The Imperial Capital of the Stone Kingdom.

After Zhongqiang arrived here, they officially stepped into the forbidden area of ​​the Stone Country, and felt a kind of ancient and vicissitudes of life. This is the testimony of the times and the magnificent crystallization in the long river of history.

The former Gedai powerhouse ignited the divine fire and created an ancient country with hundreds of millions of miles of rivers and mountains. After endless years, this magnificent and majestic architectural monument records the various things of that year.

Entering the palace, I saw the flowing water, not only fountains, etc., but also rivers running through the entire palace on both sides of the central avenue. The scenery is very beautiful.

There is more than one Jiaojiao, ranging from tens of meters to hundreds of meters. The thick body, the flickering scales, the dragon whiskers, and the crystal horns make them look very mysterious.

"Is this Jiao?" Shi Hao was surprised.

When they passed through some palaces and a lake, Shi Hao couldn't help but stop and watch.

I saw that there were some precious medicines in the lake, among which there were even a few divine lotuses, blooming with Shen Xi, steaming and radiant, and the rays of light appeared, and the auspicious energy was surging.

"Good thing, I can pick a divine lotus and refine it into a treasure soup." Shi Hao's eyes lit up.

These treasures are too precious. They are all thousands of years old. They are rare treasures. For ordinary warriors, it may take hundreds of years of hard work to pick one.

People are amazed that some creatures seen in the water are too rare. In addition to the dragon and white turtle, they also saw the red lotus, which is bright red and burning like fire.

"This... is too extravagant!" People were startled for a moment.

That red lotus is a famous elixir, but there are so many plants here, which have become an ornamental scenery, making many people drool.

In the air, there was a melodious sound, and some Cailuan flew by, very beautiful, with long feathers and bright wings, hovering above the palace, full of peace.

Everyone's heart is broken, the palace is so magnificent at any time, it is a legacy, but it is willing to live here, which shows the profound and powerful heritage of the Stone Clan.

There are naturally ancient trees in the palace city. They are thousands of years old trees, or even older.

This kind of tree has broken away from the category of ordinary plants. It is a kind of strange wood with unpredictable power.

In the Shiguo Dynasty, this kind of old tree has long been sacrificed into a formation or weapon to protect the imperial capital and prevent enemy attacks.

"Hey, there is a cauldron here. The whole body is black and chaotic mist surrounds it. It seems to be made of some material."

Someone shouted, staring at a tripod, where wisps of chaotic mist hung down, so hazy that it was impossible to see.

"Let's take a look. Maybe it's a magic weapon. Maybe the value is amazing. After all, it's so extraordinary."


The crowd acted, surrounded the past, carefully observed, but found nothing.

They were disappointed that this cauldron was just a lump of iron, covered with rust, and did not pose the slightest threat.

"Is that the Central Heavenly Palace?"

At this time, everyone looked up.

I saw that above the sky, there was an incomparably huge palace, golden and majestic, standing there, emitting a chaotic mist, hazy.

The palace is splendid, with clouds and mists lingering on it, and the auspicious air is transpiring, giving it a fairy-like atmosphere.

It is like a fairy tower, standing on the sky, filled with chaotic energy, which is shocking.

"It's amazing!" Shi Hao whispered.

This ancient temple is majestic and majestic, with a myriad of weather, exuding a wild air, like a god and demon dormant, wanting to overlook the world.

The people of Shiguo, standing in front of the palace gate, are very respectful, kowtow to pay homage, and look excited.

It can be seen that some creatures of different shapes have entered the Heavenly Palace, exuding an astonishing breath, which makes people terrified, such as golden birds that are several meters long, giants that are more than [-] meters high, and so on.

"Are those creatures from the Primordial Divine Mountain?" People were startled, and only those guests could enter the Central Heavenly Palace and sit with the Emperor Shi.

Others can only be in the square outside, which has long been filled with jade tables and chairs, etc. The white mist surges, making it look like a heaven.

This is the place where the royal family of Shiguo invited Zhu Qiang, one after another filled with jade tables filled with delicious food, the aroma wafting.

It is very lively here, a group of young girls shuttle, serving the strong men of various religions, both men and women, with beautiful appearance, peerless elegance, and eye-catching.

The people from Shiguo also came. There were elders and strong men leading a group of juniors, all young and handsome. They came to a banquet and sat down one after another.

Shi Yuan and Shi Hao walked quietly in the imperial capital of the Shi Kingdom, calmly looking at everything in front of them.

The imperial city of Shiguo covers an area of ​​several thousand acres, and the city walls stretch for dozens of miles. There are a total of nine stone pillars, each of which is thousands of feet high.

The nine stone pillars seem to support the entire sky, making people feel heartbroken. They are like heavenly pillars, exuding quaint air and mysterious patterns.

This is the altar of the emperors of the Shiguo Dynasty. It has been passed down for a long time. It can suppress one side and communicate with Kyushu.

In addition, there are frescoes carved on the nine stone pillars, depicting the rise and fall of the stone country.

On this day, the Shiguo Palace was full of people and gathered a large number of strong people, many of which were outstanding disciples of various religions.


A group of blazing light appeared, illuminating half of the sky, and there were auspicious auras in the Shiguo Palace, shrouding it.

Three religions and nine streams, each as a group, discussing on the side.

Shi Yuan took Shi Hao and found a place to sit down, waiting for the Emperor's birthday.

At this moment, at the arch, many people came with a young girl, like a star holding the moon, a head taller than the average woman, wearing a fiery red dress, which outlines the bump.

A beautiful face, a snow-white neck, a plump chest, a slender waist, and a pair of slender legs, this combination shows her perfect figure.

The people in the Shiguo Palace went to greet him, obviously this was the honored guest among the honored guests.

"Princess of the Fire Nation came to congratulate on behalf of the Fire Emperor, and I wish Shi Huang immortality, eternal youth, and a long life equal to the sky." Someone said loudly.

Everyone was surprised that this was another person sent by the Emperor to celebrate his birthday.

Hearing this, Shi Yuan was startled and looked back quickly.

I saw Huo Linger standing slim and walking towards here step by step.

Her skin is crystal clear, her hair is black, her eyebrows are picturesque, and her frown and smile are charming.

"Ling'er!" Shi Yuan greeted immediately.

Huo Linger also immediately saw Shi Yuan and Shi Hao.

"Shi Yuan?"

Seeing Shi Yuan, Huo Ling'er couldn't help but move.

She hadn't picked up Shi Yuan for two years. In the past two years, for some reason, her heart was a little empty.

It made her wonder for a while whether she fell in love with Shi Yuan.

Seeing Shi Yuan now, her heart trembled involuntarily.

She walked towards Shi Yuan step by step, with a graceful figure and graceful curls, her clothes were fluttering as she walked, her skin was better than snow, and her face had a smile on her face, looking extraordinarily sweet and gentle.

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