In the beginning, Brother Huangtiandi, I got full-level comprehension

Chapter 302 The creatures of the ancient sacred mountain!

"Junior sister, I haven't seen you for two years. You are getting more and more beautiful? You are getting bigger and bigger." Shi Yuan said immediately when he saw Huo Ling'er approaching.

"Shi Yuan, you are finally willing to show your face, I thought you were dead." She approached, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, and her eyes were like water.

"I haven't married you yet, how can I die?!" Shi Yuan said immediately.

"You rascal, who wants to marry you!" Huo Linger responded immediately.

Shi Yuan scratched his head, hey hey, he was not embarrassed at all, but Huo Linger's cheeks were slightly red.

Seeing this scene, Shi Hao couldn't help shaking his head, Big Brother Shi Yuan really likes Fatty.

"I'll see you later. I will represent my father to celebrate Shi Huang's birthday." Huo Ling'er said, being led by the people in the palace, she walked forward.

At this time, a small creature in her arms woke up, and with an ooh, quickly jumped onto Shi Hao's body.

"You..." Huo Ling'er was extremely angry. It's been a few years, and the young god hasn't forgotten about that guy. She didn't stop her. She temporarily left the little wolf behind and walked towards the Central Heavenly Palace.

"Not bad, I thought you were a white-eyed wolf just now, and you forgot about me." Shi Hao laughed. After looking at it, he found that this little wolf's size had not changed, but there was an extremely tyrannical fluctuation of divine power in his body. .

Shi Yuan nodded slightly and said: "Go!"

Huo Ling'er nodded and left first.

Shi Yuanhe looked at the little god wolf in Shi Hao's arms, and smiled and teased it.

The little guy is very close to Shi Yuan and Shi Hao.

At this moment, not far away, a group of creatures came over, causing many people to look sideways, all showing surprised expressions. Those people were still young, there were men and women, and they were all very vulgar.

There are more than a dozen people. They have bright feathers, dazzling armor, or beautiful long skirts. The men are handsome, and the women are beautiful and attractive.

"The creatures of the ancient sacred mountain are a group of terrifying young people. If there is no accident, the future wasteland will be dominated by these people." Even a prince took a breath.


"It's him, he's still alive!"

Suddenly, someone recognized Shi Yuan and was extremely surprised.

In the past two years, Shi Yuan's reputation has spread all over the world, especially in the North Plains, where the aliens who killed him were terrified and regarded as one of the most ferocious young supreme.

"It's the murderer. He is still alive and has returned from the Beihai Restricted Area. This is the real murderer."

A group of people talked a lot, all paying attention to Shi Yuan.

"Not only did he not die, but his strength increased rapidly. Looking at his appearance, could it be that he obtained some heaven-defying good fortune in Beihai?"

At this moment, all the creatures from the Primordial Divine Mountain were walking towards Shi Yuan one by one.

Shi Yuan saw a familiar figure from among them.

It was a young girl. She was wearing a purple dress, her skin was crystal clear, her figure was exquisite, her jet-black hair was draped over her shoulders, and she had a kind of aura. There was a sparkle in her eyes, as if there were flames burning.

With purple hair flying, this girl is beautiful and dreamlike. She has a slender and graceful figure, a beautiful appearance, and a graceful temperament of a fairy.


Shi Yuan immediately recognized the girl.

At this time, the group of creatures had already arrived in front of Shi Yuan.

"Wife Yunxi, long time no see?" Shi Yuan looked at Yun Xi and smiled.

There was an uproar around, this person really dared to shout, actually called his wife.

For a moment, many people were shocked.

"Shi Yuan, what nonsense are you talking about, who is your daughter-in-law?!" Yun Xi blushed and stomped her feet.

"You are Ling Yuan?" Those young people looked at Shi Yuan coldly.

"That's right, I am Ling Yuan." Shi Yuan replied.

These people are very strong, with prominent backgrounds and noble blood. During the Primordial Years, their ancestors were called gods and demons, and they were all over the nine heavens and ten places.

The human race is in a weak position, facing the creatures of the ancient sacred mountain, they are like gods, and they have been like this since ancient times.

"Ling Yuan, your two brothers promised to help Shenshan open Kunpeng's Nest, but they ran away alone, what should they be guilty of?"

Shi Yuan smiled slightly and asked coldly, "So, you are here to ask for sin?"

"But if you don't save me first, Yunxi knows about this matter, so why do you accuse me?"


"What are you, why don't you stay cool, don't be an eyesore!" Shi Yuan stared.

A group of children from Shenshan looked at each other silently, while the faces of those scolded teenagers turned green and pale. Isn't this guy too arrogant?Usually they are the ones who scold others, but today it is completely reversed.

"Are you provoking the majesty of my mountain?" a teenager asked with a gloomy face.

"Are you provoking my majesty?" Shi Yuan responded indifferently.

All the living beings glared angrily, this bastard dared to speak like this, they were all very angry, and could not wait to rush forward to teach Shi Yuan a lesson.

"Wife Yunxi, you cheated on me last time and asked me to go to Beihai to eat salted fish for two years, but I didn't get anything, and I almost lost my life. This time you brought someone here, do you want to deal with me?" Shi Yuan asked.

The purple-clothed girl Yun Xi, who had been behind her, frowned when she heard the words, and said, "It has nothing to do with me."

The purple-clothed girl Yun Xi stood aside, like an exquisite piece of art carved from ivory, flawless and beautiful, without speaking.

"Of course, you have to make amends to compensate for my losses." Shi Yuan said with a thick skin.

"What do you want?" Yun Xi asked coldly.

"It doesn't matter, just be my wife!" Shi Yuan said immediately.

"You're dreaming!" Yun Xi was immediately furious, her pretty face flushed, her chest heaving violently, and she gritted her teeth.

Although she was angry, she was still very beautiful, with a graceful figure and fluttering black hair, like an elves carved out of jade. She was beautiful and refined, with a hint of arrogance.

On the other side, the remaining four people looked at Shi Yuan, ranging in age from fourteen to seventeen, and all of them looked cold.

"What, do you guys want to teach me some advice? Why don't you all go together." Shi Yuan squinted and didn't care.

Around, a group of Human Race teenagers clenched their fists and held their breath as if they had been beaten with blood. Shi Yuan spoke in such a tone, which resonated with them and was very excited.

"I'll fight you!" One of the teenagers said coldly.

"Okay, but do you want to sign a contract? For example, if I accidentally kill you, can I take it away and keep it for the barbecue?"

"Too much bullying, let's go and fight over there!" Those teenagers couldn't stand him, this guy's mouth is too cheap and hateful.

Shi Yuan was surprised and said, "On the Emperor's birthday, is there really a place for us to fight?"

"With such an arrangement, it can be regarded as helping the emperor." Someone next to him said that it was a chief guard in the palace. He was very old and very old, and he had already noticed the situation here.

"You are not humanoids, right? In that case, I don't mind roasting you!" Shi Yuan said coldly.

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