"Is there no major disaster for you? Someone still wants revenge, and now this is an introduction to a magical medicine. If you want it, you can exchange it for a treasure." Shi Hao refused directly.

At this moment, there was a commotion in the distance. Ferocious beasts roared and chariots rumbled. They came from the sky and landed from the sky.

"Come on, this is the prince's chariot!"

"That's... Shi Ziteng!"


Everyone exclaimed, and the Qinglin Garden was boiling.Although there was a hunch, but when the strong man actually came, people were still shocked. Obviously, this was a teacher who asked for guilt.

The chariot stopped, and a few people stepped out of the car and stepped on the grass, all of them sullen.

Shi Ziteng, a legendary figure, worshipped in the Devil's Lake. In the past, it was very mysterious and few people knew it, but now it has been confirmed.

For so many years, although he has been very low-key, as long as he makes a move, the enemy will not survive. There are many big people who have provoked him, but now they have all become dead.

At this time, he came in person, it must be a big storm.

Shi Zi's hair is shining, his skin is as white as jade, he is extremely stable, his eyes are peaceful, he looks only 27 or [-] years old, and he is not angry.

At this moment, all the voices disappeared, and it became silent in an instant. He seemed to be naturally one with the world and merged into one, and the whole person had a terrifying rhyme.

Everyone trembled!

"You killed the disciples of Demon Lake?" Shi Ziteng said.

Behind him, there are several people ranging from their twenties to their forties, all of them are extraordinary, with strong breaths flowing, their eyes are sharp and compelling, and they look together.

Shi Hao raised his head and looked forward. In terms of blood relationship, he should call this person uncle, but now he doesn't feel any kind of affection. On the contrary, he feels very cold in his heart.

"It's me." Shi Hao responded calmly.

Everyone seems to have a premonition that a storm is coming!
Shi Hao didn't hide anything, he admitted frankly, it was impossible to hide this matter, even if he didn't say it, with the power of the Shi Kingdom Palace, he would definitely find out.

"How bold!" an old man shouted, staring at him.

"Hmph, no matter who you are, you have caused a terrible disaster and actually killed the children of Moling Lake. This is a capital crime!" said another middle-aged man.

These people are of noble status, they are all descendants of princes and nobles, their origins are scary, and they carry a sense of dignity, but Shi Hao has no fear.

"Kill, kill, who can get me?" Shi Hao said indifferently.

As soon as this sentence came out, the whole audience was shocked. This young man was so arrogant that he didn't even care about anyone.

"court death!"

Shi Hao's attitude angered that group of people.

Shi Ziteng appeared and rushed here in person, while Shi Hao resolutely rejected his request, the scene suddenly cooled down, and the atmosphere was extremely tense.

"It's really a talented person from the country." Shi Ziteng said, no mood swings, still very calm.

He is empty and almost dusty, his black hair is scattered, his skin is snow-white and crystal clear. forget.

Shi Hao's expression was as calm as before, just stared at him like this, if he could capture him, the real Primordial Demon Spider would appear.

"Young man, you are very good. I'm very curious, who is your teacher's sect. Tell me, maybe we have a great relationship." Shi Ziteng finally spoke again, stopping the people who were about to get angry.

"I'm from the Supreme Palace." Shi Hao said, reporting his family.

Everyone was moved when they heard the words.This name is amazing, but it seems... I haven't heard of it, at least these human geniuses don't know it.

There are many pure-blooded creatures on the scene, and they are all suspicious.Never heard of it, is there such a place?

Shi Ziteng smiled and said, "It's a very domineering name. But pardon my ignorance, I don't have any impression."

"I've heard of it." Fairy Tianhu came lightly, with a concave and convex figure, her appearance fascinated all beings, her snow-white body, and agile eyes made people tremble.

"There will only be one disciple in each generation of the Supreme Palace, and whoever appears, is the Supreme, and they are not in this domain." The witch said.

"I see, no wonder I haven't heard of it." Shi Ziteng nodded.

Shi Yuan looked at Shi Hao. Although Shi Hao fabricated this Supreme Palace, Shi Yuan naturally knew that this Supreme Palace existed.

"In the first battle of the ancient times, the last man in the Supreme Palace was killed in the battle against the gods and demons. Since then, the Supreme has never walked out again. It's endless years apart, which makes people sigh." Fairy Yuechan sighed softly.

"Actually, I came to the Imperial Capital to fight your Yi'er." This time, Shi Hao spoke directly, instead of using his divine sense to transmit his voice, "Are you worried? You want to get rid of me in advance?"

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar here.

Who is Shi Yi, a genius who is famous for moving the stone country, there are too many legends about him.Born with heavy pupils, the appearance of an ancient god, who does not know.

This young man actually came for Shi Yi, which shocked people.There were many ups and downs in my heart, and many associations occurred.

"Just because of you, do you want to challenge Shi Yi?" A middle-aged man said indifferently, with a sense of sarcasm.

"That's right, Shi Yi is not someone like you who can challenge casually!"

Another old man also agreed.

"You can't do it, the gap is too big. In his eyes, a monk like you is like an ant." A young man said.

These three are really arrogant.But Shi Hao was not afraid.Said: "You are so powerful, why don't you dare to fight?"

"I don't need a challenge!" someone said.

"You are wrong. I want to learn from you and speak with my fists!" Shi Hao said, his goal was Shi Ziteng, this is a whetstone on the road to the peak, not to be missed.

Shi Ziteng was startled.This tone was so presumptuous, it made him frown, this young man really didn't put him in his eyes, and a flame rose in his heart.

"You want to fight for death!" A middle-aged man was about to take action, his face sinking like water.

"Come here if you want to die." Shi Hao's words were even more aggressive, causing Princess Sixteen, Eldest Miss Lei Clan, and others to be stunned. This guy is too fierce.

"Whoever comes can't save you!" The man opposite sneered and strode forward.

Fairy Tianhu smiled and said at this time, "What if I cut Heaven to teach?" Her voice was very pleasant, like the sounds of nature, and people were incomparably sweet, with the appearance of turning all living beings upside down.

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was discolored, and several people in Wu Wangfu became even more unnatural. With their identities, they naturally knew that this witch's origin was terrifying, and she was born in a high school outside the realm.

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