The sound of "puff" kept coming, the heads of people in this place kept rolling down, accompanied by the whining of the beasts, and in the blink of an eye, there were corpses left in front of the Yuwangfu gate.

Soon, the ground was full of blood, dozens of heads, and the bodies of the strong were one after another. This scene shocked the whole street, and everyone was hairy.

This is still a young man, the rain clan's powerhouse could not stop it, and chopped up a group of people like cutting vegetables.

Shi Hao strode inward, the startled group of Rain Clan changed color and kept going backwards, as if they were facing a demon king, they were all terrified.

"Array!" an old man shouted.

An array of flags appeared, and there was a sound of hunting. This time, Shi Hao didn't dare to be careless. He had long since merged with the indestructible golden body, and his whole body was flickering with black light, which was extremely dazzling.

The symbols are in pieces, the flags are roaring, and the flags are constantly enlarged, as if they are towering into the clouds, misty haze, lightning and thunder.

Unfortunately, he still couldn't stop it. Shi Hao slammed his palm out, the black light flourished, pieces of runes were shattered, and a dozen banners were broken. He shattered the great formation and broke into the mansion.

"Where to go, give it to me!"

Several old men appeared, one of them held a pagoda in his hand, and shook his hand and threw it into the sky. The tower was enlarged, and Shi Hao was actually taken in, and a radiant light circulated.

"Okay, refine him!" Several old men shouted.

The entire pagoda glowed, and streaks of divine glow fell down, like firelight, and began to burn. The entire pagoda was shaking, and Shi Hao was about to be refined to death.

However, in just a few moments, the tower shook violently, and it swelled. Finally, it exploded with a bang. Many people screamed. Those fragments penetrated many Rain Clan cultivators and suffered heavy losses.

Shi Hao's body was covered in black light, and he rushed out like a demon god, unafraid of them, and rushed forward. A group of people blocked it, but it was difficult to contend with it. They were all coughed up blood by the shock, and some people exploded.


Shi Hao made another move, and the vast courtyard in front was destroyed and collapsed.

"Sure enough, the Yuwangfu is about to be demolished again!"

"The Yuwang Mansion has always been strong, but it was killed twice in a row, and even the mansion was demolished.

Outside, I don't know how many people were watching. Some people sneered and some sighed, making everyone in the Rain Clan shocked and angry.

Shi Hao slaughtered in front of him, and wherever he went, no one was his opponent, crushing him all the way, no one could stop him.

"Pfft", "Boom"...

The blood spattered, Shi Hao started killing, stepping on a middle-aged man's head, shattering it, blood dripping all over the ground, his eyes were terrifying, and he stared at the other man.

"You dare, I am the elder of the Yu Clan. If you kill me, you will not be able to escape!"

With a "click", Shi Hao squeezed his skull with all his strength, killing a generation of sky-reaching powerhouses.

In the distance, people's hearts trembled. The two brothers were extremely fierce. They were simply two tigers.


"Rain Dao Jiuzhongtian!" These people shouted, everyone glowed, the runes were endless, and the water flowers were one after another.Torrential rain.

There was a big earthquake, and the water waves were soaring.Those collapsed palaces were flooded and the rubble disappeared.

Yudao Jiuzhongtian is a large-scale magical power.It is difficult for one person to perform it, and it requires many people to join forces to promote it. The power is amazing and amazing!
In particular, there is a legend that the last blow of Yudao Jiuzhongtian is a forbidden supernatural power, involving the gods!

The curtain of light was dazzling, and a huge lotus blossomed, both defensive and offensive, shrouding the Rain Clan people. When the petals opened, there was a new force that burst open the sky and impacted Shi Hao.

This is the power of water, very vast!

At this time, I saw Shi Yuan flying up, the long sword in his hand exuding black light.

"Black Water Swordsmanship!"

A river rushes across the void, covering this area, as if the real river water is coming, and the water vapor fills up and covers it.

With a soft sound of "锵", the black river water turned into a sharp sword, pierced through the sky, and smashed into the lotus flower, causing terrifying waves to erupt.

"Ah..." The shrill scream came from the mouth of an old man, and the place was blurred, with blood splashing.


On the other side, Shi Hao blasted out his left fist, his fist was surging, and a punch mark pierced the chest of another elder.

His speed was extremely fast, he rushed over in a flash, waved his arms, bowed left and right, clicked, slapped three times in a row, smashed the two Heaven-reaching Realm powerhouses into pieces, completely shattered, and the primordial spirit never escaped.


There were screams and exclamations, and many people screamed and ran out.

Shi Hao started a killing spree, blood overflowing everywhere he went, and he bathed in bright red blood, like a wild and ancient beast traveling, no one could stop him.

"Is this the lineage of the Rain Clan? It's vulnerable!"

Shi Hao sneered, he took a step forward, appeared directly in front of another strong man, then lifted his leg and kicked, the strong man flew out and broke a wall.


He fell from the air, cracked and bloody.


A group of people rushed over, all kinds of secret techniques were sacrificed, and they wanted to encircle and suppress Shi Hao, and the place became a mess.


Shi Hao shot, a punch slammed out, an old man howled miserably, his eyebrows exploded, and his body and spirit were destroyed.

His speed was too fast, and the Rain Clan people present couldn't escape at all.

Shi Hao was like a peerless god of war, opening and closing, raising his hands and feet, punching violently, disintegrating the flesh of many cultivators, breaking bones, and flying out.

He is murderous, this is a kind of tyrannical, invincible, no one can stop him.

At this moment, the people of the Rain Clan immediately sacrificed the Rain God's decree.

At this time, I saw a terrifying phantom that suddenly manifested in the air.

It was a figure emerging from the golden vortex, full of void, amazing!
If the gods and demons reappear, they will manifest in this world!

Although the flowers were half withered and turned into wisps of rain and mist, the mist that spewed out from the heart of the flower was even more fiery and more terrifying. Is that the thin smoke formed by the galaxy?

There were stars spinning, the sun and the moon flickering, and it was extremely strange. What shocked Shi Hao the most was that a faint figure appeared, sitting there, surrounded by mist and stars.

"Heaven is pitiful, the Rain God is not dead, he is really alive!" Everyone in the Rain Clan shouted.

"Hahaha, really alive, the rain god ancestor is still there, maybe separated by endless time and space, but he is still in the world."

The people of the Rain Clan are crazy, crying and screaming, making people hairy, even the whole family is like this!

The Rain God is still alive, this kind of shouting not only made Shi Hao shiver, but also other cultivators watching the battle tremble in their hearts, is this true?

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