In the beginning, Brother Huangtiandi, I got full-level comprehension

Chapter 283 The Cause of Chaos in the Wasteland!

For the first time, this inheritance appeared in the ears of these geniuses, which shocked their hearts.

Shi Hao sighed in his heart and complained a little. The witch seemed to want to protect him, but he really didn't need it right now. I hope things will get bigger and bigger. It's better to alarm the ancient demon spider.

He naturally understands Fairy Tianhu's intentions. This is a naked win. If he targets Wu Wangfu or even Moling Lake like this, can he not return it in the future?

Moreover, it was mostly the face of his elder brother Shi Yuan that made the witch protect him like this.

Wuwangfu is not a problem, but Devilling Lake is a place as terrifying as Primordial Divine Mountain, and there may be devils inhabiting them. This way of targeting them is enough to show the sincerity of the witch, and it also shows the unparalleled power of the Heavenly Sect!

Shi Yuan looked at the witch and nodded slightly.

This can also be regarded as the witch befriends them.

At this time, Fairy Yuechan came, her beauty was beyond the world and beyond vulgarity, she was not stained with a bit of red dust, her white clothes were like snow, she was detached from the world, and always so unattainable.

"Senior, when will Linglang return, this time the emperor's birthday, will he return to the imperial capital?" She said this, causing people to pay special attention.

Fairy Yuechan was as clear as flowers, trees and snow. This question shocked everyone. Everyone knew who Shi Yi was, and they knew how terrifying his potential was.

The Jietian Sect represented by the witch chose the mysterious young man, obviously to protect him from harm.

And Fairy Yuechan is going to choose Shi Yi, the heavy pupil, what is the name of the supreme teacher behind her who is going to confront her here.

Shi Ziteng smiled when he heard the words, although he was middle-aged, he still had that kind of heroic spirit, more like a young handsome man, and said, "Yi'er may come back."

Everyone was shocked, Shi Yi really wanted to come back and the Imperial Capital was really lively.

Fairy Yuechan smiled slightly, nodded her head, and then said, "How about today's incident, I have witnessed the conflict just now, and the people of Moling Lake are indeed wronged."

People were amazed that she seemed to be extending an olive branch just now, talking to Shi Ziteng, and choosing Shi Yi on purpose, but now she said such words again, who is she going to help?

Shi Ziteng looked calm and did not express his position immediately, but if he retreated like this, it would be too shameless, and even his nephew could not be rescued, how would he be viewed by others?

"Fairy, that's from Moling Lake, isn't this too hasty?" A middle-aged man next to Shi Ziteng asked, questioning.

"Is the Demon Lake amazing? That's because of your thoughts, enshrining them, willing to serve as servants, and discarding your dignity." Shi Hao said, showing no mercy at all.

"You are too arrogant!" The middle-aged man said coldly, his killing intent undisguised.

"If you want to fight, you can fight, I'm not afraid!" Shi Hao said coldly.

Shi Ziteng looked at Shi Hao, although he wanted to take action to suppress it, but due to the prestige of Jie Tianjiao, he had no choice but to give up.

"Let's go!" Shi Ziteng ordered.

Everyone nodded and left immediately.

Shi Yuan also left with Shi Hao.

Shi Yuan looked at the witch and smiled slightly: "Are you ready to help your husband?"

"Of course, marry a chicken, marry a dog, marry a dog, I won't help you, who should I help?" The witch smiled slightly, but she didn't dislike Shi Yuan.

"I've already followed you, so will you help me in the future?" The witch said with a slight smile.

"Of course I have to help my wife!" Shi Yuan smiled, revealing his white teeth.

The witch smiled sweetly and said nothing.

"Haha..." Shi Yuan laughed loudly, both of them had an unparalleled charisma, and they were both outstanding figures.

"Do you know why the wasteland is in chaos?"

The witch came with a flawless face like an elf and a perfect figure like a devil, and asked Shi Yuan.

"Oh? Why?" Shi Yuan asked back.

Shi Yuan naturally knows, but Shi Hao doesn't know, this kind of thing is better said by outsiders. Speaking from Shi Yuan's mouth is likely to reveal the identity of Shi Yuan's traveler.

"This domain was a cage before endless years, and many murderers were imprisoned." Witch's words are not surprising.

At this moment, Shi Hao couldn't help being stunned, he raised his head suddenly, looked at Fairy Tianhu, staring at her in a daze.

The witch's beauty is peerless, and she turns all living beings upside down. She is indeed a rare beauty in the world. In Shiguo, only Fairy Yuechan can match her.

She looked at her eyes lightly and smiled, "Stupid?"

"No, I'm just surprised." Shi Hao answered truthfully.

"The chaos is related to this." Fairy Tianhu told him directly.

At this moment, the witch looked back at Shi Yuan and said, "Why aren't you surprised? You know?"

Shi Yuan smiled and said: "Even if we know, so what, we can only improve our strength, as for the rest, it is useless to think too much!"

"Hahaha, as expected of the person I value, you are so open-minded!" The witch laughed.

"Of course, the great murderers in the Primordial Era should all be dead, but later, some creatures escaped by themselves, and the descendants of the sins and blood left by those people earlier will always attract the attention of outsiders."

The witch was also frank, and told Shi Hao valuable news while chatting and laughing.

"I think you all seem to care about the wasteland, otherwise you won't come in, what do you want to do?" Shi Hao asked.

"Although this area was once a prison, there are also unusual things. This is the root cause of the chaos. Even the Supreme Sect wants something." After the witch finished speaking, she looked at Shi Yuan.

"I'm looking forward to you. When the time comes, you may become the overlords of the wasteland!" The witch said.

Shi Yuan smiled slightly and said, "Haha. I'm not interested in Overlord, I just want to live, live well!"

"You will definitely!" After leaving this sentence, the witch left.

Humen Inn, located in the prosperous area of ​​the imperial capital, has a garden landscape.A place of luxury.

Shi Hao's residence is a secluded place with a single door and a courtyard. The price is naturally high. There are rockery fountains, small bridges and flowing water, etc., and the layout is very particular.

Thin smoke rose and enveloped the yard, and several array flags glowed, trapping the place.Make it silent here, to the extreme.

"Things that hide their heads and show their tails." Shi Hao was not afraid, standing in the courtyard, staring at the front.

"Young people have some courage. They have extraordinary courage. It's just that people like this usually don't live long, and die because of their recklessness and stupidity!" A middle-aged scribe stepped down from the stone arch bridge and unfolded a folding fan with a snap.It's also dashing.

"The people from Prince Wu's Mansion are still servants of Demon Lake, or are they from other forces?" Shi Hao asked.

"Speak politely." The middle-aged scribe's eyes darkened.He was very quiet under the sapphire blue clothes, but his eyes were a little cold.

"You want to kill me, and you want me to be polite and get cured." Shi Hao's mouth was very stern, and the black metal villain appeared in the sleeve of his robe, and was firmly grasped by him.

"You are so crazy, I admit that your talent is amazing, and it has shocked all parties, but you must understand that not all talents can grow up.

No matter how unusual your identity is, I killed you when you were a teenager and didn't give you a chance to grow up. Everything about you is false! "

The middle-aged cultivator said gloomily, he was very direct and calm, expressing what was in his heart, as if he would take Shi Hao's life and not be afraid of being punished in the future.

He is powerful, and his realm is higher than Shi Hao. He is fearless at this moment. He feels that everything is under control, so he is not in a hurry to make a move, wanting to humiliate this opponent.

"You think you're right, come here if you want to die." Shi Hao stared at him.

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