to try his spiritual body.

None of those Venerables can enter here, they can only enter by suppressing their spiritual body in the spirit-transforming realm.

Therefore, Shi Yuan is ready to test the power of his spiritual body.

Shi Yuan immediately released his spiritual body, and the spiritual body instantly passed through the magic cave and flew out of the outside world.

Shi Yuan flew out.

Everyone immediately discovered Shi Yuan.

"That is!!"

"Ling Yuan!"

"Ling Yuan came out, and he didn't die!"

"Kunpeng Treasure Bones, on his body!"

Immediately, I saw countless venerables who immediately killed Shi Yuan.

Shi Yuan stood there calmly, his robes rattled. In front of him, countless sages came to kill him, wanting to take away the Kunpeng treasure bone on Shi Yuan's body.

Shi Yuan snorted coldly, and the inscriptions on his body erupted with bright rays of light, turning into pieces of runes and spreading out around them. These runes exude an astonishing breath. These runes seem to belong to Shi Yuan. The arm is general, and it can be easily slashed by waving it at will.

"Bang bang bang!"

These Venerables were knocked out one by one.

"He is not a real person, but a spiritual body!"

"how is this possible?"

"How can the spiritual body be so powerful?"

At this moment, everyone was shocked.

Shi Yuan stood in the sky and said coldly: "As long as you have thousands of ways, I am invincible in this world! I am Ling Yuan, who is of the same rank, who dares to fight!"

After Shi Yuan finished speaking, he instantly killed him.


Shi Yuan's fist swung out, turned into an endless golden fist, and smashed forward. Wherever he went, everything was destroyed.

"Pfft! Pfft!"

One by one, the Venerables were blown up, turned into slag, and sprinkled on the ground. The scene was extremely magnificent, and blood was flying.


At this time, there was a Venerable who vomited blood and was knocked out.

"This Shi Yuan is so terrifying!"

"Killing a Venerable with one punch is too terrifying!"

"This is the real peerless genius!"

The eyes of everyone looking at Shi Yuan were full of shock. This Shi Yuan's strength was terrifying.

"If this son is not eliminated, it will be a disaster after all. Let's take action together and kill him!"

An old man spoke up.

These Venerables nodded and agreed one by one, and then rushed towards Shi Yuan.

For a time, this group of venerables sacrificed their treasures and killed Shi Yuan.


This time, the group of venerables showed no mercy and kept attacking Shi Yuan with one move after another.

At this time, I saw Shi Yuan looking at the group of venerables, and suddenly evolved the Kunpeng Treasure Technique, and I saw Shi Yuan's body instantly transformed into an incomparably huge Kunpeng.

This Kunpeng is a thousand feet tall, and the aura emanating from his body is even more terrifying.

At this moment, the entire sky was covered, and no one could see Shi Yuan.

Shi Yuan's body is like a star, blooming with dazzling brilliance. This star is constantly trembling, and each rune flashes with a faint luster.

These luster are like the runes in Shi Yuan's body, and the runes at this time are constantly beating.

In that sky, Shi Yuan was like an incomparably huge Kunpeng, looking down at everyone.


"He actually mastered the Kunpeng Treasure Technique!"

Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes widened.

"how can that be?"

"Kunpeng Treasure Technique, how could this kid get it?"

At this moment, on the entire North Sea, countless people were mourning.

(End of this chapter)

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