At this time, the guards of the Rain Clan rushed out and killed Shi Yuan.

"Clang Clang"

A sharp blade squeaked loudly, and the sharp blade flickered coldly as it swept towards Shi Yuan, Ling Lian's murderous aura was overwhelming.

With a "chi" sound, Shi Yuan swung his broken sword and directly cut off several weapons. Then he stretched out a big hand and grabbed the guards violently.


He squeezed hard, and with a click, the bones shattered, and the guards turned into a pile of mud.

Shi Yuan's palm was filled with thunder and lightning, and along with the overflowing lightning, he ran the Thunder Treasure Technique and slapped it down with one palm. Immediately, several Rain Clan guards were hit and turned into coke.

"You actually know the thunder art!"

These Rain Clan guards were all surprised. They thought they were very strong. They didn't expect that they would be damaged in the hands of this young man as soon as they fought.


They were indignant, and this loss made them indignant, but they were also very cautious, knowing that they had encountered a ruthless character.

The broken sword in Shi Yuan's hand exudes fierce power, and it is cut out with one sword.

This sword is too domineering, like a hanging galaxy hanging down, the sword glow is dazzling, shining on this rain palace.


Blood splattered, and these people were all pierced through their chests, fell into a pool of blood, and died.

"Who is this, so powerful!" From the depths of the Yuwangfu, there was an exclamation.

"You dare to trespass into the Yuwang Mansion, you are simply courting death!" A middle-aged man said, his body was full of divine power and his breath was overwhelming.


Shi Yuan made no reservations, and the broken sword that was sacrificed erupted into a blazing brilliance, slashing forward, and a silver-white sword that was a hundred meters long flew forward, slashing forward, as if a real dragon had been resurrected.

"Ah..." The middle-aged man screamed and was cut off in the middle.

"Escape..." The rest of the Rain Clan guards shouted and rushed out, but they were completely killed by Shi Hao.

The place was in complete chaos, a group of guards were fleeing, and everyone in the Rain Clan screamed in surprise.

"Not good!" Someone shouted, because someone saw Shi Hao.


Shi Hao threw a punch, and a splendid glow erupted, like a sun exploding, the rays of light were dazzling, one punch shattered the space, and those people exploded on the spot.

On the street, some monks from the big clan came, and when they heard the words, they all laughed and talked a lot.

"Is it really impossible for the Rain Clan to be suppressed by the Great Demon God, and they are still disturbed by a young man today, what face is there to speak of?"

"Well, that's true. Even if they were able to kill this son, their reputation would be disgraced, and they would be knocked on the door. If you want me to say, they might as well not build this magnificent gatehouse, hehe."

Listening to the voices in the crowd, the expressions of everyone in the Rain Clan became colder, some people fanned the flames, and some people gloated.It's really a mockery for them.

"Kill, no matter who he is, no matter where he comes from, kill me today!" An old man appeared.With a wave of hands, let everyone take action.

There is not much to say now, only to get rid of this young man as soon as possible, otherwise they will be watched by all the people in the imperial capital.A real shame.

Shi Yuan and Shi Hao, like two demon gods, were constantly killing among the Rain Clan.


Shi Yuan shouted loudly.

His eyes were cold.Murderous aura pervaded his body, he took a step forward, cut off his sword and swept across his hand, and with a puff, a person's head was thrown high.

"Ah..." Everyone in the Rain Clan screamed, and several people were beheaded. The corpses were all over the floor, bright red and dazzling.

"What should I do?" Some people are afraid, this young man is too strong, this is the Yuwangfu, and he kills like this.

"Hmph, who are you to break into our Rain Clan, no fighting is allowed here." Someone finally shouted.

With a sound of "hum", Shi Yuan urged Broken Sword, glowing and hot, sword energy surged up, strands of sword energy intertwined, covering the front.

"Boom", those people were all smashed, and the wreckage fell down one by one, and the scene was terrifying.

"What? The big man of the Rain Clan was defeated by this young man, and he was killed and defeated!" Some people were surprised.

This kind of ending was unexpected. It was originally thought to be a big war, but it turned out to be like this, which is dizzying.

"He is..." Someone recognized Shi Yuan.

"They are two brothers, are they Ling Yuan and Xiongzi?" Someone was horrified and recognized Shi Yuan's identity.

Shi Yuan and Shi Hao were extremely violent, and they were instantly killed.

"You are so daring, you dare to attack the Yuwangfu, you are the sons of rebellion, you deserve to die!" An old man from the Rain Clan roared.

"Kill!" Shi Yuan said in a low voice, he ignored it and took Shi Hao to kill.


Shi Hao activated the Thunder Treasure Technique, and the light of thunder was overwhelming, drowning everything.

"Who are you and why do you want to attack the Rain Clan?" An elder of the Rain Clan shouted, and the whole body burst out with black light one after another, resisting the thunder light.

"You guys did things that shouldn't be done!" Shi Hao said indifferently, grabbed him, and brought him over.

"Ah..." The elder exclaimed, he didn't expect the other party to be so powerful that even a powerhouse like him couldn't resist.


Shi Hao moved directly, smashed forward, and smashed a palace into pieces. Smoke and dust were scattered everywhere, and the rubble was churning.

"Stop, you want to go to war with my clan?!" Someone scolded.

There were enough people from the Rain Clan this time, and the strong men appeared one by one, but they were all killed now, and only one old man was left to support them.

"Kill!" Someone shouted loudly, with a mighty stature, throwing out a large net, which was made of Jiaojin, which fell quickly like lightning.

Shi Hao was startled and quickly avoided.But this net is very special. It follows him like a shadow, and it comes quickly and covers his body.

"Binding Immortal Net!"

Someone exclaimed, there was a buzz of discussion on the street, the Rain Clan would actually refine this magic weapon, it would follow the target, and it would not stop until the prey was caught.

When Shi Yuan made a violent effort, the net became prosperous, and the endless runes lit up.Almost shoved into his flesh and began to refine him.

"Hurry up and kill him!" The people of the Rain Clan shouted, and a group of people rushed forward and shot at the same time.

"I'm still looking at what to do, kill him immediately!" shouted a sect boss of the Rain Clan.

At this moment, whether it is a cavalry.Or other powerhouses rushed forward at the same time, all kinds of runes flying, killing Shi Hao together.

With a humming sound, Shi Yuan sacrificed a group of sword formations.Immediately, the eight-handed flying swords rolled up a thousand waves, and the cold air was suffocating and cold.Makes pimples on the body.


The iron cavalry rushing in front was slashed by a flying sword, and the man and the beast were divided into two halves, dripping with blood.


The second flying sword slid across, the head of a strong man was chopped off, and the headless corpse fell in a pool of blood.

Such a group of people came together, but the sword array exerted its greatest power, and almost all of them failed to fail. Eight flying swords were more powerful than one sword, so superimposed, their divine power was earth-shattering.

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